JesusChrist JesusChrist
JesusChrist JesusChrist
10 July, 2012
Showing 1-10 of 10 entries
What do you think of Islam?
for the guy who said he is atheist I DON'T CARE .. without reliogion humans would be animals
if no reliogion why would you have manners .. i mean how can law punish hitler ? that's why you need reliogion so GOD can burn him and give him new skin 6 million times
and for the people who are raping my people in syria our girls (just because they are muslim girls and ppl being killed cuz they R MUSLIMS) (pretty sure these people of ASSAD doing this are getting away with it) yea so for those which law is gonna punish >> and if we manage to punish > tell me what compensation can we give for the girl who got raped for the boy who ose his mom
just becasue they are muslims >> when have we muslims killed someone because he is christian or jewish or boodist or hindu ??? muslims only spread the message and if they are stopped from doing so .. they have to fight (and fight only the fightors not kill women or rape them not kill children not an old man) and not to cut a tree and not kill an naimal except for eating
for the guy who spoke about ishmail > well you know that it has been made up that he is illegitimate .. the first wife couldn't have children so she asked ibrahim to marry hajar
and he married her legitametly and got ichmail .. and he put him in makkah then god gave him another son of the first wife (and both of the sons were massengers of GOD) then what makes you say that ismail is animal

a question : have we ever hated on christians? NO
we only try to show what we got in our book the MESSAGE
but YOU always try to degrade islam .. say we are savages and try to convince everyone and yoursleves that we are animals .. while we are just a strong believers in GOD
the only GOD who has power over jesus mohammad and everyone
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