Bread's Club of Gaming & Worksho C.G.W..
Bread's Club of Gaming & Worksho C.G.W..
29 December, 2017
ABOUT Bread's Club of Gaming & Worksho

Welcome to the Club!

The Club of Gaming & Workshops (yeah it was cut off, just ignore it). This is the place where I will hold events in video games like Team Fortress 2, Airmech, Garry's Mod, Rocket League, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) and more! I'll be doing things, like playing certain gamemodes, maps and even have trading parties now and then.

People can also share their uploads on the Steam Workshop. When they do that we can download their creations or give them votes to help the creator(s) get their crap in said game (or whatever upvotes are for on the game's workshop) if they so wish to.

I may even broadcast gameplay, including games I can't play alongside the club (such as those with a cap of four players or less and games that are straight up single player only) like Payday 2 and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.

But anyways, enjoy the club!

Just, game on! Stay fresh! May the Force be with you! Live long and prosper! Whatever you prefer.


Now, there aren't any rules, really, but I do want to say this: Everyone is equal. I don't care how old you are, if you're a noob, what games you like, if you're gay, laggy, whatever. If you make fun of people, be rude to them, complain about your team sucking, even if they don't or if they're trying, anything like that, I will defend them. If you continue, do it a certain way, do things purposefully, or hack (which is a definent) you will be kicked, depending. However, I will make sure I don't kick the wrong person and I will make sure I don't kick someone wrongfully. I can promise that.

I also don't wanna see any Nazi crap (which, trust me, i've seen) or any kind of trolling or spamming. I also don't wanna see any 18+ sprays, but I'll most likely just spray over them if they're not taken down yet. You are allowed to play music on your mic, like some people do, but it may depend on what you're playing. You don't have to ask me or anything, which you can if you wish, I've just never really come across somebody playing music on their mic that shouldn't be played or something like that.

Official Steam Group Chat
VS Saxton Hale - Freak Fortress 2
Custom Weapons!! (Also trying to test because nobody can see my announcements)
spookedpro 24 May, 2020 @ 4:28pm 
dis do be thic doe
Mr. NV 14 Jun, 2018 @ 5:15pm 
h e l l o th e ere