Georgia, United States
"If a "Triple AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" modern video game gives you sunk cost fallacy disorder, it has failed in it's objective in being a entertainment product for customers." -Espio 2023

If you're commenting/adding to trade, might as well go ahead and 180 off this page cause kindly *♥♥♥♥* off. And if adding as a friend from a server, don't expect me to initiate a conversation; I'm one of those near silent types.
Master's degree in Isolation and isolating from others.
4th prestige veteran of giga-chad Gamer Supps.
Avid Audiophile and playing games that are modded addict. "Once you go modded, you never go back." First impressions lunatic, I don't forget the past of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ video game tactics and scummy business models or deceptive marketing (Looking at you as the highest prime example Cyberpunk 2077, or should I say CyberJUNK)
I play with ♥♥♥♥♥ (chickens) for a living.

Do not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ try to add me just because we have same color characters, do you know how obnoxious that actually is? That bit being at least mentioned:
If you would like to do halfsies on art with either of my character forms lemme know, I'm always open to the idea. Just don't be a bad apple in the community and we're cool.
Self-taught Mechanic/DIYer in learning stages.
Just learning and creating SFM posters for personal purposes.
Host always cooks "meth" in Payday 2, no exceptions.
Highly anti-corporate, they are never your friend or care about you as a single individual. Just those number figures.
I'm happy video games defined my taste in music.
Fun fact: Bluethunder156 was the first internet tag I made for Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Remix online back in 2008 and has continued to live on as the concurrent Steam ID.
Kickstarter backer of Night-Runners: "XEspioX69"

Not dating anyone, don't ask. The Graphene shields are up, with Tungsten right behind them in my personal space. Good luck getting past those, not that I desire anyone to come in anyway. Attempt an approach at your own peril, speech check requirements are maxed and also require critical success D20 dice rolls.

"Wish you told me all the places you'd go
You don't owe me that info but ♥♥♥♥ I gotta know
Just wanna hit this function with you, don't ♥♥♥♥ with me
You playing all these broken games all the time with me"

"I've carved my own path
You followed your wrath
But maybe we're both the same"


1-800-2-my-d i c k

Mods I use for Payday 2:

I don't have much to share really, other then I can be a fairly shy green glowly folf.

I like and highly prefer old NFS games up to NFS World, I'm a boomer I know. I'm also pretty $hit at them, at least I think that of myself xd

Don't send me random group invites. You'll waste my time and yours.

RIP Kitty0706
RIP Satoru Iwata

-My face! The thing shouting at you - Shoot it!

*WULULULULULULULU* *kick* Wow, that was a nice workout. I think I'll have a protein drink and hit the shower.

Lotsa Bio info for anyone interested~
/////////////*WARNING* *WARNING*\\\\\\\\\\\\

Unauthorized user detected. Further invading of this information may possibly lead to gooificiation or being vaporized to ash. The only exception that you may be allowed to continue accessing the below information is that you know and want to know more of or wish to know of a, "TechFolf", in question stored on this RobCo tech computer.

Please have a nice day.

//////Message begins\\\\\\

Howdy~ If you're reading this, then you're curious and wish to know more of TechFolf, the aliased Espio's fursona, AKA the owner of this RobCo terminal which may or may not gooificate or vaporize you shortly.

To start off, if you happened to come across his f-list, with or without his knowledge, then take it with a light grain of salt. It's fairly outdated and hasn't been updated in years. Why he will not update it is unknown at this time. Maybe ask him.

Now, TechFolf is as it sounds, he is a fox/wolf hybrid. The decision mainly came forth because it was hard to decide between the two. Foxes/Wolves are fairly mainstreamed in the furry community, and both appealed greatly so why not have a hybrid? As for the Tech part well, he loves technology and anything geeky really.

//////Message ends\\\\\\

//////Select a topic that interests you\\\\\\

//1. TechFolf's basic appearance and bio\\
//2. TechFolf's demon form and his favorite arms of choice\\


//////Message begins\\\\\\

Looking for TechFolf's appearance and bio? This topic has what you need. Please download this image onto your PipBoy:


His bio isn't quite straightforward so here they are(Does not represent Real Life):

Species: Part-Demon Folf

Eye dominance: Left

Handedness: Right

Age: 27

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Sexuality: Gay/Omnisexual (Highly prefer Male)

Gender: Male

Hobby: Practically playing with anything technology related. If it's got wires, a screen or electronic components, TechFolf's interested in it. And also video games, lots of them. Loves the total hell out of classics like Mario, Doom, Goldeneye, StarFox 64 (No not because lolanthroanimals, get outta here bruh) etc. He's not a big movie person, in-fact he sees them mostly as a waste of time but will see one if it's interesting enough or a great comedy. Loves music, especially video game music or official music that video games use in a way that's memorable.

