JesusChrist JesusChrist
JesusChrist JesusChrist
10 July, 2012
Showing 1-10 of 55 entries
What do you think of Islam?
Yes, you were born that way
What do you think of Islam?
Originally posted by MinotaurianSoul:
Originally posted by chacmool:
Why do Nazis support a Semitic religion like Christianity? Semitic is an ancient racial hybrid between European and African. Half the Bible is written in a Semitic language and the other half is about a Semite called Jesus. In modern times in the U.S., Jesus reminds me of Hispanic Americans because they are chaotic neutral and understand both the white Nazi mentality that is obsessed with order and high standards, and the communist mentality that can sympathize with all the victims of colonialism like Amerindians, since they are a mixture of both. Also, how can U.S. white people who are monoglots and a mixture of European ethnicities care so much about Europe? America is a cancer to Europe because it destroys the ethnic cultures of Europe. Also, how can white Americans complain about Muslims in Europe when they themselves are acting as Muslims in the Americas? It's funny to see Okies larping as Hitler.

The story of Jesus reads as a racial hybrid going through psychosis. Psychosis is when the right (white nazi conservative) and left (brown communist minority) parts of the brain collide causing a limbic system shock. The sculpture Pietà looks like someone going through psychosis. Dying on the cross is someone exploring their victim mentality on the left side of the brain yet remaining respectful to the right part of the brain, which is why when Jesus decided to die he did not become a suicide bomber or some guy plowing protesters with a car.
either ur a very dumb person who is too retarded to accept your religion is like the most fucked in the planet, or, ur a very dumb lefty dumbass, freedom oppressor, or you could just be a mexican hating on white people for your failures in life, because thats what most non-whites do right??? blame whites for their shitty economy and life

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