APSALAR Blog & Discussion AB&D
APSALAR Blog & Discussion AB&D
1 February, 2017
ABOUT APSALAR Blog & Discussion

Blogs about games and the world, good discussions with interesting people

Let's Have Fun Talking About Games & Life

I (Apsalar) use this platform to curate some of my favorite articles and reviews from around the gaming world; they are here for all of us to freely read and openly discuss. I will also collect my own various articles, reviews, and blog posts from various outlets here for the same reason.

Everyone is Welcome Here

This space welcomes members of all backgrounds, religions, national origins, gender expressions, sexual identities, ages, and economic conditions. Here we celebrate love and embrace diversity. Bigotry will not be tolerated.

All Topics Are Welcome,

though I reserve the right to curate on the basis of appropriate content. Just ask if you are unsure.

Personally, I tend to focus on gaming industry and culture issues. I am especially interested in games the gaming experience as an unprecedented narrative actvity, and as such I am always intesrested in the things that only games can do- and what games mean or can mean for us, from an existential or philosophical perspective.

My favorite game genres are RPG, MMORPG, JRPG, 4X, Grand Strategy, Sandbox/Survival, Space Simulator, Vehicle Simulator, Horror, FPS, RTS, Tycoon, and Collectible Card/Board Games.

I've put links to my YouTube and Twitch pages under Websites, though there are only a few videos at the moment- I will send a notify if I publish a new video or start streaming.

Feel free to request topics or to PM me a link to something you'd like me to put up, including your own blogs and other writings.

Apsalar on Steam
Apsalar on YouTube
Apsalr on Twitch[]
APSALAR Blog & Discussion reviews
"Games that are important to the people who play them."
Here are a few recent reviews by APSALAR Blog & Discussion
Houdeani 6 Feb, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
thanks for the invite! I also have this for xbox and I played for a while but seemed to lose interest. As crazy as it may seem my xbox stills works great and I have been toying with the urge to start playing this one again. After reading your words I think I may have to purchase on steam and dive back in! thanks ;)
ManCanCook 3 Feb, 2017 @ 2:09pm 
Greetings, everyone!
☢ NCC24656 凸 (◣_◢) 凸 ☢ 3 Feb, 2017 @ 10:53am 
thanks for the invite mate and looking forward to see wot he group chats about :)
Skéith 🏳️‍⚧ 3 Feb, 2017 @ 1:30am 
Great idea for a group!
Crash_Khan 2 Feb, 2017 @ 3:52pm 
Thank you for the invite.
jimbobslimbob 1 Feb, 2017 @ 11:17pm 
Hey all!