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Resident Evil 2 REmake (PC) - Leon 1st (Leon A) Hardcore Mode S+ (Part 1)
Review Showcase
39 Hours played
Edit 6/1/23: Updated Franchise Rankings

In the days of AAA developers steering away from single player games, in favor of online multiplayer Destiny clones, one developer listened to their fans and delivered a refreshing take on the classic Playstation game, Resident Evil 2, only 24 months after delivering a refreshing sequel (Resident Evil VII) to a close to dead franchise.

Resident Evil franchise was all but dead. Resident Evil 5
wasn’t really a Resident Evil game (More action than Survival horror). Resident Evil 6
was worse. Resident Evil Revelations 2 was a step in the right direction, but Capcom is starting to really shine and get some momentum with their releases in terms of quality, performance and surprises.

This is the scariest game I’ve ever played period. And the game isn’t filled with dozens of jump scares like Outlast. Resident Evil 2 REmake is legitimately filled with dread, that can probably single handedly be pointed to the re-arrival of Mr X., who stalks you throughout the game, wherever you go. It’s brilliant and it keeps you guessing throughout your playthroughs with Leon and Claire.

Players who have experienced the 1998 original, will be happy to know that although Point A and Point Z might be similar, playing through the game points B, C, D, E, F, G........W, X, Y, are completely different. The puzzles are different. The interaction with NPCs are different. Ada Wong and Sheri are handled differently. And there’s just enough surprises to keep the pacing good and the fear great.

Scariest Games Ranked
HM: P.T.
HM: F.E.A.R.
12. Alien Isolation
11. Condemned 2: Bloodshot
10. Dino Crisis
9. Dead Space
8. Silent Hill
7. Resident Evil 2
6. Condemned: Criminal Origin
5. Amnesia: The Dark Decent
4. Outlast
3. Silent Hill 2
2. Resident Evil
1. Resident Evil 2 (2019)

Resident Evil Franchise Ranked
(After replaying RE4 recently, I’ve downgraded the ranking)

1. Resident Evil 2
2. Resident Evil Director’s Cut
3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
4. Resident Evil Remake
5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
6. Resident Evil 3 Remake
7. Resident Evil 4
8. Resident Evil 7
9. Resident Evil Revelations
10. Resident Evil Zero
11. Resident Evil Village
12. Resident Evil Revelations 2
13. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
14. Resident Evil Dead Aim
15. Resident Evil 5
16. Resident Evil 6

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LAST UPDATED 2/23/2024

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» I am a completionist (or at least try to be)
» My favorite franchise is Resident Evil
» I have played too much Counterstrike: Source
» I hate Call of Duty
» I am ambivalent to Battlefield
» I love Dead Space but hate Dead Space 2 and love Dead Space 3
» I am a stubborn gamer
» I've been gaming with Yankeedeuce the longest, Dopefish is a rare 'complete' gamer and » BillJr2000 is a close personal friend.


Counterstrike 2
The Callisto Protocol
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 4
Vampire Survivors

!Co-op Games

Baldur's Gate 3
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 3
Deep Rock Galactic
Helldivers 2

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23 Hours played
Edit: 11/23/16- Nominated this game for the Steam Awards: Test of Time Award

***I WROTE THIS REVIEW IN 2007... Found it on my HD and reposted it because I felt it still holds up- hope you enjoy it***

Arguably the most anticipated sequel to a video game ever, Half-Life 2 has had fans itching to play it since its proposed development in 1999 after the huge success of its predecessor Half-Life. Over those five years, Valve, had promised amazing advances in videogame features such as in game physics, graphics and enemy and cooperative AI (artificial intelligence). Having played Half-Life 2 multiple times and continue to jump on and play almost two years after its release, I can honestly say it is still the best FPS I have ever played.

You again assume the role as Dr. Gordon Freeman. After having accepted the G-man's proposal to work for him at the end of Half-Life, the introduction to Half-Life 2 has Gordon once again arriving on a train to work to City 17; a city that resembles a rundown poor neighborhood that is well guarded by soldiers known as the Combine. As you walk through the streets and notice the fortress walls and strict enforced laws, you begin to see a few familiar faces such as Barney, the security guard from Half-Life and Half-Life: Blue Shift, Dr. Kleiner and Dr. Mossman. A new character, Alyx is introduced as Mossman’s daughter. Alyx brings Gordon to a secret lab where the Dr. Mossman has been working on a teleportation device that would transfer Gordon to Black Mesa East - another lab a considerable distance outside of City 17. You also receive another familiar item and as well as some comforting familiar music. As you can imagine, something goes wrong during the teleportation process and Gordon is teleported outside of the lab where the Combine discovers him. Gordon must now once again fight his way through enemies to save the planet from the invading army.


