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188.2 hrs on record (141.0 hrs at review time)
Looks like Sony backed down, we won fellas.

As for everyone else actually looking for a review on this game. You don't need my review to know the game is fun to play and the adjustments being made feel good at the day this has been posted. I'd highly suggest it to anyone to give it a try, play with randoms or friends and let yourself have a good time.

Even if it isn't your cup of tea this is one of those games I would suggest to anyone familiar with the genre. It's worth the try.

Lets just hope they relist the several regions Steam had to shut down for refund damage control. Damage might be already done but we'll see with time how Arrowhead handles it.
Posted 6 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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7.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Kerbal Space Program is a Rougelike disguised as a space/(ship) simulator. You'll completle the tutorial in failure until you get it right. Then, you'll be tasked with launching your ship into space. This will not happen, you will watch as you accidently put the engine launch on the same que as the Pod release. You'll watch as your kerbals will smash into the ground in a firey explosion without ever leaving the ground. You'll set up a knew ship with static fuel rockets and forget that your frame wasn't secure and as soon as you leave a few feet off the ground, spiral out of control and watch as it snaps in half and sends all the fuel launchers like rockets everywhere. The game is harmlessly hilarious and extremely rewarding when you finally do get into orbit.

It doesn't stop there, you'll soon learn how to land, slingshot yourself around planets, Orbit (the sun with 50 differen't ships) various planets and more.

Great game, well worth the money and especially fun to play with friends with the beta multiplayer( Look it up)
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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43.6 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
Great game, worth its price. It offers a variety of intresting items and characters to spice up the settings. Levels are random in a sense that you don't know which one you will get next. However the settings are always the same( With a few expections). Characters by far are the most intresting part of Risk of Rain and you'll find yourself grinding to find new ones. However that is all Risk of Rain has to offer, new characters. While you can spend the time unlocking new items, it is hardly as exciting as getting a character with all new abilities which is a shame. Music is very comfy and the challange is definatly apparent as it will take you some time to learn how to git gud.

I hope that there will be further updates to add new characters and mabye even more items.
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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75.3 hrs on record (62.8 hrs at review time)
XCOM:Enemy Unkown and its expansion pack are both amazing. Even if you do not get the expansion pack( which I recommend you do.) Xcom alone offers a simple to understand while offering more experianced players the satisfaction of being experianced. You will often start off with your first team dieing and losing rookies left and right. Yet as you go on with the game you begin to learn how to properly move your team forward and use cover mechanics appropriately.

Soldiers have a variety of equipment changes that you research into as you play the game and also have special abilities as you level them up. You also can customize how your base layout is which you design which perks you want from each room. You can equip aircraft with a variety of weapons as well. Overall XCOM has a huge selection of things you can go for...

This isn't why you want to play the game though. XCOM is by far the biggest time killer while still being fun at the same time. You'll be naming your soldiers after friends and tell a story. You'll watch as you get better and better in each play through.

Though this won't happen if you don't play on ironman mode. I highly- HIGHLY suggest that you play this game like it is a rouge like. You will easily get far more hours playing on normal, Ironman mode than playing on hard without it. Ironman mode basically makes every decision permanent. There is only one save and thats when you exit. You can't load back a previous time, everything is final. This means, if you lose the game you start over. While this may seem discouraging, it really pulls back the enjoyment of getting better and better and you watch as you suddenly got farther than last time. There is a lot more feeling towards losing because you dedicated time and effort and you'll feel that sinking feeling hit you when something goes wrong.

That is what you want in this game, you want to feel your choices. You want to make sure that each decision has weight to it so that next time its always differen't.

The expansion changes how the game is played and its approach to how everything works. More resources and mechanics. It is fantastic. It also offers more advanced options like, Random soldier stats, level up stats vary, wider damage chances, random ability tree choices and more. I personally love these things because it adds variety to your squad instead of picking the best ( Or most comfortable) ability tree choice. Do it, RNG. Trust me. You'll get that one guy on your squad that you'll love because he's a legend. He'll be that one of a kind, started with high stats, leveled up with even higher stats and got the best perks known to man.... Then he will die because you screwed up( you could have stopped this).

In short, Normal, Ironman mode. Get this game, a must play for anyone. Enjoy your RNG hits. (gitgud)
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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2.6 hrs on record
VVVVVV is probably one of my more favorite platformers. It contains a simple story about you gathering your friends which is nice because it doesn't feel like its forcing anything too heavy on you are the very beginning. Instead, VVVVVV uses clever gravity manipulation and other smaller gimmicks to keep things intresting. I know I am making this sound simple, but VVVVVV offers a variety of huge challanges that make this game excellent. Its got a great soundtrack, simple yet fun gameplay mechanic and a artstyle that is so simple that it is not great, but it isn't exactly annoying either which allows you to focus on merely playing to the nicely done music.

Great platforming game and a must play for anyone who enjoys platformers.
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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176.7 hrs on record (56.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Simple and fun. Keep in mind that you cannot play it like terraria even though it has similar qualities. Starbound rewards players through exploration rather than resource management. While the game requires you to grind, a couples hours into the game and you'll learn how to efficiently find resources. While the underground does offer some new dungeons and hidden buildings, it lacks the same charm Terraria does in a large way. However, the exploration part is excellent. If you haven't read up on what starbound does, it randomly generates planets, this means almost everything. The backgrounds are differen't, enviroments change, monsters appearances are dynamic, Levels, What type of resources are more frequent, what type of race lives there, Hot or cold and etc. While this is a huge and well done part of the game, it lacks something to keep it intresting for long. Enemies are a bit slow on reaction time, making them easy to kill in the lower levels. As you progress they do get harder, with new abilities more health and more damage; Some even carry weapons which is nice.

Short little Synapsis: Starbound is a fun game to play with friends, mining can be done together making it far more faster to mine a single block( or multiple) due to how the time to break increases per person. Exploring is the main rewards behind the game as well as its endless random generation. While some people critic the art style to be lazy, I feel it fits the atmosphere of a completely randomly generated game very well. The characters are aesthetically nice to look at and in my opinion well worth 15-20 bucks. I'm looking forward to where they will take it and so far it appears that they are updating in large chunks at a quick pace.
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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