Hello, fellow internet stranger ! About my likings, I value stories & storytelling, art direction, bold ideas, ambiance/mood and feelings I get out of a piece of art above pure gameplay/enjoyment. Don't know if that makes me a gamer, but I do enjoy (some) video games.

See below if my tastes meet yours. Maybe we'll find some common ground and show each other some awesome games :sans:
My top 10 favorite games (and why)
This was love at first sight. OMORI is my favorite piece of art, including all forms of medias (but it excels in so much aspects, like, music and artstyle for instance). This game changed my life. I went through almost anything closely (or vaguely) related to this game and its inspirations.

Now, I almost can't play it anymore because I know it by heart, including lines from the characters. The music is engraved in my soul.

It has its flaws and is absolutely not perfect, but I might not play a game that destroyed and hugged me, that made me cry and laugh, that amazed me that much, ever. This might be the last time in my life that I feel that way about a piece of art. And it's a bit sad. But also, I'm glad it happened.

I wish I could erase it from my brain and play it again for the first time, though.

2 - The Last of Us : Part II
I don't play AAA but holy sh*t, that's exactly what I expect from a AAA title : a gorgeous, large scale cinematic adventure with insane attention paid to details and production value.

It's not the best game of all time regarding gameplay in terms of depth, but everything else is so spot on. The story, the writing, the characters, all sublimated by the beautiful setting, amazing voice acting and music... what a rollercoaster of emotions. And honestly, it was still a blast to play.

I can't understand how people who liked Part I could dislike it as it's better than TLOU 1 on every aspect. I thought TLOU 1 was a nice game but kinda overrated, I went with Part II not knowing a thing and it absolutely blew me away. I wouldn't change a single thing : no frustrating part, no inconsistencies, the pacing is masterfully handled, it's flawless.

You might not like the game for what it is, I can understand it's not everyone's cup of tea to basically play a TV show with a 3rd person shooter gameplay. But in it's league, I'd say it's perfect, or as close to perfection as it comes to me.

3 - Pathologic 2
I could go on an hour long essay on why this game is a masterpiece of a videogame and couldn't have existed through another form of media. It's DEFINITELY not for everyone, but it's one of the best video game experience of all time with amazing world building and storytelling through game design and mechanics. I hope we eventually get the other 2 characters at some point, but Haruspex's story by itself was one of the most unforgettable experience I've ever had through video games and art in general.

4 - Nier Automata
If I were objective, it would be a top 1 (or top 2, see below). One of the best ending in a video game (hell, I'd even dare to say it could be the absolute best), lots of innovative ideas, amazing mood, scenery and music, great storytelling, and even if there are better gameplays out there, still fun to play. If you haven't played it, what are you waiting for ? One of the best game of the 21th century, and there is no debate there.

5 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R : SoC / CS / CoP / Anomaly and dozen of mods, you name it
This serie of games became a little obsession that put me on a path for the rest of my life, by being fascinated by everything related to this.

This includes nuclear science (and physics in general), Chernobyl and Chernobyl exclusion Zone, diving deeply into Ukrainian and slavic cultures in general (inluding learning cyrillic alphabet) and things about Ukrainian culture, and now working on a novel based off this universe (well, it's inspired more by the Roadside Picnic book from Strugatski's brother, but still). So, yeah. Objectively not the best serie of all time, it has it flaws, but it is now a part of me. And in time, I'll go to the Zone, too.

6 - Night in the Woods
We'll never have a sequel, we'll probably won't have a spiritual successor either considering Scott Benson's personal problems, and it's sad. But I'm so glad I could play this, that it could be made. From the music to the characters and obviously the art style and overall mood, this is one my favourite narrative game of all times. I can't tell objectively why it's ranked this high for being "just" a game with minimal gameplay and minimalistic artstyle, but... it 's just that it gave me so much emotions, I don't know if I can call it a safe space, but it's a very cozy place that I love to visit and spend time with its characters. I will cherish all these memories until the end.

7 - Life is Strange 1 / BTS / 2
I know the Life is Strange is a divisive franchise. That it's not a game, that your choices doesn't matter (which is false, by the way : they matter, as they change the outlook you have on the characters, by expressing different side of their possible personalities (yourself included)), etc.

