Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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The Clone Wars
Items (61)
Star Wars Weapons
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of Star Wars weapons with both first person and third person models. This pack contains the following weapons: Bowcaster DC-15A DC-15S DC-15 Side Arm DC-17m Anti-Ar...
Star Wars Battledroids
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players Version: 1 Description: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players for Garry's mod. Contents: Battledroid Battledroid Commander Battledroid Geonosis Battledroid Pilot Battledroid Security BAW E-5 Blaster Features: Phong shaders Bum...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Created by Rubat
Sci-fi Props Megapack
Created by Lt_C
Over 70 Unique Sci-Fi Themed Props! Included in this release is the bulk of two years’ work on a specific visual theme. When combined with my other similar releases, this is little short of the cores assets needed to make a total conversion source mod. Eve...
Advanced Duplicator
Created by WireTeam
NOTICE: AdvDuplicator is deprecated. Please use AdvDupe2 unless there is a specific need for AdvDuplicator. A tool for duplicating contraptions that include many complex components including Wiremod devices, and most other SENTs. Nebual made the amazingly ...
NPC Tools
Created by Silverlan
SPECIAL THANKS to Cpt. Hazama for fixing the addon! ----------------------------------- I'm done with gmod and I don't take requests, so please stop spamming the comment section. There won't be any updates or new packs. If you want to check out my new proj...
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
Sci-Fi Citizens Playermodels
Created by Lt_C
PLAYERMODEL FILES ONLY. Does not include the textures, downloading just this file will mean pink and black checkerboarded playermodels. FOR ALL TEXTURES, DOWNLOAD: I decided to separate the pl...
Sci-Fi Citizens v4
Created by Lt_C
I present to you version 4.0 of the Sci-Fi Citizens. PLAYERMODELS ARE AVAILABE AS A SEPERATE DOWNLOAD HERE: Playermodels - Workshop Link Included in this download are 27 models, including all 15 standard Half-Life 2 citizens, all retextured with high-resol...
Drako2k's SFX Pack
Created by Cougarmint
This is a Special Effects pack originally created by a user named Drako2k. The only thing I did was convert it to Gmod 13's lua format so that it can function properly. Effects included in this pack: energy ball, fire, glow, smoke, smoke trail, sparks, sta...
Created by Dathus [BR]
PlayX is an advanced media player that can be used to play video/music/images/websites from 16 media providers. Version: 2.9.17 Disclaimer There is a bug in Garry's Mod/Awesomium itself that prevents our PlayX (and not only PlayX) to open media randomly, t...
Republic Vehicle Models Part 1
Created by ScurvyLegs
Republic Vehicle Models from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ These models were ported by Stefano. The models featured in this pack are 2 Acclamators, Hover Tank, Light Cruiser, 2 Venators, AT-RT, AT-TE, AT-XR, E-Wing, Attacker,...
CGI CIS Droid Pack
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce the new textures and rigs to fix the models, CIS Droids! Be sure to follow All of the authors if you like the content! Droids Backstory Droids were mechanical constructs designed to assist organic lif...
DC-15a Grappling Hook Cable D'ascension
Created by Akiran | SWFS
This takes the model of the DC-15a rifle by Syntax and simply replaces the crossbow model of the Crossbow with it as well as changing the holding style appropriately. It functions exactly the same as the regular grappling hook, no code has been altered oth...
Garry's Bombs 5 Base
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Materials for this to work properly! Rogue Cheney allowed all of h...
Garry's Bombs 5 Materials
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Base for this to work! Rogue Cheney allowed all of his work to be ...
More Materials!
Created by Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
Republic Vehicle Models Part 2
Created by ScurvyLegs
Republic Vehicle Models from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ These models were ported by Stefano. The models featured in this pack are a Phalanx, Venator, Victory, Y-Wing Prototype, Legacy, Acclamator, ARC-170, Carrack, CR-20, ...
SW Map : Kamino
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<< The Kamino base surface from STAR WARS Roleplay : Kamino ...
