Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Gamers LGB No T
Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Gamers LGB No T
11 March, 2017
United States 
ABOUT Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Gamers

A Gay and Bisexual group on steam without all the trans-identity-SJWs.

This group is for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Straight Ally people that believe "sexual orientation" and "identity" are two separate things.

This is NOT an "identity" group.

There are tons of other identity groups for the "TQIJKLMNOP+-??BBQPUPPIEZ" people out there.

"Gender Identity" is NOT the same as "Sexual Orientation".

You cannot CHOOSE your sexual orientation, and you cannot CHOOSE your sex, but you can CHOOSE your "identity".

You can identify as a "trans-otherkin-attack-helicopter-gender-spirit" all you want, but you are not born that way.

This group is for people that are tired of the "identity politics" and "trans-identity-outrage" in other gay groups.

-Are you a lesbian woman that is tired of straight males telling you they "identify" as a lesbian female, and if you disagree they call you a transphobe or homophobe?

-Are you a gay man that is tired of women that tell you they "identify" as a gay male, and if you disagree they call you a transphobe or homophobe?

-Are you straight and tired of having some same-sex weirdo telling you they are the opposite sex, when they clearly are not?

-Are you tired of having to tiptoe around and be overly "politically correct" around these people?

This group is for people that also want to have freedom of speech, as long as it is kept civil, there will be little to no forum moderation so you do not have to be afraid of upsetting any "snowflakes" by asking questions or stating possibly unpopular opinions.

-It is actually okay to be a cis-white-male or female here!

-It is actually okay to be biologically male or female and be happy about it!

-It is actually okay to be a gay conservative or libertarian!

-It is actually okay to be gay and religious!

-It is actually okay to speak your mind without fear of the "banhammer".

As long as it is kept civil.


-Sex is different than gender; this is why they both have their own definition, though many people often confuse the two.

Sex: Biological/Genetic. There are 2 sexes: MALE and FEMALE, with anything not being strictly MALE or FEMALE being an ABNORMALITY (sometimes called intersex). Not to be confused with "gender".

Gender: Identity/societal/psychological. How individuals and societies view actions and objects on a scale of MASCULINE or FEMININE and can change from place to place (that is right, there are literally 2 genders, anything in between the two is usually just called neuter or neutral), this not to be confused with biological sex.

I can break it down even more with the "Nature vs. Nurture" argument: Sex is NATURE/genetic. Gender is NURTURE/learned.

This is some pretty basic, elementary level biology and medical and psychology stuff, yet often gets people BANNED from other gay groups for mentioning it!

Yes, that is right; you can get BANNED from other gay groups all over the internet for mentioning biology, psychology, or medical FACTS!!!
jahpeg 4 Feb @ 7:59am 
☆ƧQυiяяєL♫ 4 Feb @ 6:55am 
grabs jahpeg...

rubs furry belly.. and I whisper

"I care, jahpeg ...

I do <3"
jahpeg 2 Feb @ 6:08pm 
no one cares
☆ƧQυiяяєL♫ 2 Feb @ 6:07pm 
Ah baby don't be like that.

Why you such a ᵖᵘˢˢʸ?
I thought youd be a good sparing partner.
You give me crap, I comeback with some witty crap, back and forth.

ꜰᴜᴄᴋ dude, you're coming off like a wannabe transmitting from a geeky dorky isolation chamber

Are you a old used Queen? lol
Bear Wolfemann 2 Aug, 2024 @ 8:40pm 
I am Bisexual, but I would still wanna know if I'm putting my my manhood in a 'real' girl Or a guy, I'd feel utterly 'defiled' otherwise. Does that make me a BAD boy?
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 3 Jun, 2024 @ 2:27am 
I'm thinking "Homotopia" might work better. ^_^