Queen of the Bins

hello slimes i am a 18 year old female who desperately wanting a young slime baby to slatt with but the only problem is no real thugger wants to get me pregnant as i am not very “traditionally attractive” then i woke up like this with a fantastic idea. who’s the perfect slime to impregnate my young uterus? i realized carti himself would be perfect!! he’s so cute and handsome and has an amazing baby voice which means our child will have a sexy baby voice as well! so my plan is to get help from y’all to get cartis attention so he can donate me some of his semen or i could pay for it (willing to offer $20k) for me to load into my cooter and hopefully give me my own little onyx please help carti notice me bros! i desperately need this. peace and love my fellow slimes stay slatt-y +*

You, me, gas station. What are we getting for dinner? Sushi of course. Uh oh! There was a roofie inside of our gas station sushi. We black out and wake up in a sewer. We're surrounded by fish. Horny fish. You know what that means. Fish orgy! The stench draws in a bear. What do we do? We're gonna fight it. Bear fight? Bear handed? Bear naked? Oh yes please. We befriend the bear after we beat it in a brawl then we ride it into a chuck e cheese. Dance dance revolution. Revolution? Overthrow the government? Uhh I think so. Next think you know I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ. Then I turn into a jet. Fly into the sun. Blackout again. Wake up. Do a bump. White out (which I didn't know you could do). Then I smoked a joint. Greened out. Then I turned into the sun. Uh oh! Looks like the meth is kicking in. Dubehebeuhuhejugehuho hoo AHHH!!!

Woww www, you meow like a cat! That means you are one, right? Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up. If you really want to be put on a leash and treated like a domestic animal then that’s called a fetish, not “quirky” or “cute”. What part of you seriously thinks that any part of acting like a feline establishes a reputation of appreciation? Is it your lack of any defining aspect of personality that urges you to resort to ♥♥♥♥♥♥ representations of cats to create an illusion of meaning in your worthless life? Wearing “cat ears” in the shape of headbands further notes the complete absence of human attribution to your false sense of personality, such as intelligence or charisma in any form or shape. Where do you think this mindset’s gonna lead you? You think you’re funny, random, quirky even? What makes you think that acting like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cat will make a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hyena laugh? I, personally, feel extremely sympathetic towards you as your only escape from the worthless thing you call your existence is to pretend to be an animal. But it’s not a worthy choice to assert this horrifying fact as a dominant trait, mainly because personality traits require an initial personality to lay their foundation on. You’re not worthy of anybody’s time, so go ♥♥♥♥ off, “cat-girl”.

I would love to be your next ♥♥♥ dump. I am open to everything that you have desires for. Everything you want I will fulfill. This little bimbo can only dream of her next filling.
Everything is open to me, abuse, humiliation, and degradation are my personal favorites. There are no limits for this dumb harlot. I am only wanting to serve my master or mistress as they desire. Please let me please your body to the fullest extent. Drag me across the floor or make me beg like a dog for you. Dress me up in clothes two sizes too small for me, show me that I'm not even worth the title of being a human. If I misbehave, make me listen. Slap me, spit on me, or punish me with your creative desires. I am at your will and only to serve.
I only want to be useful and fulfill myself of being my superior's object of pleasure.
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cilantro (coriander) 17 Mar @ 2:40am 
cilantro (coriander)
ventus 11 Mar @ 9:58pm 
Careful with whatchu say 🙏🗣️🗣️🙏 the CØCK is watching 🤞🤞🐔🐔and he ain’t take NO prisoners 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🤫🤫 keep them cheeks TIGHT
Bree 8 Jan @ 12:27am 
living rent free in this mans head
lana del drain 7 Jan @ 5:49pm 
retarded ♥♥♥♥♥♥ furry scared to mge me lol go on coping ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Bree 3 Jan @ 4:30pm 
tpyo 2 Jan @ 10:19pm 
VRChat final boss