Star Wars - Astromech Droids Playermodel Pack v1.4
Created by Grady
Astromech Droids By Grady & Cooky Hey! This is our Astromech Droid Pack. We hope you like it. A Feedback would be nice :) Whats in that pack? - Astromech Red - Astromech Green - Astromech Yellow - Astromech Black - Astromech Purple - Astromech Blue (R2-D2)...
Created by Cody Evans
Star Wars Roleplay Map ___________________________ Map Lore: After the destruction of the original Rishi moon outpost, the Republic decided to improve on its outer Kamino defences by placing a permanent military base on the moon's surface. To avoid previou...
Grappling hook
Created by Asymmetric Footwear
This isn't mine I just fixed it. Original addon by HOLOGRAPHICpizz Original description: I recently started playing gmod again, and realized that this addon is still slightly popular, so I decided to release this updated version with some minor changes. I ...
[VJ] Battle Droid SNPCs[Outdated]
Created by Cavecastscorch
This is a reupload of Wibble's battle droid addon since he took it down, I did not make most of this, I have just changed some stuff and added some stuff. Current Units: OOM Battle Droid Infantry B1 Battle Droid Geonosis OOM Battle Droid Security OOM Battl...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Turret Tool
Created by nrlulz
Throws bullets at things...
Star Wars Battlefront Weapons Materials
Created by ImDazed
These are just the material and sound files for the main addon....
Mass Effect: Turian Defences
Created by Kally
THESE ARE PROPS. This is a pack of assorted defences, cliffs, and rocks from the Turian moon base level in Mass Effect 3. Some of the props such as the gates are ragdolled, and some have bodygroups and skingroups. Contents: 12 Wall Pieces 8 Bunker parts 15...
CW: Clone Wars Content
Created by Delt
Summary: This is a content pack designed for the Garry's Mod Gamemode CW: Clone Wars, a roleplaying gamemode based in the STAR WARS universe. If you wish to connect to this server the ip is Wanna check out the community? See the forum lin...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Nu-Class Shuttle
Created by Cody Evans The Nu-class shuttle, also known as the Republic attack shuttle, was a vessel used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was a supplementary design to the LAAT gunship, as it had heavier armor and hy...
Y-Wing BTL-B
Created by dhkatz
Y-Wing BTL-B: Read more about it here Credits: Base by Liam0102 Ported and Coded by Doctor Jew To Do: None, make a request! Controls: Pilot: W - Throttle Up A - Roll/Strafe Left D - Roll/Strafe Right S - Throttle Down SPACE - Go Up CTRL - Go Down SHIFT - R...
Hyena-Class Bomber
Created by Cody Evans This addon contains a Hyena-Class Bomber from Star Wars universe, used by the Seperatist Alliance (CIS) during the Clone Wars. Features main blasters to fend off any enemy fighters as well as proton bombs for bombing runs...
Entity Group Spawner
Created by Jaxswat
The EGS tool lets you spawn groups of entities with ease. No more spamming the toolgun to get perfect lines and arrays; whether it's NPCs, Vehicles, Props, Ragdolls, SENTs, or even SWEPs, the EGS tool does it for you! http://...
Created by McKay
Resizes props, ragdolls and NPCs. Does not resize the hitbox or shadow, therefore mainly useful for posing/videos. I couldn't find this tool in the workshop so I thought I'd make my own. I don't understand why the Inflator tool doesn't have this functional...
Created by
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Turbo Constraint Multi
Created by Ludsoe
This tool allows you to weld and parent contraptions easily and quickly. AutoMaticly nocollides when you parent. Can Remove shadows to prevent client lag. Parents Npcs, Vehicles, props without crashs. ...
AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon
Created by Cody Evans The AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon, also know simply as Artillery Cannon or Heavy Cannon, was a self-propelled artillery unit used by the Republic during Clone Wars. The vehicle could move via it's repulsorlifts to reach suitabl...
ARC-170 Fighter
Created by Cody Evans The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter was a heavy-duty model of starfighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The two main forward medium laser cannons located on the underside of its outer wing...
