❄r3dsn0w000™❄ [Cristi]🎮
🌠 ɒmƨoƆ iɒʜiM nɒiɈƨiɿƆ ♂, 33   Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
Send me a trade offer :1337: My Secondary Account :1337:
Nickname Reserved :TR: [nick-name.ru] :FlashFreeze: Follow me :FlashFreeze: My Artwork :seeYou:
"Playing beta games is like having sex with a condom!" :grin: - Razor 1911 (RZR)

"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." :devilshare: - Paradise Lost, John Milton

Leave a comment as to why you're adding me or I'll ignore you :exclamation:

Also, please note that I will check your Steam Profile via SteamRep [steamrep.com] before I'll consider accepting your friend request :omfg:

If you ever say ♥♥♥♥ about me, my loved ones or my country, I'll piss on your graves! :rk_devil:

Someday... I will quit Steam:omfg: Wait... what :wtf:

:weed: Dr. Dre - The Next Episode ft. Snoop Dogg :weed:

:p2orange: Valve Software
:p2blue: Valve - Facebook [facebook.com]
:p2orange: Steam Support
:p2blue: Steam - Facebook [facebook.com]
:p2orange: @Steam_Support :ampersand: @steam_games
:p2blue: Enrique Iglesias - :aahealth: Heartbeat :aahealth: ft. Nicole Scherzinger
:p2orange: Click here for an awesome surprise! :lol:
:p2blue: This is my favorite Steam profile!

My favorite quotes:

:mylove: "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life." - Leo Buscaglia
:LightRedCube: "Tick, tick, tick... That's the sound of your life running out!" - Dexter (TV Series)
:PinkCube: “Do you know anyone who has never read a book or watched a movie? Of course not! Do you know anyone who has never played a video game? I bet you do. If we want gaming to grow, this has to change” - Reggie Fils-Aime, E3 2006
:LightBlueCube: "I want to do something safe and legal and boring, with people that like me. And have a wife and some kids and get divorced and fight for weekend access, like everybody else" :lol: - Ken Rosenberg, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
:GreenCube: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
:YellowCube: "...enjoy it while it lasts, there's always someone out there who's a little faster than you are, and sooner or later they're gonna catch up..." - Darius, Need for Speed: Carbon [pcgamingwiki.com]

1000th game -> We Are Legion :future:
1337th game -> World War I :TankYouMate:
2000th game -> Gamer Simulator :ctm_gamepad:

1,000+ DLC Owned as of May 18th, 2017 :fshappy:

150+ Games Removed from the Steam Store :thumbsup:


:RedStar: Last updated: Jan. 26th, 2019 :RedStar:
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Black-skull sails 🏴‍☠️
35 9 1
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Dead Space 3
253 355 89
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Important Info :omfg:

I don't trade my items for free :omfg: You can't have my :GoldenPoo: :omfg: :omgalien: please :stop: asking me for free stuff :exclamation: :sr4paul:


:comica: :blastshot: :comicc: :deadlyd: :eeee: :fraud: :gearup: :hyperion: :PADDLE: :journeyj: :comick: :lp3l: :mllrM: :NletterNKOA: :cherrydonut: :mmep_p: :odrown: :rred: :sgsurvivor: :justT: :ultra: :vladv: :comicw: :xmark: :_Y_: :Z:

:bronzemedal: :silvermedal: :goldmedalalt: :platinummedal: :tyderiummedal: :1337: :future: :Earthlings: :nooo: :not: :yah: :1337: :redteam: :blueteam: :greenteam: :purpleteam: :pinkteam: :1337: :pwskull: :piratesign: :fearskull: :pirate: :DLskull: :qlexcellent: :tisskull: :crazy:


:redteam:Signed by :weed: r3dsn0w000™ :weed: :shieldyourass::remember::P: :Upvoter:

:iwanttobelieve: SteamRep :sow_move: https://steamrep.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fgtm.steamproxy.vip%2Fid%2Fr3dsn0w000

:gl_kitty::mylove: "To play or not to play? That’s a stupid question, asked by an idiot."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Abraham Lincoln :emofdr:
:redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser: :summersun: HAVE A NICE DAY :exclamation: :redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser::redlaser:

:redbow: Last updated: Jan. 26th, 2019 :redbow:

P.S. My 3000th game on Steam was Zup! , courtesy of my friend :happymeat:
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For Those With A Collection of the Unavailable
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This collection consists of Greenlight & Greenlit games and software that I like and personally recommend!
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Night Springs - Episode 2: The Man in the Mirror
129 9 3
Favorite Guide
A quick way to improve performance by Removing stutter and lag from the game and by Fixing the Vsync bug
Review Showcase
Hey G4WL (° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


- Awesome graphics;

- Great driving experience (very good car handling);

- 37h (or even more) of actual gameplay (Completionist Playstyle, according to How Long To Beat [howlongtobeat.com]), though my playstyle took a little bit longer);

- Lots of FREE DLC included! It includes all of DiRT 3's DLC, adding several new cars and tracks to the game. Yay!


