Good Hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :7days::munchies::shit::mutant1::mutant2::mutant3::mutant5::aptkey::boxing::greydress::aunope::araoni::ALTIS::ALTIS::CSAT::NATO::firewood::staredown::threshold::bfammo::BEfear::BEgloomy::BEheart::BErainbow::petrifiedeye::petrifiedtongue::shadeskull::theplayboy::thewelder::bird::possession::shockjockey::ElectricFlesh::frozenfield::borderlands2::goodyaku::happyio::heartmia::madjack::8bitheart::ccknight::ccskull::trolol::axesword::DemonFireBarrage::GoBoom::csgoanarchist::csgob::csgocross::csgohelmet::csgoskull::6thstreet::arasaka::militech::moxes::royce::bloodstain2::bonfire2::praisesun::DSArtifact::Lurcher::Vulgrim::WrathCore::Darkmoney::Darkshroom::Darkwolf::DLskull::crow::tape::tw::omg_desolate::jcdenton::jensen::sarif::vega::BENDTIME::DOMINODH2::MESMERIZE::POSSESION::SHADOWWALK::D_Pills::D_Stop::charm::fear::roar::dos2dagger::dos2ring::dos2teddy::lockpick::shotgunbreach::swatshield::timebomb:
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1,878 Hours played
How do one explaine Dayz? On paper It's very simple at first. Dayz Is a Survival game. You Need to survive thats it. But that's not as easy as it sound. The game is a heavy resource management survival apocalypse game? Maybe that's still to vague? It also has players trying to kill you? No thats not it.

Dayz is an adventure game. Not your typical RPG but a make it your own story. Your droped in to the world in a harsh enviorment without any help or any guiding hand. Forced to figure out how the world works. What can you eat? how do you get food and water? How do you prevent sickness or cure it? How do you fight the infected or at least avoid them? Are players friendly? If they not how do i fight or avoid them? While your also trying to gather the Rarest and best SWAG in terms of supplies. Weapons. Outfits and gear.

Day'z cant be sumed up as a PVP survival game or a base building Resource game. Even as much as one would want to drag it towards similar games like ARK or Rust or 7 days to die. I feel Dayz still highly empathizes on personal story. When will you die? How did you die? What risks did you take? Many that play doesn't consider it but they constantly make decisions towards there own survival or there own death. Where do you go? who do you talk to? What do you carry or bring with you?

And that's just touching upon the vanila experience. Not the 1000 of mods that turns the game in to cosmic horror, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Metro 2033 or other similar experiences. Wana play late in to the apocalyps where cans of food have run dry? And your forced to hunt more? Want to play Day zero where society still stands and some cities even have running water and electricity? Mods allow you to experience the game in a diffrent light and its up to you to make your own fun.

Dayz Is a multiplayer game at it's core and soul. I would not recommend hosting a solo server to run about and loot yourself. However if you want PVE only. There's several mods that add dangerous monsters/mutants that would add to the variation of the zombies and would allow for a deeper more meaningful pve experience.

So what's bad about dayz? If your not in to the looting survival genre? Then maybe this will be a hard sell? Allot about the game is the expectation. The hyping yourself up for the next loot? the moving towards a military base or Helicopter crash as you hype yourself up with expectations what your about to find? A rare weapon? Nightvision googles? Food? water? A player what will kill you? Or maybe a player that will be friendly and you can team up with? All this is valid reasons to continue the struggle and to see how far you get this life. Something that is not gonna be for everyone.

The only thing i can say to be 100% sure a bad thing. I's days Track record and what it represents in the overal survival gaming community. Dayz was the first real Survival multiplayer game. Not necesary the first survival horror or the first survival but the first game to take the whole open world multiplayer looting simulator typ of game. It had everything to win and it started as a mod back in Arma 2. it quickly hit track record and launched Bohemia the creators of Arma in to godhood. Dayz mod sold so many copies of arma 2 more people where playing the mod then the actual game.

Very quickly the licensed it but the arma 2 dayz versions thrived and grew over many years. With one of the most dedicated modding community's I have ever been part of. As they claimed the license and hired in the original creator Dean hall to there team they started working on this Dayz Standalone that was to be the offical version of dayz. The game that allowed all thos mods all that potential to come out.

But Dayz If one looks to it's history even with some shining moments stands as a massive disapointment to a big chunk of the community. They held records for the longest game stuck in Early access. They made constant updates that was unecesary? Why add kiwi and some other labeld cans of food? When zombies walk through closed doors and just phase through them? This game had such massive issues for so many years that they pretty much scrapped the whole thing and ported what they could over to a new engine and started over. 2013 the game launched in early access. Several years later it was all wiped and moved to a new engine. Around 2018 the game was released from early access.. All so they could get a valid excuse to port and sell this game to console players. The only untapped market they still had left.

Dayz's progress and development is at a halt. They sure add a new gun. more updates. Things are 100% moving foreward. but the creator has jumped ship. Bohemia is investing in other projects/games and Dayz stand to just endure based on it's modding community now. Dayz represents the golden age of early access and the optimistic ideas of taking risks and trying something new that paid off.. Only for corporation to get between and tear the idea down for greed. Incompetence and several other issues.

So should you get dayz? YES... At this day and time the game stands more solid then it has ever been before. In terms of content. Features. Glitches. And mods. Its better then ever. But should you be very careful where you put your money in the future? yes. Games like dayz standalone should not be supported or invested in. It's not good for the players or the consumers. We should stand against what Dayz represents towards the industry.

But in the end Dayz is the sort of game you either forgive and realize you have so many hours you got your money's worth? And the experiences you had with the mods. Dayz Arma 2 and Dayz Standalone stand the test of time more then any damage the development had on it.

Or you stand to despise the game for your broken expectations, shattered dreams and lost promises. And then you should stand by that and not buy this game for any amount of money ever.
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Mortem 20 Oct, 2019 @ 4:39am 
Roses are Red.. Violets are Blue.. I'm not a Racist.. But I still hate you.. ^^
Deacon [LN] 7 Oct, 2016 @ 11:12am 
Mortem 13 Aug, 2015 @ 1:52am 
Well.. ♥♥♥♥ me.. I guess It had to be this way.
BabyButterJesus 22 Sep, 2014 @ 3:12pm 
▉▉▉▉▉▉◤┳◥▉▉▉▉▉▉ You have been visited by the Loominati.
▉▉▉▉◤┳┻┳┻┳◥▉▉▉▉ Copy and paste this on the walls of the 5
▉▉◤┳┃┈╰━╯┈┃┳◥▉▉most MLG m80s you know or you
◤┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳◥ will be qu1cksc0p3d by #FaZe Clan
Mortem 13 Mar, 2013 @ 1:59pm 
THanks Will keep that in mind.
Old Pruski 17 Feb, 2013 @ 1:55am 
If you want a seperate teamspeak for the PW server just say and i'll let you use the one I own.