Saviel the Visually Challenged
Orbis non sufficit   United States
ENTJ | Lawful Neutral | Libra | she/they
Yes, I am actually halfblind

Former owner of a TF2 Strange I sold for $200 after I bought it for 1/10 that price. Also, yes, it's me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the market for A Color Similar to Slate

Feel free to add me; please read my profile box

I used to use this space for a copy of my profile, for mobile users, but now even they can see the custom info box, so I don't really have much to do with it

Anyway, read that info box below here labeled "My profile," please. Not this. This is all just nonsense :spycon:

. . .

. . .

The sky and the Cosmos are one :praisesun:

Mark Hamill is the best Joker. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Israel is an illegitimate state

Toy Story 2 was OK

:starsandstripes: Kilroy was here _m_oUo_m_ :starsandstripes:

People who require a comment on their profile when you add them are pretentious. I like to add them without commenting just to troll :tongue:

"Don't sweat it, 🅱"

Take on me (take on me)
Take me on (take on me)
I'll be gone
In a day or two

This is one of my go-to Karaoke songs. Yes, I can hit the high notes :riverglance:

me_irl :neilfacepalm: []

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

And I saw, from eyes that were not mine.
And I felt, with a fear I could not reason.
They watch us, they invade us.
And keep us happy, committing treason.
To a King we didn't deserve.
To a Son who waits weeping.
That I knew, from knowledge gained while sleeping. :Pentagram:

We fail to realize our own latent potential, until the moment it is lost, and we sense its absence. Ironically, this is the very nature of insight, like the moment one licks one's own blood, only to be startled by its sweetness

Fear not the dark, my friend,
And let the feast begin :flowey:

Вы чувствуете… что-то. Вы полны решимости

Whatever floats your goat :mountgoat:

Umbasa~ :bonfire2:
Currently Offline
~My Profile Box~
"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion" —Sir Francis Bacon

:blind: Some stuff about me :blind:

:mana: Name: Ask me! :pleased: :lovebubble:
:mana: Likes: Learning, cold weather, goats :bored:, Umbasa
:mana: Dislikes: Overheating, loud noises, bigots :maaad:
:mana: Ears are very sensitive from ear infections when I was young, so no earrape, please
:mana: Orientation: Lesbian :lgbt:
:mana: Spiritual Views: Catholic
:mana: Political Views: Communist :starsandstripes: :soviet:
:mana: Hobbies: D&D, video games, music, talking w/ friends, roleplay, writing, photomanipulation, cosplay, fencing, volunteerism, cinema
:mana: Lanaguages: English, français, ASL :tongue:

:blind: Steam Statuses :blind:

**Always feel free to message me!**
:mana: Online: Should respond very quickly
:mana: Away: I'll get back to you ASAP. Usually quite quickly.
:mana: In-Game: Might not see the message right away, but I'll reply as soon as I do
:mana: Snooze: Probably won't respond quickly, but I'll reply when I can
:mana: Offline: If I'm marked as offline, it could mean I just haven't used the Steam app in a while. Don't be discouraged
:mana: Busy: Focusing on something else while on PC. I will respond when it's convenient
:mana: Looking to Play: Self-explanatory
:mana: Looking to trade: Self-explanatory

**You've read the important stuff, so you may stop here if you wish**

:blind: Miscellany :blind:

If I send a message entirely in lower or uppercase, it is meant to be humorous
If I end a final sentence with a period, it is rather serious

░███░░████░░ If you would ever
░█░░█░░█░░█░ like to roleplay,
░████░░████░ just let me know!

:mana: Top games: Undertale :flowey:, Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Bloodborne :praisesun:, TF2 :spycon:, Titanfall | 2, Bioshock
:mana: Top movies: A Beautiful Mind, Big Fish, Dr. Strangelove, Brokeback Mountain, Hot Fuzz, Snatch, Showgirls, The Dark Crystal, Corpse Bride, many Scorsese films, & many others; I am a cinephile
:mana: Top TV shows: I have enjoyed a large variety of shows
:mana: Top animes: I am not a weeb. But I like FLCL, Jojo, & Kill la Kill
:mana: Top music: Varies by mood. I like a large variety, but usually my preference is Alternative rock, classical, or jazz. Or electronic. I like lots of stuff

:blind: Random quotes :blind:

"One lives one's death, one dies one's life" —Jean-Paul Sartre

"I'm actually quite well-balanced. I have a chip on both shoulders." —John Nash

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." —Sam Keen

"Rules cannot remove human nature, after all, only suppress it" —Anonymous

"Pessimism is corrosive. Realism lacks imagination. Optimism, on the other hand, is boundless."
—Bert Jacobs

"Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones. Both walk not the middle road" —proverb


Don't forget.

| Thanks for reading! |
Recent Activity
17.2 hrs on record
last played on 28 Feb
3.3 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
772 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
tomm 13 Feb, 2024 @ 11:53am 
Actually baught my degreaser, and nice guy over all +rep
Saviel the Visually Challenged 9 Dec, 2023 @ 12:56am 
Posted :spycon:
President Parallax 8 Dec, 2023 @ 11:28pm 
post spy pics :spycon:
Elikscer 7 Mar, 2023 @ 1:02am 
+rep adorable person who is very cool
Wanna Sprite Cranberry? 30 Dec, 2022 @ 1:50am 
AlbaSoulja 19 May, 2020 @ 1:42pm 
+rep, very friendly and quick trader:diplomacy: