Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Detailed Map Tacks
wltk  [developer] 19 Mar, 2021 @ 6:26pm
Anything you want us to include in this mod. Be aware that we want to keep this mod as simple as possible so people can have a more "vanilla" experience.
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Showing 1-15 of 42 comments
Ari 20 Mar, 2021 @ 2:33pm 
If (the game allows) to highlight when you cant really place a district/wonder somewhere (i.e. Greek culture district on non-hills) with like a (X) icon next to it.
Lokesh Chowdary 20 Mar, 2021 @ 9:15pm 
Originally posted by Feether:
If (the game allows) to highlight when you cant really place a district/wonder somewhere (i.e. Greek culture district on non-hills) with like a (X) icon next to it.
This feature would be a nice to have for planning the late game wonders.
Gara-V 21 Mar, 2021 @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Feether:
If (the game allows) to highlight when you cant really place a district/wonder somewhere (i.e. Greek culture district on non-hills) with like a (X) icon next to it.
I was going to comment the same idea on the normal comments, just when I saw there was a suggestion place for it.

To extend this mod maybe it is a good idea to show whether a district can be placed or not on the tile. Think of strategic resources being revealed on tacked spots for districts, dams on rivers which already have a dam or only has 1 riveredge and maybe for a planned aquaduct next to a city center that cannot be placed there. I don't know whether it is possible or too difficult to implement it, but if it can it would be nice addition to great mod.

Seeing Feether's comment, I recall there are more unique districts that have certain tile/adjacency requirement, such as the Vietnamese districts (on jungle/forest/marsh), Gauls (not adjacent to city center), Kongo's Mbanza, Korea's Seowon etc.

Regardless it is a nice mod as it is.
wltk  [developer] 21 Mar, 2021 @ 2:14pm 
Just want to let you guys know that I'm already working on the "can place" feature :D.

Checks like non-removable resources, district's special requirements are implemented and under testing. Adjacent requirements like wonder next to particular district are to be implemented next.

But be aware that some wonders require the district to be belong to the same city, such check couldn't be done easily through map tacks since tacks don't know which city they belong to (i.e. you can change tile's city).

Dam and aqueduct's placements require a little more complex check, which I'm planning to implement after the above.

I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again for your interest and suggestions!
youthinkforever 22 Mar, 2021 @ 2:45pm 
Howdy, my suggestion is to account for certain certain civilizations ability when calculating the pins bonus, for example the pin will say +4 but since it is Australia and the tile is Breathtaking I get a +7.

On the same note adding pins that signify that a resource will be chopped so it is not taken into account

Even further adding a feature in the tacks that prevent pins from being place in invalid areas (as well as a tip saying why it is invalid.) For example noting to the player that the city center pin is too close to another city center or city center pin.

2 suggestions:
1. about using hotkey to initiate a tack.
I prefer the concise ui approach that you execute the hotkey then click the map to open the tack icon selection window. it feels more intuitive.
2. about confirming after selecting the tack icon.
can we make the confirmation by simply double click on a tack icon? I really hate to click the confirm button.
wltk  [developer] 23 Mar, 2021 @ 6:22pm 
Originally posted by youthinkforever:
Howdy, my suggestion is to account for certain certain civilizations ability when calculating the pins bonus, for example the pin will say +4 but since it is Australia and the tile is Breathtaking I get a +7.

On the same note adding pins that signify that a resource will be chopped so it is not taken into account

Even further adding a feature in the tacks that prevent pins from being place in invalid areas (as well as a tip saying why it is invalid.) For example noting to the player that the city center pin is too close to another city center or city center pin.
I'll add appearance calculation into my TODO list.

For the resources, if you place a district on top of them, they will not be removed from the plot actually. They are not really chopped. If you take a look at my 4th image showing, after districts are placed, the resources will still be counted towards Hansa's bonuses.

Districts (including city center) validation check is implemented and under testing right now. It will be in the next update.
wltk  [developer] 23 Mar, 2021 @ 6:27pm 
Originally posted by 文明6:
2 suggestions:
1. about using hotkey to initiate a tack.
I prefer the concise ui approach that you execute the hotkey then click the map to open the tack icon selection window. it feels more intuitive.
2. about confirming after selecting the tack icon.
can we make the confirmation by simply double click on a tack icon? I really hate to click the confirm button.
1. Actually I feel the current way is better since it requires one less click. I would like to have the hotkeys to be as fast as possible. I'll see if more people find Concise UI way of adding better.
2. That's a great idea, even myself find clicking OK annoying. It has been implemented and will be in the next update. Thanks for your suggestion.
wltk  [developer] 25 Mar, 2021 @ 11:16pm 
Hey guys, I have introduced these new features:
1. Indicate if the map tack represented district or wonder can be placed at the given position.
2. Allow double clicking map tack icon in the selection popup to confirm tack placement.

Hope you guys like them!
Alittar 27 Mar, 2021 @ 7:43pm 
A concept I'd love to see is being able to save tack layouts. Some consistent 3 city production or 2 city production layouts work very nicely, and being able to lay them out in a few clicks would be nice. Ex: You select tiles with tacks on them, and it will save that tack order in a database, you can name it, and place them back down whereever in the world. Rotation would be nice, too.
youthinkforever 29 Mar, 2021 @ 11:17pm 
While playing Spain I saw that their mission increased loyalty, would it be possible to add effects from the pins to other map modes. Loyalty, Settler, etc..

I haven't check if it does. If it doesn't, also having the change back to normal when the pins are hidden.
FyuriusRyage 6 Apr, 2021 @ 12:34pm 
Loving the mod, thanks! Have a quick suggestion: show Vampire Castle yields on a map tack. I'm always trying to figure out the best vamp castle location, this would be super helpful if it were possible. Separate mod would be cool too!
another suggestion:
allowing right click or middle click once on anywhere of a tacked cell to delete the tack on it. I currently assign mouse middle click to deleting a tack. But since middle click has a builtin function that is to center on the click-point, you actually have to middle-double-click a tack very precisely and quickly to delete it which is sort of uncomfortable coz my mouse middle button requires a reletavely higher level of pressure to trigger(logitech G400).

this mod is very elegant, I really love it. thanks a lot.

I also have some ideas of other new mod in case you are interested to make:)

1.a number indicator on the top hud banner to show how much resource you get from harvesting.
currently we have to move a worker over a resource or a tree to see how much gold/production/food you can get from harvesting, which will usually waste 1 or 2 turns.

2.a mod that uses different visual style to tell second-growth woods/lumber mills from original woods/lumber mills.
in late game you may want to plant woods to make lumber mills. you usually have to read the tooltip to confirm if one wood is original which should be chop down go gain production, or second-growth which is to be made into a lumber mill.this mod will save lots of time and improve gaming experience.

3.a hotkeys mod to mute civ6 / to mute music and environmental sound / to adjust in-game master volume
Zyxpsilon 18 Apr, 2021 @ 9:39pm 
Swift "Idea" about adding new (a bit more complex) features.

For National Parks or/and Preserves .. in terms of;

-- Which "valid" location(s) have better potentials.
-- Estimate how much total Yield boost would be generated for any given tiling structure.
-- Could implicate auto-drop of extra pseudo-tacks "around" the selected spot(s) accordingly.
-- National Parks .. *do* have strict limitations -- 4 in a "Diamond" shaping for example.
-- Preserves .. optimally "block" some nearby tiles from being worked on -- show such picks.

Too difficult? Forget it.
Rationally possible or feasible? Go ahead, please.
choraltrickster 20 Apr, 2021 @ 4:03pm 
Thanks so much for this great mod--possibly the greatest of all Civ 6 mods.
One request: could you please add box/button to toggle pin visibility. I'd love to place my pins and then hide them unless I want to refer to them. Thanks a lot! I imagine many would find this helpful.
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