It is virtually impossible to create a non-linear FPS single player game. Games need to be scripted and one directional for the player to receive objectives on how to proceed to the next level. It is the brilliant writing and level design in what makes Half-Life 2 give players a sense of freedom. Half-Life 2 continues right where Half-Life left off in terms of gameplay. You continue your story from Gordon's perspective, there are no cut scenes or narration moments that interrupt the game. Levels are still in episode form, allowing short loading times and weapons and health upgrades are not glowing, spinning or floating in mid air, but yet realistically places on tables, cabinets, or mounted on walls.

Instead of inserting a FMV directly into the game, Half-Life 2 uses its own cinematic vision by just creating fully interactive events directly into the game; Missiles launched at a towering smokestack that crumbles at the base and begins to topple over onto a river, Strider's demolish a building or alien monsters crashing through walls and up from the ground. HL2's style of gameplay changes as you progress. For example, Doom 3's gameplay is same: walk cautiously through each hallway in fear of a demon hiding in a shadow or Painkiller's gameplay is run around shooting stuff for all eternity. HL2 actually takes a considerable amount of time for Gordon to actually start blasting away the Combine, and even when you finally receive weapons, you are running through the sewer system trying to keep a low profile. Gordon finally gets help from some fellow rebel soldiers and is given a hovercraft that he uses to travel future outside of City 17 but continuing to solve puzzles to advance over obstacles and Combine controlled checkpoints. Gordon does experience some fierce resistance during his time on the hovercraft, but if successful you will reach a point where Gordon can take a break from fighting. The point: HL2 shadows the timeline of a real movie, starting off slow while rising to a pinnacle fight scenes while every once in a while changing the style of the game to give the player a psychological break. This is a HUGE subliminal feature that causes players to become so attached to the stories in the game, instead of turning into a mindless shooter like so many other games.

Gordon's arsenal of weaponry is similar from the first game. You start off once again with only a crow bar, which is satire in itself as Barney drops the crowbar off the roof of a building claiming "hey Gordon, I think you left something back at Black Mesa." You eventually go through the standard weapon progression, gaining a handgun, machine gun, an advanced Combine assault gun, crossbow- which shoots hot metal rods at enemies allowing you to staple them to the side of walls as their bodies hang limp.

Graphics and Sounds:

We now can now check off 'exciting unique story' on our "What makes an Amazing Game?" list and proceed to the most impressive feature of HL2. If you were keeping track of HL2 since its proposed development, you may remember a demonstration video that outlines what the engine in HL2 is capable of. The demo featured the Source engine and walked through some of the more common elements that would be present in the game: fire looks like fire, water refracts light, wood breaks like wood and the overall life like adjustments of things falling caused by gravity. The demo was just the beginning.

Half-Life 2's level (or chapter) design is so life like (even today), you forget the game is as linear as any other FPS; that there really is only one path to take but the levels fools players into thinking there are hundreds. Wide-open courtyards, rivers, fields really help players sink into the gaming environment. Gordon's journey takes him through the daylight, dusk, night, dawn, underground tunnels, sewers, abandoned houses, coastlines, and the infamous Citadel. There is no other single player game that changes surroundings as much as Half-Life 2. Doom 3 will always be on Mars and F.E.A.R. will always be played at night.

Smaller graphical features are also impressive like the refraction of light through water, the colors of the sky reflecting on top of water, life like facial movements, explosions, it will all make you stop and admire. To coincide with the strong visuals are impressive audio effects. The sharks puncture of gunshots is excepted in most games that contains weapons, but actually simulating the ricochet of guns and bombs is phenomenal. Bombs dropped by helicopters will explode with a sharp explosion and seconds later you will hear the delayed echo of the bomb. The same idea happens over the course of the game and as the scenery changes so does the effects of the sound. Inside canals, sewers or traveling over a river or inside a building and hearing the same explosions is defined as adjusting your home stereo to “hall” or “Cathedral”. If you happen to purchase the complete package through steam, you are sent a copy of the Half-Life 2 soundtrack, which has lived up to its own name from the first game. Usually the game is played in silence, but certain chapters will open with a theme that is appropriate with the environment.


Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is exactly how it sounds. Pick your character and run around several different multiplayer maps killed each other with different weapons that can be found in HL2 the game. What makes the game fun and interesting is you also come equipped with the gravity gun, which you can use to throw couches, and rocks at opposing players.

Pros: life like physics engine, nexgen graphics, multiple multiplayer mods,

Cons: mediocre AI not as impressive as hyped to be, a lot of material cut out of final release

Bottom Line: A MUST play for all gamers. Half-Life 2 continues to impress players as the game progresses showing off its unprecedented physics and graphics engine. This story will hook you in, the graphics will make your eyes water and the overall game will completely blow you away.
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