Making History: The Great War

Making History: The Great War

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Clausewitz 19 May, 2014 @ 12:57pm
Name mistakes in Germany
I'll edit this post with new errors. Also, I will hold everything in an Excel spreadsheet. In between, I'll send this to the techsupport.

Kiel Canal Zone
    German 1. Kiel-Kanal-Zone -> Canal has a K in Germany // Thats the 1:1 translation // It's a composite noun with seperators 2. Nord-Ostsee-Kanal -> Thats the typical German word for. 3. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal -> The word for till 1948 in Germany.
Gdynia (city)
    German Gdingen -> The correct German word.
Alsace Lorraine (state)
    German Elsass-Lothringen -> The correct German word.
Palatinate (state)
    German Pfalz -> The correct German word.
Pomerania (state)
    German Pommern -> The correct German word. (in this case West-Pommern)
Pomorze (state)
    German Pommern -> The correct German word. (in this case Ost-Pommern)
Wielkopolskie (state)
    German Woidwodschaft -> The correct German word.
Last edited by Clausewitz; 19 May, 2014 @ 1:09pm
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boogsarah 20 May, 2014 @ 6:57am 
Originally posted by Clausewitz:
I'll edit this post with new errors. Also, I will hold everything in an Excel spreadsheet. In between, I'll send this to the techsupport.

Kiel Canal Zone
    German 1. Kiel-Kanal-Zone -> Canal has a K in Germany // Thats the 1:1 translation // It's a composite noun with seperators 2. Nord-Ostsee-Kanal -> Thats the typical German word for. 3. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal -> The word for till 1948 in Germany.
Gdynia (city)
    German Gdingen -> The correct German word.
Alsace Lorraine (state)
    German Elsass-Lothringen -> The correct German word.
Palatinate (state)
    German Pfalz -> The correct German word.
Pomerania (state)
    German Pommern -> The correct German word. (in this case West-Pommern)
Pomorze (state)
    German Pommern -> The correct German word. (in this case Ost-Pommern)
Wielkopolskie (state)
    German Woidwodschaft -> The correct German word.

Got them.
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Date Posted: 19 May, 2014 @ 12:57pm
Posts: 1