
Diamond💎 の最近のレビュー

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72件中 1-10 を表示
I'm not going to go to far in depth here, I still have reviews to do for 2 and 3. Most of what 2 & 3 do right, was building on the core of what works here. I should also say that these servers are either not working or dead as hell because the server list will not update. Bots are a mess too and follow you around like puppy dogs instead of contributing to fighting the hordes. Unless you're feeling nostalgic, skip this game and go to 2. Surprising amount of content (at the time) considering it's closest inspiration was the Left 4 Dead series. All in all, not much to say here. Don't buy this game at full price, you can buy Payday 2 for cheaper.

4/10, again mostly because it's unplayable otherwise it could even be an 8 with some TLC from the devs. But we all know how that story turned out.
投稿日 3月3日.
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Reccetear but without the charm, fun, voice-lines, items, logic and gameplay curve. This just feels like those western movie studios that take a foreign IP, slap some popular actor on it and re-release it thinking the most lazily made mimic will just make the movie a hit. I've tried so hard to like this game but it just keeps hitting me with this monotone story and complete lack of skill and character. Like every element is here just to be like 'this was in Reccetear so it's here too! Which technically makes this a good game, because Reccetear was a good game.' There's obviously love and work here but it just lacks... everything. I really want this to be good, I want a fresh take on a dormant genre, I want more game developers in the world who just understand design and player wants/needs. But this is just a series of check boxes that become chores and not driving forces in discovering a new world or engaging in an interesting story or gameplay challenges that feel like you overcame something. Really hoping the sequel learns from this, one of my most disappointing games in a while. 3/10
投稿日 1月24日.
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This is probably one of my most controversial games. It wears the skin of Thief 2, which has just proven to be unable to be copied. But has this weird, Bioshock-y twist where everyone is just normal dudes and you're playing in a sandbox of superpowers, environmental traps and hidden secrets and story beats that can completely change how you power through a level. On paper, it's awesome. It's like those action-stealth games where you move fast and overpower everyone and always have some kind of trick up your sleeve that makes everything feel like an action movie. But unfortunately, there's one huge caveat that just kind of slams this narrative vehicle into a brick wall: The chaos system.

So if the above seems awesome and you don't really care about story/ending. This game is a no-brainer. But if you're like me, and a bad ending just ruins a game for you. Especially a story-rich one. You should know that there's multiple endings based on a 'chaos level.' (aka have you killed too many people per map + story choices). So unfortunately, that awesome feeling of; always having some kind of power, weapons and using your environment like some kind of space-warping Jedi, all that goes out the window. If you want the good ending, you must only kill a certain amount, avoid certain events, and most importantly you must do all non-lethal takedowns of major targets. So for a decade, I would rage-uninstall this game because I just couldn't turn my brain off and replaying the same quick saves over and over trying to get the AI to wander into a corner so I could do a non-lethal takedown. And of course, sometimes the AI will just spot you anyways or something will make a noise or sometimes they just have ESP and the whole quicksave needs to be restarted again. Running past items you cant use, weapons that remain holstered and storylines that you need to double/triple check online to make sure they don't mess up your run just kills me.

So if you're like me and that's stopped you from playing this great game from start to finish, what I recommend is stealthing (quicksaving often), then once you're caught just go crazy and kill everything. Then use this opportunity to explore the rest of that area, finding secrets and items to help. Then reload and use that knowledge to stealth better. Apparently only the 'good' (low chaos) ending is the only canon one going into Dishonored 2, so this way you get all the fun without having to replay the game twice just to get the actual ending. I love the design, flow, role playing and fun of this game. But unfortunately most storyline points can feel more like an enticing proof-of-concept and less like something that was supposed to be a franchise. That being said, this is premium action-stealth and I can see why Arkane are so set on pushing this genre forward. It's in very good hands. 8.5/10
投稿日 1月24日.
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The games great! Feels like a sequel to the first while still retreading familiar ground. Some early vr blemishes like being stuck in a play space without any way to move and a lack of gameplay options date this game. But the concept, storytelling and action speak for itself. With or without the 'toggle' you're still getting the same story and experience with just a little bit of 'edge' shaved off. I'm being a little short with this review, but trust me this is one of the cornerstones of modern VR and some TLC from the developers would help bring this into whatever the modern age of VR looks like.