Standing Pose Tool
Created by Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
Ragdoll Mover
Created by Winded
What is it? Ragdoll Mover is a tool that allows you to move ragdolls in a similar way to 3D programs. This also includes IK chains. Why should I use it? If you are fine with physgun, then maybe you don't need to use this. But here's a few key features of w...
Health Regeneration
Created by Jordan
With this addon you will regain your health back to your maximum over time. You can change the settings with these commands: healthregen_enabled 1/0 - 1 enables the addon , 0 disables it healthregen_speed - The speed at which you regain your health (Defaul...
Third Person Flashlight
Created by Wheatley
This mod is no longer supported and/or improved by it's original author. No bug reports or suggestions will be accepted. Check out fixed version of this addon New flashlight rendering system. With this script you can see other player's flashlight. Players ...
NutScript Content
Created by Cheesenut
This add-on provides needed materials for playing on servers using the NutScript framework. To find the NutScript framework, visit:
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Model Manipulator
Created by Prey
Allows you to change any props and NPC model to any other. You can also change your own model. Tool is in 'Construction' category. Using: Right-Click to get model from NPC/ragdoll/prop Left-Click to set model to NPC/ragdoll/prop Reload to set your own play...
Star Wars Weapons (Clone Hands)
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ This addon is outdated. I am certain that this addon conflicts with the 10,000 other Star Wars weapons addons that have been created and added to the Garry's Mod workshop since these were originally released years ago. Stand-alone, th...
Star Wars Clone Wars Pilots Phase 2
Created by Tac
ADDED: Pilot Hawk Pilot Troopers Pilot Blank Next To Be Add Pilot Goji Pilot Warthug LAAT PIlot and more Please do not copy or decompile the model without asking permission...
Star Wars : Frigates Pack
If you have any problems let me know in the comment section , if I see that the request for the size of the ships is strongly ask I will make an update to change their sizes for a large size, meanwhile you can use the Resizer for now. Resizer Props List : ...
star wars commando weapon modify
Created by Sauronox
- Addon modify - Original Addon : Star Wars Weapon : Syntax_Error752 Star wars Weapon (update):here Commando Knife SWEP : Dan costum by : Sauronox Modification : Category Weapon : Star Wars commando Weapon DC-17m Blaster Rifle : - Damage : 45 - munition : ...
SWBF2 (2017) Clone Gibs Playermodel and Prop Pack
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
SWBF2 (2017) Clone Gibs Playermodel and Prop Pack. This pack includes a clone trooper playermodel with three skins - clean, burnt, and bloody.The playermodel can bodygroup off the legs, arms, and head, although the torso cannot be bodygrouped and must be l...
[VN] SWBF2 (2017) ARC Troopers Playermodels (V2)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) ARC Troopers Playermodels, as commissioned by 「VN」 A. Taylor 「C.E.O」 of Viper Networks. This pack includes the following: Red ARC Trooper Blue ARC Trooper Green ARC Trooper Yellow ARC Trooper 6th Republic Guard ARC Trooper E...
SWTOR Jedi Battlelord Variants Playermodels
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
Star Wars: The Old Republic Jedi Battlelord Variants. This pack includes five coloured skin variants of the Jedi Battlelord model - dark red, dark green, dark blue, dark purple, and white. Each colour has three heads to choose from. Each model also has a h...
Created by Bearsunits Hello dear Steam User, Welcome to the brand new immersive version of rp_venator_v2. Well whats new or special about this map? ➤ Spinning and interactable Reactor(Engine) Core ➤ Control room for Guards or EODs (cctv...
SWBF2 (2017) 332nd Clone Trooper Battalion Playermodels
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
MY 200TH ADDON HAS BEEN RELEASED! "The 332nd was a unit that fought during the Clone Wars. In 20 BBY, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was accused of a crime and sentenced as guilty by the Jedi Order. Though she was later proven innocent, she became alienated with...
Star Wars Flags & Banners
Created by dhkatz
Star Wars Flags & Banners: A collection of various flags or species, organizations, factions, etc. Current Banners: Galactic Republic Galactic Empire Confederacy of Independent Systems Mandalorian First Order Rebel Alliance New Republic Xeno Empire (Custom...