Unknown Skies UnknownSkies
Unknown Skies UnknownSkies
1 October, 2016
United States 
ABOUT Unknown Skies

Unknown Skies Gaming Group

Why choose Unknown Skies?

We are a community of gamers that OWN our own physical servers. That means that our content is community controlled, hosted, and sponsored. We are no more than people like you that just want to play for fun and enjoy the social aspects of multiplayer gaming with professional administrators, no schemes, and as little drama as possible. Our group is adult owned and operated by the collective votes of our group. Currently we have about 180 Members in our discord with about 60 regularly active at any given time AND we are growing. Stop in and have a look! Hang around a while and meet new people! Be a part of our community! We would love to have you!

We just ask that everyone does their part to keep our glorious community growing :)

Community Specifics

  • Empyrion is our flagship server and usually gets the most work put into it!
  • We own the physical servers with direct hardware access and do not pay for hosting!
  • Administrators that play along side you and an entire community there to help you along.
  • Relaxed atmosphere meant for long term play with dedicated PVE and PVP areas where possible.
  • Special Advertising areas for Streamers AND Sponsors.
  • Community Driven Development with player input encouraged.
  • Community portal @ Community Page []
  • Daily Events, Weekly Events, and Monthly events!
  • Our own Forum, Wiki, and web store for customized merchandise that you can buy to help support the server.
  • Our community Helps maintain, expand, and decide the direction of the servers!

Community Rules

  • Do not make the server admins make more rules!
  • Be courteous to other players. PVP is PVP Remember that. I dont care what the circumstances are If you are in PVP Expect problems because Thats the point of pvp. Player VS Player. Wherever it is allowed. Dont whine about it or you WILL be IGNORED if not BANNED. We do maintain PVE only Servers. Stay there if you dont want to be challenged!
  • Do not build in or block the Warp/Spawn in points of any playfields on any server!
  • Do not grief the PVE section of ANY server PLEASE!
  • Donations are EXACTLY that. They do not buy favor, or pull in our community. They help us buy more servers, maintain what we have, and add to everything we do!
  • Please report bugs, incorrectly set up playfields, glitchy mods, or other issues to a support or bug tracking section! We will not respond to them otherwise. This is important!!
  • Naming characters or factions after sexual inuendos or racial comments will get you banned! Please keep things adult and clean! We do have children on these servers. Use your best judgement in voice chat!

Unknows Skies Community Web Site[]
Our ad in the Eleon Forum for feedback :)[]
Join our discord! Remember to read the welcome and rules channels carefully![]
Working on Updates to this group!
looking to ad a survival guide to the web site and we want your input!!