On the Brink: Détente OTB:D
On the Brink: Détente OTB:D
17 September, 2019
ABOUT On the Brink: Détente

Glory to Brezhnev

Starting Year: 1956 H1
Current Year: 1961 1/3

Ethiopia: A More "Liberal" Empire?
The Constitution of 1961

After the Emperor allowed for elections to be held within the Imperial Parliament, it seemed to be a surprise change especially considering his 1955 Constitution that keeps him above the Parliament, making it almost useless. Although he has promised a new one and so has invited the leading parties, the Social Democratic Party and Socialist parties to help him create a new Constitution for the Empire, wishing for the most popular coalition party to take part in the creation of the new Constitution. He is willing to compromise with the Socialists and left-leaning members of Ethiopia despite his disagreements with them, although he is getting more hesitant about "democracy" by the day as he is a staunch religious conservative but his cousin, Imru Haile Selassie, continues to pressure and convince him to listen to the people and allow them more civil liberties.

After speaking to the Left Coalition, the new Constitution has been decided with several more liberal changes to it being included; the most important elements of it are the fact that mayors shall be elected, Royal Ministers must have confidence of the Parliament, and 75% of Senators have to be elected while Judges can still be appointed by the Emperor. This constitution has been signed and put into power as the Imperial Constitution of 1961. Another matter is that in times of war or great crisis, the Emperor has full control over the military's actions as supreme commander in chief of the army still, but the Parliament has control over various things such as the ability to push for laws, veto certain ones, and set up a budget.

With this new Constitution, the Emperor has, with the agreement of the Leftist Coalition, put Imru Haile Selassie, "The Red Ras" in place as Prime Minister of Ethiopia.

The Literacy Campaign and more!

The Emperor has decided to attempt to greatly improve the literacy of the population with a great literacy campaign to put the children and young to school to learn how to read as well as to have some of the older people be tutored in reading as more schools are ordered to be set up within the nation as well. In general, he hopes to make his people more intelligent and literate with this campaign and allow the people to vote with greater confidence in future elections as they can be more educated in their choices. The Emperor shall use the money taken from the wealthiest in the progressive income tax to fund this campaign as well as from some of his own coffers!

The Emperor has also decided to try to expand the agricultural sectors as there is a lot of uncultivated land in the South that has been left such due to fears of Malaria but much of these worries have been purged with the various actions of the Anti-Malaria Organizations that exist that have been extremely effective in the 1950s and probably beyond as such fears slowly evaporate. The Emperor shall “encourage” certain groups to immigrate to these areas and begin farming, particularly pastoral nomads that still exist within the Empire. He promises them aid in setting up the farms and teaching them the various techniques for the glory of the Empire.

[Yomiuri Shimbun #6] Social Reforms, Reconciliation with Korea
Social Reforms introduced by Prime Minister Ikeda
Prime Minister Ikeda, seeking to improve conditions within Japan, cement and encourage economic growth, and curb socialist influence, has introduced new reforms that were recently passed by the Diet. With the reforms, Statutory Minimum Wages, a System of Universal Health Insurance, and The Physically Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Law were all instituted. These reforms shall ensure that all citizens of Japan see the benefits of increased economic growth.

Reconciliation with the Republic of Korea
Amid tensions with the Illegal Occupational Military Government of Northern Korea, Japanese and Korean officials met in Tokyo to conclude two treaties: the Treaty on Basic Relations between the State of Japan and Republic of Korea[] and the Treaty of Friendship & Reconciliation between the State of Japan and the Republic of Korea[]. With the signing of these two treaties, it is expected that Japan and Korea will begin to reopen trade ties and foster a tranquil and peaceful order in East Asia. Japanese Diplomats have also introduced proposals for the RoK to join the Association of Asian and Pacific Nations, though no agreement has been met.

EsotericNixonism 18 May, 2020 @ 10:36am 
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17 September, 2019