

Enhanced Storage
Phill Meup 2017 年 9 月 16 日 下午 2:38
Bug Report
i have a strange issue with the capacity level indicator, im playing on the FU offical server and i placed down the indicator and immeditly got warped back to my ship. so i warped back down to the planet and found that the chunks where i placed the indicator are broken completly/as in are not loading. and whenever the game tries to load the chunks i get sent back up to my ship again.
and since the chunks are not loading, i also can't remove the indicator and maybe fix the chunks. so im not sure if its something that i did, or one of the mods i have installed is interacting weirdly with it. btw i tried placing one on my ship and a diferent planet and it worked without any problems.
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Mia 2017 年 9 月 19 日 上午 4:07 
Some additional info to that: i can reproduce this error when placing the numeric indicator, leave the game and join (Singleplayer)

The other 2 indicators are working fine.

Tracked it down to an possible incompatibility with the "network_containerlink" object which is used in FU. It might be possible that other objects could get affected too.
最后由 Mia 编辑于; 2017 年 9 月 19 日 上午 8:51
Phill Meup 2017 年 9 月 19 日 下午 5:02 
yeah, i had assumed it was something related to it not liking one of the other objects nearby, as i had a lot of other FU inventory thing placed down nearby in the radius of the indicator. i did manage to "fix" it though by destorying the indicator, which was very hard by itself, and also had to destroy a good portion of my base. but luckily it was nothing too severe, and i bet i probably had that item placed down nearby too (though i could not tell as most of them got destroyed).
Altzan260 2017 年 10 月 7 日 上午 11:42 
So how did you manage to destroyed the indicator with out getting beamed back to the ship??
Calib 2018 年 6 月 6 日 上午 11:53 
You can Duplicate anything(that is not a Storage) in a Storage Matter Extractor.
Mia 2018 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:06 
Seems i was not completly right with my assumption before.
The indicator bug is still there when accessing any storage type with a size of 0. Impossible to find without mods that add a 0 storage object tho.
However...i fixed it by changing the capacitylevelindicator script at line 105 from

if world.entityExists(currentChest) and slotCountMax ~= nil then


if world.entityExists(currentChest) and slotCountMax ~= nil and slotCountMax > 0 then

Hope it helps. (^_^)
Nekohime 2018 年 9 月 8 日 上午 11:51 
I noticed something interesting. Toxic Barrels are storage items now. I assume explosive barrels are too. I want to make sure this was intended. As in vanilla they exploded. Now they just break.
Zancuno 2018 年 11 月 24 日 下午 4:30 
[16:23:30.435] [Warn] Failed to deserialize entity: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("opened")
[0] 7ff6367278c3 Star::captureStack
[1] 7ff63672664e Star::StarException::StarException
[2] 7ff6366c61b9 Star::Json::get
[3] 7ff6366c6b8c Star::Json::getInt
[4] 7ff636d641ea Star::ContainerObject::readStoredData
[5] 7ff6369d8d05 Star::ObjectDatabase::diskLoadObject
[6] 7ff63686c165 Star::EntityFactory::diskLoadEntity
[7] 7ff63686d35c Star::EntityFactory::loadVersionedEntity
[8] 7ff636cfdc42 Star::WorldStorage::loadSectorToLevel
[9] 7ff636cfc8a5 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
[10] 7ff636cfc76d Star::WorldStorage::generateQueue
[11] 7ff636cef74a Star::WorldServer::update
[12] 7ff636cf5446 Star::WorldServerThread::update
[13] 7ff636cf4e38 Star::WorldServerThread::run
[14] 7ff63672440e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
[15] 7ff8ef3c3034 BaseThreadInitThunk
[16] 7ff8f1681471 RtlUserThreadStart
[16:25:26.173] [Info] UniverseClient: C
Theonard The 2st 2019 年 1 月 31 日 下午 4:09 
Not sure if this is the right place, but I also have an error to report.
When i try to open certain containers I get an error that says it can't find a callback for a search box. Is this a known bug?
ADMANT 2019 年 10 月 12 日 上午 12:16 
During the game, I encountered such an error: Exception caught in clirnt main-loop (WidgetParserException) Faied to find textbox callback named: "searchFIeld".
How to fix it?
Muggins 2019 年 12 月 10 日 下午 3:51 
In the "Container Manipulator" mission, I didnt upgrade the Filing Cabinet, I just made to 64 slots and I was able to immediately complete it by talking to him again, since he had the Question Mark on him

But hey, look at all this free matter :claugh:
LatteMint 2019 年 12 月 15 日 下午 3:06 
Got the same problem, after trying to remove the numeric indicator and the vertical indicator I got warp back to ship. now partial of my house is not accessible
LatteMint 2019 年 12 月 15 日 下午 3:39 
Okay, this affect all the container in the zone
BigFandz 2020 年 1 月 8 日 上午 4:57 
Hi ! I just encountered this problem. I can't access my base anymore because of the Capacity level indicator. As soons as the game tries to load the chunks where the indicator is, I'm warped back at my ship. Is there a way to fix this or to remove the indcator via code ?
LatteMint 2020 年 1 月 8 日 上午 7:31 
It is weird that I didn't fix this by doing coding, since I make my own basement and most of the structure is affected by this, I use another mod which similar to base in box (architecture's table I guess) to replace that level of block, then retrieve most of my item then delete the planet files. it is not finished by coding and you may lost some stuff, but I hope this help :)
BigFandz 2020 年 1 月 8 日 上午 8:04 
引用自 -|LatteMint|-
It is weird that I didn't fix this by doing coding, since I make my own basement and most of the structure is affected by this, I use another mod which similar to base in box (architecture's table I guess) to replace that level of block, then retrieve most of my item then delete the planet files. it is not finished by coding and you may lost some stuff, but I hope this help :)
I didn't understand all of it, could you elaborate ? Thanks for your time
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