Well, that's not the point. Take them as what they are : an interactive TV show, with an amazing mood that is kinda unparalleled. It comes from several ingredients : great characters and writing overall sublimed by very good voice acting, beautiful lighting and scenery, AMAZING MUSIC, it's just a vibe that works. You like it or you don't, but in it's league, it's awesome. I've yet to see a copy better than the original. I mean, even them can't replicate the magic of the first Life is Strange games.

It was one of the first narrative games I've ever played, and oh boy did it impact me. I didn't knew it back then, but I needed it at the time. It changed my life in some ways, at the very least by its soundtrack, which is pure bliss. I've also bonded with other people through this game and its music, so even if the 3 first LIS aren't the best games of all times, they matter to me.

Bonus points : I got into so much artists through Dontnod games, not even mentioning single songs... Jonathan Morali (obviously), Jose Gonzales, Foals, Bright Eyes, Angus & Julia Stone, Sparklehorse, Daughter, Phoenix, First Aid Kit to name a few. It also got me back into Bloc Party and Mogwai too.

7 ex-aequo - Telltale's The Walking Dead
Although I'll pretend the last 30 min of the Final Season never existed, I've loved and cared so much about this story and its characters... even if today i've played it too much and see its flaws, I'll never forget what I felt while playing this.

Bonus points : it got me into the comics. Highly recommended : clearly gold tier and superior to most zombies stories I've watched/played/read.

8 - To The Moon / Finding Paradise / Impostor Factory
As a Youtube comment put it, it's been over 10 years since Kan Gao/this studio can still casually break my heart. To this day, I still can't listen To The Moon main theme without having watery eyes, and I'm in my 30s. What can I say, I'm a softie, and they're very good at what they do. Once again, I wish I could erase these games from my memory and discover them for the first time.

9 - Dark Souls 1
The only game that made me skip my post lunch nap for months because I just wanted to play more and see what was next and couldn't wait for the end of the working day. I'll probably never have again that feeling of discovering the unknown like that, because even if FromSoft's sequels are objectively better, I'm sure if the first one you play that resonates with you. First times, all that. I played nothing else for months, and it's a memory I'll cherish deeply.

Bonus points : it got me into Berserk. As 50% of Soulsborne fans, I guess. Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura.

10 - Outer Wilds
If I were objective, it would be a top 1 (or top 2, see above). Not a game I enjoyed that much, subjectively, probably a top 20 or even top 30, as the gameplay is sometimes tedious, and at some point I just wanted it to be over, and was very, VERY CLOSE to uninstall it and watch the end on Youtube (screw you, big fishes). But it would be an insult not to put it in a top 10. Objectively, one of the greatest video game ever made.
(Very) honorable mentions of games I couldn't/haven't put in "featured games"
Alan Wake 2
Note to myself : I need to ramble on this and find some room on my top 10, because it was awesome (even if not flawless)

The Void
As pure genius as it was frustrating. I can't recommend this to anyone, but it sure leaves an everlasting impression.

Silent Hill 1/2/3/4/Origins
Beside these legendary games obvious qualities, Akira Yamaoka is why I started playing guitar in 2007. Promise was the first song I played on guitar, and it will probably the last too.

Stand-alone game with Skyrim's engine. Put Bethesda to shame, tops a lot of RPGs. It's still Bethesda's engine though, but if you have the time to invest, and can put up with Skyrim's limitation (notably gameplay wise) and early game harshness (notably difficulty wise), you'll be in for a treat and it will feel too short when it ends, even if it takes 70-80 hours to do every main and side quest the game has to offer. What an ending.

Diablo 1 & Diablo 2
The first one, for the unparalled ambiance and fear the 8 year old me experienced (AAAAAH, FRESH MEAT). Also, the reason I learned english so young, that helped me a lot for the rest of my life.

The second one for the amount of fun and hundred of hours spent. Especially when synergies were implemented. And when I got introduced to multiplayer... oh boy.

Earthbound/Mother 2 & Mother 3
Well, if you're into Undertale and OMORI, at some point you're bound (pun intended) to look for the spiritual father...

