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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC-2016 Lara Croft💕
STEAM グループ
Rise of the Tomb Raider PC-2016 Lara Croft💕
Rise of the Tomb Raider PC-2016 について

Rise of the Tomb Raider

The new sufferings of young Lara Croft!★

As in the new series of 2013, Lara regularly raises base camps that serve as strategic retreat points and fast-moving points within the game world. Here it is protected from cold and enemies and also has the opportunity to expand inventory and weapon arsenal by means of simple building options or to acquire new skills. The items necessary for further development of the equipment, such as wood, berries or skins, must be collected or chased beforehand. A survival simulation like Ark Survival Evolved will not Rise of the Tomb Raider through his crafting system, but it conveys a good feeling of Lara's do-it-yourself mentality.
The learning of languages ​​taught by Crystal Dynamics in advance as a special feature unfortunately comes to a further collective task. Lara teaches Russian or Ancient Greek by searching for wall panels and can then translate monoliths. In this way one learns more about the background of the divine source in Kitesch.

★ Lara suffers, but laments less ...! ★

Rise of the Tomb Raider is not as brutal as his predecessor, but the adventurer also has to do a lot this time. She falls down waterfalls, jumps in the cold, is chased by Trinity soldiers, wild animals and helicopters. Again and again, close-ups show the sufferings of young Lara. However, she now bites more on the teeth and laments less than two years ago. Lara was no longer synchronized by Nora Tschirner, but instead Maria Koschny took over the German voice of Jennifer Lawrence. A good choice, Koschny's organ fits much better to the heroine.
Where the narrative barely surprises, the technical implementation of the Actionabenteuer in the tested Xbox One version convinces all the more. Rise of the Tomb Raider is one of the most beautiful games for the Microsoft console, depending on changing weather conditions, light and explosion effects or the imposing locations. Above all, the scripted action sequences inspire. For example, if Lara has to jump from one glacier wall to the other in the prologue, while the ice breaks under her and a Schneelawine rolls towards her. Quite simply, these simple Quicktime events are not demanding, but they provide memorable moments.

Good luck and have fun!

Thank you, all ♥
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