Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
JayDee 28/nov./2017 às 10:27
Force zoning does not work
Force zoning does not work.
It is the same as default.
No collision does work, but buildings come trough the bridges.
In the old mod we were able to build under bridges(no zoning at the pillars)
Buildings stayed small enough to fit under the bridges.
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jobob 17/dez./2018 às 19:08 
Force zoning works for me... I use a lot of busways that I want to be zonable, and when I turn Force Zoning on, I can build alongside them (they do not have zoning beside them by default)
AtomMrav 26/abr./2019 às 6:00 
How do I force zoning on pedestrian paths?
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