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Review Showcase
128 Hours played
TL;DR at the end.

I'm speaking purely through my experience with the game. I am not a reviewer or anything, this is my opinion and you might disagree and probably will. But opinions are opinions, if you enjoy Fallout 76, kudos to you, I love it when people are happy with their time spent on X or Y.
If only Steam had a neutral score. It's what the game deservers.

Is Fallout 76 a good Fallout game? No, far from it. Heck, I would say it's the worse Fallout experience out there. Even after almost 3 years, it's still kind of a mess. Gamebreaking bugs? Not that I have encountered, but lots and lots of other inconveniences, such as: frame drops, server issues, inventory management, clunky combat, missing items, getting out of bounds, player interactions, etc.

Frame drops: What happens when you decide to use a singleplayer-focus engine and force it to handle multiplayer? Fallout 76 happens. This game is terribly optimized, even if you have the recommended requirements expect fps drops in some open world areas, combine that with clunky combat and you have one hell of a combination. Indoors instances are fine for the most part (looking at you daily ops). So if you look at the minimun requirements and believe it will run at 50'ish fps (obviously depending on your specs) you're wrong, it's probably 20-30, be prepared to struggle. If I have to dig into the game files to fix performance issues we are doing something wrong.

Server Issues: Let's see: we have a good engine! Just a terrible choice for multiplayer I hope servers can at least be stable! And yes, for the most part they are. Sometimes enemies tp, sometimes you tp, sometimes it disconnects you just because, sometimes it can rewind your progress (granted it only happened once and it was just minutes of desync, didn't lose anything, just had to do a step on a quest again). It clearly struggles to keep up with everyone.

Inventory Management: I will never understand how there's people out there that defend Bethesda for selling us a better stash. The vanilla stash has a total weight limit of 1200 ibs. Sounds like a lot? It's not, it might look like it at the start and you might go ¨pppfff this wont get full anytime soon¨ ooohhh but it will and when it does. It's hell. Welp, time to scrap/sell weapons/armor if you want to keep the sweet sweet junk with you. Even your character's weight limit is awful, even if you have max Strength, max carry weight perks, lower weight of X item perks. You're still gonna get overencumbered, your inventory will sit at a nice 249/250, just as an example. So it's about collecting junk until the limit, scrap it on your CAMP and repeat, or you would repeat if it weren't because your stash will eventually be full as I mentioned.
Sometimes it even bugs and you become overencumbered when you're clearly not hitting the weight limit. Good luck fast traveling!

Clunky combat: Combat in modern Fallout games has always been a mixed bagged, it's either good or meh at best. And here it's pure meh. Let me elaborate further; it plays like F4 or even F3 but it sure as hell doesn't feel as good. 60% of the guns in this game are just boring, you got your standard pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, gamma guns, laser guns, melee weapons, etc. They all feel plastic'ky, there's no weight, they sound boring. What I'm trying to get to is that they do not distinct from each other. It's just a bad gunplay overrall. What about the other 40%? It's actually really really good! When you start getting the late game guns it's a whole different experience----and that's also an issue. Difficulty in this game is everywhere, it's either hard just because or too easy oneshot everything'ish. And for some people, including me, that's just not engaging after the 12453th time. Weapons have durability, check, ammo management is there, check. While annoying as it is, it's Fallout after all.
Sidenote: There's always a meta, there's always something that's on top of the food chain. And that's fine! But if that means some weapons are just not reliable at all *cough* bows *cough* why have them in the first place? Also give love to laser guns!

Missing items: Honestly what's the point in grinding out gear just for it to have the slightest chance of dissapearing from your inventory forever? Well, I got that slightest chance. I lost legendary armor part of my build and a whole set of PA.
Bethesda wont do anything about it and never will, believe in that, it's been an issue for a long time now. They'll just ignore your ticket and move on, because from their perspective you're a liar going out for free stuff.
Some lucky people just log off and in for it to be fixed, some do and doesn't do anything, can you guess which one I was?

Out of bounds: Okay, this is just a small thing that probably wont affect you but hear me out. As a fellow Vault Dweller Cannibal, it's so annoying eating your victims and *puuf* falling through the ground. It may not happen, but the chance of dying in the middle of nowhere and having to sprint like crazy for your loot is just annoying.

