Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Extended Road Upgrade
[BUG] Roads no longer selectable when using tool
Worked earlier today. Now it no longer works, despite resets and disabling all other mods.

Buttons for two-way and one-way conversions are present, but I can't select any roads.

Anybody know what's up?
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Beiträge 15 von 5
I'm getting the same issue. Was working fine but now even when selecting both options it's not possible to apply it on any road
Wiliz  [Entwickler] 16. März 2015 um 19:01 
There was a bug in a previous update that made the mod not work while the game is paused. Should be working now.
lavarock 16. März 2015 um 19:53 
How do I reload the mod? I unsubscribed and then subscribed again same thing happened - can't select road when paused, OK when unpaused
Yes! Thank you very much!
Judas 17. März 2015 um 9:05 
still not working for me
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