 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Bugs, issues. crash reports, etc
I will need a biome, difficulty percent, pictures are nice, and a crash report or error mesages to fix any problem.
Dernière modification de MasonMachineGuns; 30 déc. 2022 à 2h50
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 811
I had an identical error but the given key was industry
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 23 avr. 2022 à 8h56 
and adding industry lol
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 23 avr. 2022 à 8h57 
dang you all got a sneak peek at the new locationtypes coming bc the game errored them out. should be fixed actually soon
Thank you sir! You rock
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 23 avr. 2022 à 15h54 
wait its actually workin? lesgooo!
No messages defined for the location type change Waypoint -> UnderAttack
No messages defined for the location type change UnderAttack -> Lair
No messages defined for the location type change None -> UnderAttack
I'm getting: Hash calculation for content package "DynamicEuropa" didn't match expect hash (6BF4C4D508D7B571F1CB4E1A0400C455 != 854A9FCDE0ED6F602171993BCB8DFB8CA)

I've been getting this for a couple of days now, idk if it is causing the mod to not work right or what but it pops up every time i open the game so i figured i would post it here to see if it helps with the improvement of the mod, the idea is awesome so i want to support it in any way i can
Dernière modification de SirDrew169; 26 avr. 2022 à 10h17
Im getting it for a lot of mods, not only DE
this mod changes the mark balances of all vendors to starting 500 instead of 5000
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 26 avr. 2022 à 15h23 
@joosh not all locations are poor, invest into your colonies to make them become richer
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 26 avr. 2022 à 15h24 
All hash calculation errors are dev problem not me i cant edit the steam workshop downloader
military blockades that block progress actually block progress. What i actually mean is your generation for military blockades mix abandoned outposts and colony outposts making a mess with deleted ladders/walls and most npcs are impossible to access without blowing a hole in the walls and swimming to them.
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 27 avr. 2022 à 15h52 
Interesting, i haven't seen that one yet, ill see if they've changed outpost generation
Having the same issue in my game, got to a blockade and tried to go upstairs, hit the ceiling and next to me there was a hatch with a cut off ladder. Also mixed parts of other outpost types.

For further context: (Missing Ladder) (Abandoned Outpost) (Abandoned Outpost 2)
MasonMachineGuns  [dév.] 29 avr. 2022 à 16h45 
thank you for the detailed example, we are working on a fix but uh, im learning new outpost stuff so it may be a day or two just leave blockades immediatly
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