Player Interactions: It's been an issue since launch and will always be an issue because of the game's core concept of an Online Open World Fallout Game. Simply put: Everyone is playing their Fallout adventure at the same time and they sure as hell are the protagonist. ¨But I'm a solo player, I don't care!¨ Then why are you playing an online Fallout game? You might as well go to New Vegas and have one hell of a ride there.
Anyways, the world is just hugeeeeee and also empty. NPCs can't carry the emptiness, they'll just stand there and repeat the same two lines, and when you finally find somebody it usually goes like:
X: *heart*
Y: *heart* *leave*
PVP players are only a 10% of the playerbase and they seen to have a bad time looking to 1v1 somebody else other than Dave level 750 over there. So if you're looking to do that, be prepared to struggle too. Maybe adding a whole PVP dedicated server would fix it, but Bethesda doesn't care about PVP, they did try with Nuclear Winter the Battle Royale mode but we all know how that turned out.
It's not all negatives though, CAMPs are amazing! It's crazy what other people can do with such a limited builder and the best interactions with someone will happen on your or their CAMP. The community is friendly 90% of the time, so don't be afraid to salute a fellow dweller!

But I still like you.
Despite all that, I still like this game, but I cannot defend it at all, on the countrary I will give it all the hard love it needs just to be better. And that's about it, my main issues with F76, there's stuff I didn't talk about like seasons, or the terrible writting or quests in general. I also didn't mention the perk system, which makes the combat way more enjoyable once you get the hang of a build.

Fallout 76, is it better now? Yes, 100%. Does that make it a good game? No, It's mediocre at best, if you have the reference of what a Fallout game has to have then you're probably gonna have lots of issues with it. Newcomers to Fallout in general should be fine but believe me when I say there's a better product out there. This game is the worse first impression you're gonna get of the franchise.
Terrible inventory management, lackluster multiplayer experience, boring gun play, dumb difficulty scaling, performance issues and many others.
Want to buy it? Wait for sale, it's not worth the full price tag, not even those Deluxe editions. And please don't support Fallout First, it's a joke (all though it's your money, don't listen to this crazy girl).
Thank you for stopping by~~
Review Showcase
Spoiler warning if you care.

Wow, simply wow.
I'm sitting here thinking how did this happened? I'm utterly confused and lost in many levels and so, I'll drop my honest thoughts about this whole ordeal. Keep in mind I'm not a reviewer, just a customer with little to no ins and outs for game development. Here we go.

Let me start by saying: no guys, this is not a soulless cash-grab. This wasn't a hate project at all. There is talent here, genuinely impressive at times; the voice acting is excellent, the attention to detail for each Squad member is cute; each have their own very distinct body language, for example, the goofy Boomerang is hardly holding his back straight while the professional Deadshot maintains an imposing posture, crazy Harley's always frenetic and moving incapable of holding still while the enormous King Shark is as slow as a tank. Small details like this are what make me smile.
The characters are the heart and soul of the game, which should come to no surprise.
Each team member rambles left and right with each other and is genuinely funny at times, I was smiling and even laughing on multiple occasions.
The fact that each member has a very distinct way of moving through Metropolis is also very cool, each method plays to the characters personality; Harley's athletic body, Shark's massive mass, Deadshot's tactical positioning and Boomerang's speedster.

Metropolis has it's own life- even if the streets are empty, it still gives good visual story telling; survivor hideouts, dust statues of civilians running to safety, graffiti calling the League out, the big Lex Luthor influence in the markets, the way it's citizens painted the League as gods. It's futuristic architecture; it's bright in full contrast to Gotham; while one is depressing, the other is hopeful.
All that sounds cool huh? You wanna know how much of that you learn in the story? Whoops- nothing. This is due to the game's core movement mechanic; you will see Metropolis flying around and so every rooftop looks the same and tells you absolutely nothing about the city. It will get old. Fast.
I only noticed such details due to taking my time in actually walking and analyzing, which I assure you only 10% of the players will ever do.
One could argue the incentive to explore the city comes from Riddler's Riddles but there's a big problem with that, this riddles are sorta vague and talk about very specific buildings that you 100% missed due to jumping around, so you'll find yourself spamming the Riddle Scam key at every single place like a headless chicken- it is very annoying. Now trophies! They are back! And they are very disappointing, in Arkham games said trophies were placed in very smart places, where locating one was just part 1 of the puzzle. On SSKTJ? trophies feel so randomly placed, they're just sitting there, no challenge to reach them at all. You will stumble a lot of these by mistake on multiple occasions.
And so, map exploration is a mess and will be ignored by most of it's players, meaning it will grow old fast.

