STEAM グループ
Coffee Break Gaming CoffeeBreakG
STEAM グループ
Coffee Break Gaming CoffeeBreakG
Coffee Break Gaming について

Have a Coffee. Take a Break. Play the Game.

Coffee Break Gaming has a simple message; in this hectic time, with information overload at an all time high, we want to present games to you in their simplest form. Is it good? Is it worth your money? How long does it take to get started? We’re still delivering the full, quality reviews that gamers have come to expect, but also bite sized summaries of the review for people to check when time is limited.

We focus specifically on PC Gaming; from the big to the small, the mainstream to the unusual, every title is treated equally. We want to be up front about our practices as well; after all, why would you trust our opinion about the value for money of a game if we got a press copy for free? We’ll let you know the circumstances surrounding our reviews; length of time played, cost to us (if any) etc and let you guys decide if our reviews hold up.

We want Coffee Break Gaming to be your first port of call. Add your own comments, submit your own reviews and be a part of the discussions about your favourite games.

Coffee Break Gaming Website[]
Steam Game Giveaway on Facebook!
A PC in your hands... Portable 'SteamBoy' goes under the radar at E3!
9 件のコメント
76561198082386539 2014年5月12日 11時19分 
Hey people please add me on steam my name is Warren Parkinson and I need friends Warren2478 is my username so see you guys on my friends list and if you guys have any spare parts for a pc like spare motherboards, CPU'S, cases, ram, power supplies, graphics cards, cables, led fans and what ever you gotcause I'm in need of components and if u guys canggive it to me for free cause got no cash
Goobz 2014年3月14日 13時30分 
Meow :3
Deeke 2014年3月14日 13時12分 
Grats on your new site :)
[EXD] Glovey 2014年3月10日 2時27分 
There he is, the main man Einherjar!
Einherjar 2014年3月10日 2時26分 
Grande Mucho 2014年3月10日 2時24分 
Looking forward to be a part of the group :)
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