Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Tesla Shocker
The Obligatory Stats Discussion
Here's my idea for this unique weapon:

The Tesla Tazer
Lvl -- Electric Thundergun

+ 25% Damage Bonus vs Wet Players
+ No Ammo Required
= Reload to recharge the Battery
- 15% Slower Reload Speed
- 50% Clip Size Penalty
- Sentry Stun Effect does not Stack or Reset on Hit (You'll have to wait for the current duration to end before applying it again)
最近の変更はUndead Flareon(Pokemon '95 PC Poが行いました; 2016年4月4日 5時13分
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It could be like in the "family" of weapons like the cow mangler and the righteus bison.
You could charge it up for massive damage as well.
Too op, sentries get the short end of the stick.
Tele. 2016年3月29日 15時28分 
-W3E- Soulite の投稿を引用:
Here's my idea for this unique weapon:

The Tesla Tazer
Lvl -- Electric Thundergun

+ Fires a bolt of Lightning that deals significant Damage to Players and stuns Sentries for 1.5 seconds
+ No Ammo Required
= Reload to recharge the Battery
- 15% Slower Reload Speed
- 15% Slower Firing Speed
- Sentry Stun Effect does not Stack or Reset on Hit (You'll have to wait for the current duration to end before applying it again)

I think you should just remove the sentry part then it would be a good weapon that isn't op.
最近の変更はTele.が行いました; 2016年3月29日 15時28分
I think it should also have only 3 shots per clip
4 shots, shot turns off sentry based on damage, for a maximum of .5 seconds. Doing >~20DMG will not disable the gun.
+Shot Disables Sentry Based on Damage, for a maximum of .5 seconds.
+No Ammo Required
-15%Fire Speed
-33%Bullet Capacity (How much fired before you need to reload)
Count_ 2016年3月29日 16時40分 
-W3E- Soulite の投稿を引用:
Here's my idea for this unique weapon:

The Tesla Tazer
Lvl -- Electric Thundergun

+ Fires a bolt of Lightning that deals significant Damage to Players and stuns Sentries for 1.5 seconds
+ No Ammo Required
= Reload to recharge the Battery
- 15% Slower Reload Speed
- 15% Slower Firing Speed
- Sentry Stun Effect does not Stack or Reset on Hit (You'll have to wait for the current duration to end before applying it again)
give a scout the ability to disable sentries? That's what the pistol is for. Otherwise you just have an infinite ammo scattergun that has decrease stats.
I think the stunning part should be removed or nerfed, that's just too OP, at least in my opinion
最近の変更はhongasoが行いました; 2016年3月29日 16時47分
*No random critical hits
spirit 2016年3月29日 18時42分 
Looks like the cow mangler, stunning part is way op and a scout shouldn't be able to do that.
senko 2016年3月30日 6時20分 
Or let it be being a scattergun reskin like the C.A.P.P.E.R .. ?
GODMODE の投稿を引用:
Or let it be being a scattergun reskin like the C.A.P.P.E.R .. ?
No, plz.
+needs no ammo
+Crits on wet enemies ( water / jarate / mad milk /)
+10% more damage against buildings
+projectiles cant be reflected

-shoots projectiles like pomson, same speed, same damage

2016年3月30日 12時25分 
remove the stunning sentries part and make it have a 4 round clip with 15% less reload ad firing speed and allso make a charged shot that does a mini crit and takes all of the power similar to the cow mangler and no random crits.
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