I already briefly talked about the main characters but what about the side cast? Well, everything previously stated (voice acting, animations, details etc) still applies-
HOWEVER, the more you play, the more you realized how each character is just dropped around with no context or explanation and then just forgotten to being a Vendor in your HQ.
And I got some good questions hehe...



I am so sorry, but those last are for the writers, you guys weren't smart and creative enough to answer the questions: How does one kill the Man of Steel? The Fastest Man Alive? Etc.
All you did on that drawing board was ''uhhh...idk- magoffin this, magoffin that- GOLDEN KRYPTONITE BULLETS''.
There's no questions asked around the premise ''what if these gods turned against us?''. No creative smart philosophical disputes on the matter.
Honestly, this pissed me off so much.
Read the game's title: Suicide Squad: KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE- part of the reason why I bought this game was to find out in what crazy creative ways could these nobodies kill gods? I did not expect to kill The Flash with a bullet- seriously, I invite you to say that out loud, FLASH GOT KILLED WITH A GUN.
That's just depressing, lazy and creatively bankrupt.
Well okay Gabby, you say, the League dies by guns but at least their powers were put to the fullest in adrenaline rush battles, right?- well dear reader, I gotta tell you something, come here, come closer...OF COURSE NOT!
If you think adrenaline rush is just shooting a tiny little pixel 500kms away or a massive bullet-sponge figure, then yea, that's very exciting. What a complete waste of potential. All these battles are either: Sit around and wait for X to stand still and shoot him or spam bullets to giant dude until he goes down, while also dodging baby's bullet hell.

And the music, oh god the music. YOU'RE KILLING A GOD!!! MAKE IT MEAN SOMETHING PLEASE. Why is it that the boss themes are just some stupid generic 30 second drums loop? It's just sad.

The treatment to these characters isn't any better, I did not need to see Batman, one of my childhood heroes murder a woman or break some guy's neck- it's just there for the wow factor and not even the good kind, it's just the edginess for the sake of being edgy.
Yes, it's the game's premise, they're evil, they're gonna do horrible acts- but come the fck on, at least treat them with respect and dignity they deserve. Superman! The allegory for what humanity needs to strive for! Reduced to nothing but a psychopath who kills one of his best friends without second thought.
It's lazy, it's gross- it's awful.
They will 110% bring back these characters with that BS other dimensions plot but it's little too late- you ruined it.

And the final boss for the vanilla game, Brainiac! This is it, the big bad guy. This is gonna be epic. After grinding every side quest, doing all possible things before the battle. I was so ready to take him on.

I entered his arena, his gaze so glamorous and badass, the excellent voice- sassy, narcissistic and smart. This is it Squad let's- wait what's that? Hold up, what do you mean your body got modified? WHY DID YOU TURNED INTO PURPLE CRYSTAL DIARRHEA FLASH?! WHY THE FCK IS THIS THE SAME BOSS FIGHT AS THE FLASH?!
Yes, they reused the same Flash boss for Brainiac, the same boring-wait-for-him-to-stand-still-Flash.
What a joke. And not to mention, I was so decked out I killed him in under a minute.

Rocksteady you made a Live Service looter shooter okay. Fine. Tell me the loot is good- wait what? It isn't?
This is probably the worse loot pool in any looter-shooter I've ever played, the guns lack personality, I can't for the love of me tell you of a single gun I got. This game is lacking it's Destiny'ish Exotics, big personality guns. Something DIFFERENT and CREATIVE. I need to get excited when something drops! And there's none of that here.

Okay, boring guns but at least the enemies are cool, right? NUH-UH.
There's almost no enemy variety in the whole game; small dude with gun, small fast dude with gun, big dude with cannon, big dude with big arms, tank with purple acne, chopper with purple acne and annoying ass sniper.
1 faction and it's the most boring and lacking in personality ever.

The positives don't outvalue the negatives, they still don't make it worth it.
I could only recommend this with a discount AND when they actually complete the story- which honestly is probably never.
Medic 11 Jul, 2024 @ 10:31pm 
wheres the contract I signed?
Medic 10 Jul, 2024 @ 8:33pm 
i'm yours huh?
Medic 27 Jun, 2024 @ 10:27pm 
it is believable. you just aren't believing
Medic 25 Jun, 2024 @ 6:35pm 
I can smell you
Mothinggg 9 May, 2024 @ 1:16pm 
Holy rizz
Mothinggg 9 May, 2024 @ 9:18am 
Well, I like being flat, makes me even more cute