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What do you think of Islam?
What do you think of Islam?
最近の変更は[deleted]が行いました; 2017年6月10日 22時54分
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I think Islam is a disease we need to rid the planet off. That's pretty much all I think about it.
islam is great
EST Nuvenor の投稿を引用:
I think Islam is a disease we need to rid the planet off. That's pretty much all I think about it.
You're the "disease"
neptune の投稿を引用:
EST Nuvenor の投稿を引用:
I think Islam is a disease we need to rid the planet off. That's pretty much all I think about it.
You're the "disease"

I "insult" a religion which is the reason for over 90% of terrorist attacks in the world and countless deaths in the name of Allahu Snackbar. You insult me, a person. See the problem?
^8... の投稿を引用:
What do you think of Islam?
It's a religion of barbarians and a threat to Christiandom as a whole.
Gideon 2017年6月10日 23時54分 
^8... の投稿を引用:
What do you think of Islam?

They're savages and they stole Constantinople from us...Deus Vult
salad 2017年6月11日 16時25分 
Religion is pretty funny tbh lol
EST Nuvenor の投稿を引用:
neptune の投稿を引用:
You're the "disease"

I "insult" a religion which is the reason for over 90% of terrorist attacks in the world and countless deaths in the name of Allahu Snackbar. You insult me, a person. See the problem?

Yea islam is the reason for crusades that killed hundreds of thousends if not millions
And islam is the cause of world war 1 and 2 and islam was the religion of hitler ? So no he comes from christian family
And how america destroyed iraq and afghanistan searching for the so called " terrorist mazlimz"
And the muslims are who brought the african people as slaves and degraded them? No it was the christians
And when someone christian does something bad , well he is just a solitary case and he is insane
But how about if a crazy guy with a muslim name did something .. then omg these mazlimz are savages they're terrorists omg
FYI : if moslims were terrorists .. you wouldn't exist because muslims are 1.7 billion = 23% of humans
And it's growing faster than you think .. and why so many people are reverting to islam because it's the CLEAR version of christianity .. only one GOD and jesus and mohammad peace upon them are only messangers/prophets
And GOD is superior
See how clear .. not (1+1+1=3)
Luke 2017年6月16日 15時23分 
It's a religion of barbarians and a threat to Christiandom as a whole.

Yea they pretty much live to kill us. :/
最近の変更はLukeが行いました; 2017年6月16日 15時23分
eI 2017年6月16日 19時18分 
I will be honest and share my opinon

Islam is against gods word as they hurt people for not beliveing what they belive it is a horrible religon and needs to be eraticated ISIS is made up of Muslims now before you bash me saying it's good islam is the religon of peace! Let me tell you the media IS A LIE educate yourself don't belive those libearl pigs.
Luke 2017年6月17日 12時31分 
Col Zachary の投稿を引用:
I will be honest and share my opinon

Islam is against gods word as they hurt people for not beliveing what they belive it is a horrible religon and needs to be eraticated ISIS is made up of Muslims now before you bash me saying it's good islam is the religon of peace! Let me tell you the media IS A LIE educate yourself don't belive those libearl pigs.

I love you

Fianally someone agrees
eI 2017年6月17日 12時33分 
Lootron の投稿を引用:
Col Zachary の投稿を引用:
I will be honest and share my opinon

Islam is against gods word as they hurt people for not beliveing what they belive it is a horrible religon and needs to be eraticated ISIS is made up of Muslims now before you bash me saying it's good islam is the religon of peace! Let me tell you the media IS A LIE educate yourself don't belive those libearl pigs.

I love you

Fianally someone agrees
I love you to ;) :HappyGerka::Football_Think:
eI 2017年6月17日 12時44分 
epilipsyy の投稿を引用:
EST Nuvenor の投稿を引用:

I "insult" a religion which is the reason for over 90% of terrorist attacks in the world and countless deaths in the name of Allahu Snackbar. You insult me, a person. See the problem?

Yea islam is the reason for crusades that killed hundreds of thousends if not millions
And islam is the cause of world war 1 and 2 and islam was the religion of hitler ? So no he comes from christian family
And how america destroyed iraq and afghanistan searching for the so called " terrorist mazlimz"
And the muslims are who brought the african people as slaves and degraded them? No it was the christians
And when someone christian does something bad , well he is just a solitary case and he is insane
But how about if a crazy guy with a muslim name did something .. then omg these mazlimz are savages they're terrorists omg
FYI : if moslims were terrorists .. you wouldn't exist because muslims are 1.7 billion = 23% of humans
And it's growing faster than you think .. and why so many people are reverting to islam because it's the CLEAR version of christianity .. only one GOD and jesus and mohammad peace upon them are only messangers/prophets
And GOD is superior
See how clear .. not (1+1+1=3)
ITS muslim learn how to spell it helps
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