- In the game's Video settings, selecting an Anti-aliasing (AA) mode higher than 8x MSAA won't work on newer GPUs such as nVIDIA's 900 series GPUs (you can find out more by reading the discussion here ). For e.g., on a GTX 970, the highest Anti-aliasing (AA) mode that you can go with is 8x MSAA, which is actually enough for this game and almost any game out there. If your PC can handle it, you should totally go with MSAA, because the game looks much better with it enabled and also, it isn't bugged like, for example, 8x QCSAA is on newer video cards;

- The lack of a soundtrack during all of the races and events. I have resolved this "issue" by listening to my own music;

- Took them (Codemasters) long enough to migrate DiRT 3 from GFWL to Steamworks DRM, but at least I got a free copy of DiRT 3 Complete Edition when it launched on Steam, given the fact that I have already owned DiRT 3 on Steam, prior to DiRT 3 Complete Edition's release. This is not really a con, but I though it was worth to be mentioned in my review :)
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My RIG 🎮 (2020 update)
10 2 1
Review Showcase
An absolute disaster! Where can I start?!


- The game feels like it's not in Early Access, but in Pre-Alpha stage!!

- The voice acting... ugh ...horrible!

- Subtitles removed in a later patch (Jesus Christ devs, the hell did you do that for?!);

- The game has a "you know the word" grain effect which I can't stand and it's absolutely hideous to play the game with it enabled and did I mention the fact that you don't have an option to disable it?

- Buggy Achievements - I have tried my best but I have had it! I couldn't unlock not even a single achievement! although, of course, I did what I had to do so that the achievement/s should pop out!

- The game needs a lot of resources (it has way higher system requirements than the recommended ones, listed on the game's Steam Store page) to run smoothly, although it doesn't offer neither great graphics nor interesting and "the need to come back for more" kind of gameplay;

- Even if I had purchased it from a different digital online store alongside with a big -75% discount ($5), I still don't think that I had made a bargain at all! I also think the devs should have payed me the 5 bucks instead, for playing their broken and poorly optimized game!


I'm sorry, but there aren't any pros in this one, only if it gets Removed from the Steam Store and then, I'll have one more game to count as a Game Removed from the Steam Store (I won't even...).

❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄r3dsn0w000's Gamer Profile❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄
:happy_creep: :blissful_creep: :wat_creep: :calm_creep: :nonplussed_creep: :angry_creep: :sad_creep: :yawning_creep:

:blackball: If I have removed you :thunderheart:, then read this:omfg: [s.go.ro]
:blackball: These are [i.imgur.com] my :dd_denied: friends on Steam :gtfo: (Please note that I don't update the link as often as I should :lol:)
:blackball: If you haven't figured it out already, if you send me a friend request and your profile is private :sadpolice:, then you can go straight to hell :devilskiss: :claugh::omfg:
:blackball: I like playing PC Games :ctm_gamepad: :borderlands2: :soccerball: :bass:, listening to music :mlyf_17: and I like hanging out with my friends :happymeat:
:blackball: Having a high Steam level, a large friends list or be a part of many Steam Groups have indeed their drawbacks, so I might be offline, while enjoying my single player games on Steam. I usually respond to all of my messages, so feel free to leave me an offline message! :caster_happy:

I am also present on both Origin and Uplay and I go by the nickname r3dsn0w000

:blackball: Steam statistics for r3dsn0w000 [steam-tools.net]
:blackball: Steam Ladder - Romania [i.imgur.com] (current as of January 22nd, 2016)
:blackball: For more info regarding my owned Games / DLC / Software that were Removed from the Steam Store, click here [removed.timekillerz.eu]
:blackball: My favorite thing to do on Steam -> Adding :Dosh: to my Steam Wallet :lol: :yolo:
:blackball: My :weed: Gaming Rig :weed: -> :Top_Secret: r3dsn0w000's Gaming Rig :Top_Secret:
:blackball: I will never forget you :ravenbird: [i.imgur.com]
:blackball: I'm currently eligible for 1152 Booster packs :tradingcard::tradingcardfoil:

:blackball: Group Player of the Week :B1: I was, at one point in time, Games Collectors' Group Player of the Week

:blackball: My Speed Test Result :emofdr: [beta.speedtest.net]

You have reached the end of my profile!

:justT::hyperion::comica::NletterNKOA::comick: :_Y_::cherrydonut::ultra: :omfg:

:RedBird: Last updated: August 20th, 2017 :RedBird:
Artwork Showcase
Man O' War Maquette ⛵
11 4 1
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106 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
87 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
304 hrs on record
last played on 6 Mar
Nevermore 8 Mar @ 6:43pm 
Nevermore 2 Mar @ 4:40pm 
𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦:iloveu: ~ https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3437216631
Nevermore 1 Mar @ 3:35pm 
𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦:iloveu: ~ https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3436296416
Nevermore 27 Feb @ 5:44pm 
Nevermore 24 Feb @ 6:37pm 
Nevermore 24 Feb @ 6:37pm 
𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦:iloveu: ~ https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3432930289