Now, for Earthbound, I pray for a proper remaster/remake (and not Nintendo exclusive, please). Earthbound is mostly a pain in the a*s to play, even with an emulator, even with a guide. But its charm makes up for it... mostly. Definitely ahead of its time though. And what an ending... definitely one of the best ending to a video game ever.

Mother 3 was better on the "video game" side, but Earthbound outclass it on every other aspect. Still great tho.

Oh, and if you want Mother 4, it exists : just go check my review of Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass .

The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind
I'm so glad I could experience it so young back in the days, because... well, it's probably unplayable by today's standards (that melee gameplay), and extremely ugly. But what a setting to explore. It's been years I promised to myself I'll go back to Vvardenfell with a fully modded experience. Maybe when I'm retired.

I think I prefer The Hex above Inscryption, but I'm pretty sure it's because I've played Daniel Mullins' games in chronological order. Inscryption is superior in pretty much every aspect, but still... can't exactly pinpoint why.

Anyway, it's still one of the best game out there. One more to the long list of games you should play blindly.

An old Bomberman ripoff shareware from the late 90's. Those who knows, KNOWS.

There is an unoffical remake. Check for "Boom REMAKE" or "Lifish Boom" on google. You'll find it on Github.

Know By Heart
It's a game made by the studio which made Pathologic 2. It's by no mean perfect, but... it's not a game you can forget (pun intended). It's short, it's cheap, buy it, and go blind. I bought it initially just to support them, but I still think about it sometimes, and will probably replay it.

The Artful Escape
Well, honestly it's not much of a game considering the limited amount of gameplay, the story is not incredible, but oh boy, the mood... you almost need to try it, how to say this... let's say "in a sensory heightened state". But it will be a unforgettable experience. Too bad it's a bit too long and at some point you're becoming a bit tired of its formula, but the first hours put me in a state of bliss and pure happiness.

I probably can't play it again with the same level of initial excitement, but the first 50 hours I spent in this were the most fun I've had in years. Thank you lockdown(s), and thank you to the gros payday who played with me.

Samurai Gunn
There is a ritual with my friends : after a critical mass of beers is attained, some taunts get thrown. And then... well, we've been beating the hell out of each other to this game while blasting loud music for something like, I don't know, 10 years ? According to my review, I already had 135 hours played in december 2016. It's january 2024, and I have 225 hours logged in. So, yeah, I probably bought it around it's release date in 2013. Definitely 10 years of friendly violence. And still havent lost my crown.

Games that I also remember fondly but haven't left a scar on me (in alphabetical order)
- Alan Wake
- Blasphemous
- Borderlands (any one of them)
- Celeste
- Civilization V
- Cossacks
- Chrono Trigger
- Don't Starve & Don't Starve Together
- DOOM (1993)
- Dungeon of the Endless
- Dying Light 1
- Endless Legend
- Enemy Mind
- Faster Than Light
- F.E.A.R
- FlyFF (honestly this is a piece of garbage, typical F2P grindy MMO, but still, the memories...)
- Gris
- Hollow Knight
- Hellblade 2 Senua’s Saga
- Hyper Light Drifter
- Kentucky Route Zero
- Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
- Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus (for obvious reasons, considering my S.T.A.L.K.E.R addiction)
- Minecraft
- Minit
- Moon Hunters
- Ori and the Blind Forest & Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Pokemon Blue/1st gen, as any kid of the 90's
- Portal 1 & 2
- Rakuen
- Rayman 1, Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends
- Regions of Ruin (for very specific & personal reasons, but honestly it's not a very good game)
- Ring of Pain
- Risk of Rain
- Roadwarden
- Rock Band. Not a masterpiece per se, but probably the reason why I've been playing real drums since 2009 (or at least, be good enough to convince my parent it wasn't just a phase)
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Superliminal
- Stardew Valley
- STAR WARS Battlefront 2
- STAR WARS Battlegrounds
- STAR WARS Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy
- STAR WARS Knight of the Old Republic 1 & 2
- STAR WARS Rogue Squadron
- STAR WARS Rebellion
- STAR WARS Rebel Assault 2 (I know, it's objectively bad)
- STAR WARS X-Wing/Tie Fighter/etc (mostly nostalgia, because I was very bad, hard games)
- Sundered
- The Red Strings Club
- The Stanley Parable
- There is No Game : Wrong Dimension
- This War of Mine
- Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Warlords Battlecry 2
- TYPE : Earthbound-inspired indie RPG, so, old school quirky/unique 2D J-RPG (but modernized, thank god).
- SUMMARY : It's Earthbound/Mother 4. Not flawless, but delivers to a level you wouldn't believe for a one-man project. Incredible.
- LENGTH : 30-35h in easy mode, probably 50h if you add the grind and aim for 100%.
- NOTE : 9,5/10 if you're into this kind of J-RPG and/or play in easy just for the story mode ; 8/10 otherwise]

