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Favorite Game
Review Showcase
37 Hours played
Superb artstyle(Hand drawn animations)
That feeling of when you were child and stuck on a level for like 1 day
Amazingly catchy sountrack(Studio Orchestra)
Game gives you a feels of accomplishment when you pass a level.(and a big relief)
Smooth inputs and hitboxes

The only negative aspect is there is local-coop but no multi-coop which can be accomplished by p2p or even with host mode

If you are into platformer games in general , this passionately created game is MUST have.
Review Showcase
14.8 Hours played
It took me 12 hours to complete my first playthrough
I would strongly suggest you to buy if you are interested in Platformers or Metroidvanias, you wont be disappointed.

+Chatting with Shopkeeper
+Trying to open Closet early.
+Controls are smooth af
+OST keeps you going even if you are tilted
+Endgame mechanics are quite surprising and refreshing,game constantly challenges you with different levels.

-Not for everyone due to its core gameplay which can be challenging
-Game tells you little about your objectives which can be confusing for some players.(Even if you buy ''Hints'' from shop)
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Favorite Guide
Created by - thatguymattb
How to defeat Lester Buchinsky A.K.A. The Electrocutioner. Batman: Arkham Origins.