Arma 3
AI single tapping with HMG nests in Antistasi Ultimate, any fix?
All the AI, friendly or otherwise, whenever they man the outpost HMGs they refuse to fire them properly, instead just tapping one shot every 4 seconds or so, making them utterly useless.

I have worked through my mods and disabled anything not required for OPTRE to run with Antistasi Ultimate, still refuses to behave correctly... Is this on my end or a known issue?
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Clarification: Only when using OPTRE and using the default Halo themed HMG. The Warthog variant works fine
Just an odd Ai bug im pretty sure, the AI does this with other types of mounted machine guns, like the heavy repeater for example (from one of the star wars mods), other times they'll just open fire and spray until that things empty or what ever it was shooting isn't needing to be shot anymore.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Mr.Wanaskiwin "Navarone":
Just an odd Ai bug im pretty sure, the AI does this with other types of mounted machine guns, like the heavy repeater for example (from one of the star wars mods), other times they'll just open fire and spray until that things empty or what ever it was shooting isn't needing to be shot anymore.

Damn, really? I've only ever noticed it with this specific gun and it's so sad because I rely on my HMG guys to make things viable with my current settings. I love this mod beyond everything I've tried for Antistasi Ultimate, but this bug is really crippling my enjoyment :(
I would even go into the code and fix it myself if it was just a matter of "oh they probably just messed up the behavior for that specific mounted gun". But if you're correct then it sounds like I am ♥♥♥♥
Nightovizard  [δημιουργός] 20 Αυγ 2024, 6:39 
Which HMG you mean? if its the LAAG, the warthog and static turret uses the same exact gun and config.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Nightovizard:
Which HMG you mean? if its the LAAG, the warthog and static turret uses the same exact gun and config.

The default outpost one. It's gray and looks like a machinegun, you can't aim down sights with it if that helps, as in it doesn't have a reticule or sights, it just places the camera above the barrel. I wish I wrote down the name because I don't have access to the game for two days or so. Every single other static weapon works fine but one that is assigned to every outpost HMG nest is broken for me.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από ʰᵉʰᵉ; 20 Αυγ 2024, 6:48
If you want to know the exact name right now I can get a mate to fetch it. He has the same issues playing Antistasi Ultimate. Neither of us uses the mod outside of Antistasi btw, so idk if it's related to the outpost AI somehow. No idea though, I just know it's the single weapon that doesn't function well from us playing the mod so far.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από ʰᵉʰᵉ; 20 Αυγ 2024, 6:51
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