Fresh. FINALLY ! You liked Earthbound/Mother ? This is Mother 4.

I hate, HATE, the term "hidden gem", because everytime I hear this term, it's just a good game vastly overhyped. A good game, yes, but there is a reason it didn't peak. I've played countless "hidden gems", everytime, it's good at best, but you understand quickly why it never had its breakthrough.

Well, fellas, we have it : it is a truly hidden gem. FINALLY. I always write my reviews in my mother tongue, but this one is so much underrated and have so few reviews I need to add one in english.

You liked Earthbound/Mother ? This is Mother 4. And i'm not overselling it. Don't even THINK, buy it. It was made by one person, it's wrecking my mind considering the amount of content, the quality of the soundtrack, and... well.. the overall polish of the game. Earthbound/Mother was made by dozen of people. This guy single-handedly made a better a game that what could have been Mother 4, and dare I say ? I think it's better than Mother 3 (well, I may be biased because I thought both Earthbound and Mother 3 underwhelming because of my expectations, but that's a whole other topic).

Now, don't get me wrong. It has its flaws. A "lot", if you think in conventional terms.

It's a J-RPG-kind. I hate grinding in general, and there is grinding in this one, as usual.

BUT ! But, the dev thought about implementing an "easy" mode, where you roughly have 50% less fight, double the XP and gold, so you can just enjoy yourself and progress the story (and still have some kind of challenge). Which is how EVERY J-RPG should work (according to my tastes, of course). I mean, who enjoy random encounter to grind XP anymore ? I know there are certain people, I sure don't. Too old, too few free time. Give me the freedom to cut in half the grind part without losing the experience and the gameplay, please.

Anyway. I switched from time to time between normal mode and easy mode, because I like challenge for boss fights, planning my stuff and skills. But having a random ecounter every 5 seconds ? Call me a casual if you want : that's not my definition of fun.

Anyway, beside the inherent flaws of JRPGs and a few things that could have been better : for a work of art made by one person, it's... truly... TRULY, an accomplishment. I can't remember the last time I could play hours and hours into an RPG maker game without being bored. Well, beside OMORI. And RPG maker games that aren't really RPGs (like To The Moon for instance)

Let's sum up :
- Bangin tunes ? Check. And I MEAN IT. Truly, a lot of bangers.
- Memorable art ? Some ennemies are incredible, some aren't. Overall, made by one person ? INCREDIBLE
- Story ? I was into for like 99%. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be in between... Oh, does it remind you of the kind of emotional rollercoaster you have with Earthbound ? Well, HERE YOU ARE !
- Fun gameplay ? Surprisingly, yes : Jimmy [...] knows how to make a twist on the regular formula, and I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy my time. I'd even dare to say Kasey Ozymy is a genius in game/level design. The game is far from perfect, but damn, everything is on point. You'll get it when you'll play. Other reviews pointed out how the dev had been smart, check these reviews. I won't spoil, just trust me, it's well made.

For 15€ full price, you have between 30 and 50 hours of gameplay made by a single man that put Nintendo to shame.

You're not into it ? Oh, of course, it's not a game for everyone.

But you, YOU, think it's your kind of game based on the steam page and what I said ? WELL ! You're in a for a treat.

PS : Kasey Ozymy, I didn't enjoy everything you made in this game, but you truly made something special. The amount of work you put into this ? UNBELIEVABLE. I wish you a long life and a lot of success. To say that I was impressed by this game is the understatement of the century.

EDIT : screw post-game content though (and Dark Dungeon too), it's absurd how much you need to grind for very little content, even in easy mode. Don't make the same mistake I did : just go watch it on Youtube.