7.5/10 Needs some updates (content would be nice too devs! This franchise has some serious potential!)
投稿日 1月16日.
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So assuming you've played the original Superhot and maybe even the VR port. You've probably gotten the general gist of the story and aesthetic. But most likely when explaining or talking about either games, you talk about the feeling of weaving and dodging through bullets and grabbing every item in reach to role-play as John Wick butchering his way through a movie. It just might bug you that this movie has no plot worth attaching to, few maps and a random enemy/weapon spawn that will have you staring at enemy-spawning doors instead of human-designed spawn points. I know it's a weird thing to complain about, having an infinite supply of scenarios. But they're not in the same vein as the originals. Instead of cool, action movie inspired scenarios, you're getting sandbox over and over with small distractions in-between. You're getting a Superhot adjacent spin-off not the Superhot experience I think a lot of (passionate) fans were looking for. If you can separate your expectations from the other games and go into this without any comparisons, it's surprisingly good albeit repetitive.

That being said, having whiny fanboys who sent (no-no)threats to the developers over removing a meta storytelling piece from a vr port (because it's what would really happen! don't censor my games!) Now whining that a new game has meta storytelling elements like getting hacked or OS deletion is totally the developer giving these players the middle finger and I love it. Sorry your temper tantrum didn't replace the brussel sprouts and broccoli on your plate into chickey nuggies and choccie milk. Growing up must have been so hard for you! :(

Sorry for the rant, game is a 6.8/10. I'd recommend it to fans but not as a jumping on point. It's good but feels like the previous games being stretched out and padded with rougelike mechanics.
投稿日 1月16日.
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The novelty wears off. After that it's just kinda okay. Price tag is doing some heavy lifting here otherwise the lack of content would be a deal-breaker for sure. There's a handful of interesting bosses that break the fourth wall that are pretty clever. But I mean, you can see most of them in one playthrough and the mechanic of shooting the sides feels like having to sweep the floor after every other wave in Galaga. 5.3/10
投稿日 1月15日.
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総プレイ時間:31.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.0時間)
Well designed, lot of attention to detail. Netease has worked with Blizzard/Overwatch before and it shows. First impressions are great but waiting for the 100hour mark to give a final review. Heroes are free and the only paid thing is skins so it's worth a play if you're interested. Feels a lot like the og days of Overwatch before every character was nerfed, hero limits and 5v5 was introduced. Scratches the itch quite well for me.
投稿日 2024年12月10日.
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Finally, vrchat for people who don't have vrchat.
投稿日 2024年12月2日.
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Educational 10/10
投稿日 2024年11月30日.
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Abandonware. A foreboding sign for Game Grumps as a publisher, especially for multiplayer games.

Game itself was alright. Had this weird meta thing where IRL YouTube videos claimed this was a lost game from the SNES era that would let you play online. It was cheesy and obviously fake, but a fun teaser. In reality this is just a battle royale clone with no other design premise other than "what if we tried a twist to a successful formula?" Pretty unsurprisingly it was confusing, unsatisfying and just felt like it was something that you participated in and not a skill learned or an experience gained. Like the execution and concept were both trying to lead a horseless carriage. Or like seasoning and deep frying a packing peanut. Unfortunately can't replay to verify how this has aged. But let's be real, this selling point was always going to be the initial intrigue over what a multiplayer game grumps funded game would look like. Everything else was just going to be inside jokes, references and the inevitable monetization of their fans. 3/10
投稿日 2024年11月26日.
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72件中 1-10 を表示