Fur color: Dark grey

Eye color: Green

Markings: Three sets of two side-by-side stripes across the lower legs, wrists and shoulders.

Face: Some green line stripes across the ears, inner of said ears are also green but darker. He doesn't wear his mask thing anymore. He said if he's honest, he had no idea what he was thinking having that as part of him or in a comm a friend got him. So he's maskless from here on out. He also has two small lightning like bolts on the cheeks to represent high interest into Lightning and a green stripe across the top of his nose. Nose is also green but a shade of light dark.

Head: Medium length hair(Like, to the cheeks basically), pretty much messy all the time. Never curly; when it gets that long he demands a trim right the hell away.

That's got the basics down, ask about anything else not listed.

//////Message ends\\\\\\

//////Select a topic that interests you\\\\\\

//1. What is your major malfunction numnuts???\\
//2. TechFolf's demon form and his favorite arms of choice\\


//////Message begins\\\\\\

TechFolf posses the ability to go into a demon form. The stripes on the legs and arms? They represent restrainers and the sheer willpower to keep control on normal form. Demon form is when said restrainers have overloaded amounts of stress and anger with which they cannot sustain anymore and let it all release in an energy burst to reveal what was best to remain hidden. They also glow, pulse, and grow a bit in size during this form, normally not the case. And if desired, TechFolf can access this form at any point in time though it would mainly be for appearance. Actual power would need time to build up.

Anyway, this form he has, think of it like Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry 3, with the appearance of Vergil being the main influence. Not a carbon copy of the appearance perse. This RobCo terminal strangely updated itself to display what this demon form looks like, begin Pip-Boy image download: . His eye color also changes from green to an outer yellow/inner orange. No one knows why exactly and when changing to demon form he lets loose a small green ball of energy around him.

Of course TechFolf can maintain this form as long as he pleases, and you never want to cross him when he is in it. Nigh invulnerable, regenerates any wounds done to him and almost never can be knocked down. Weaponry he loves to use while in Demon form is the Ithaca Model 37 shotgun, and his trusty Remington 870 shotgun. Think of the video game BLACK's Remy 870, like here: . His backup weapon in-case both rarely fail to fit the killing bill, is a .454 Casull. Yeah, the Hellsing model one. Be quite afraid; nothing needs to be said about that thing. TechFolf's voice is also amplified and electrified, similiar to how again Dante and Vergil sound in their Demon forms.

Attention, this information below is subject to change continually in this terminal.
TechFolf has been slowly having form problems again. Eye colors are sometimes inconsistent between form changes, but the forms rapidly change every now and then again.

//////Unexpected end of topic. Please read the RobCo. Manu-------------\\\\\\

//////*RobCo. Terminal #1337 rebooted successfully*\\\\\\
//////*Re-displaying topic information pages...\\\\\\

//////Select a topic that interests you\\\\\\

//1. TechFolf's basic appearance and bio\\
//2. Unexpected termination of topic\\

-I hope that was enough information. If this still wasn't enough about my fursona, ask me here on Steam!
Artwork Showcase
TechFolf giving Tagfer from Warframe the biggest of comfort hugs
Screenshot Showcase
Red Dead Redemption 2
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Created by - dandol_97 and Pancake
467 ratings
The guide is intended to provide Windows-Mac-Linux coop. Mostly. Not only. Info for TPS downgrading is here too.
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414 hrs on record
last played on 19 Mar
35 hrs on record
last played on 19 Mar
3,571 hrs on record
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Аркан 24 Dec, 2024 @ 6:58am 
🦌.。❅*⋆* 🌲 ∞*Merry Smissmas!!!*∞* ༘⋆(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ🎁
Espio 13 Oct, 2024 @ 11:08am 
Cool hedgehog 13 Oct, 2024 @ 4:34am 
espio the furry
Espio 10 Sep, 2024 @ 10:33am 
Cool, thanks for the valid input.
TheCount 10 Sep, 2024 @ 10:29am 
Take your jester... you deserve it....
Wheaton Adams 5 Aug, 2024 @ 1:18am 
Hey, if you are at some point capable of figuring out the sound bank for RaidWW2 to mute that annoying officer yelling upon the alarm going off, I'm legit willing to tip you for it. Thanks in advance for even considering it :) .