Weapon Suggestions
so, i found out we can create the discussion pages ourselves, i feel really REALLY stupid now.

Moving on from that however, since in the mod description Kyrrisayo says they are taking user suggestions, i thought i'd make a discussion for us all to put our ideas so we don't need to clutter the comments with our suggestions. I dunno about you guys but i find the 1000 character limit makes it impossible to throw alot of ideas out there, never mind explain WHY you felt a given suggestion would be a good idea in the first place. Speaking personally i'm just trying to throw something out there and see if it sticks.

so, heres my list of suggestions in terms of weapons.

1. Backsword - The Backsword was a straight bladed, single edged sword not unlike a saber, they were the favored sidearm of common infantry, the secondary weapons of cavalry in europe during the 16th and 17th centuries as well as being used by some navies until around the first world war (though i can't remember where i read that last part). It'd be a good alternative for anyone who wants a saber like weapon but doesn't like a curved blade.

2. Baseball Bat - Baseball Bats are one of the most common weapons on earth because they're actually really good at it, nothing like smashing someones face in with a solid piece of maple, no modern or post apocalyptic playthrough feels right without one somewhere, also likely synergizes very well with Expanded or Extended Woodworking, besides, if you need melee weapons in a hurry and have little metal, wood is often readily available.

3. Bec De Corbin - its a hammer, spear and pick at the same time, whats not to love? the guy in platemail wont certainly, would be a good fit to have high penetration values.

4. Butcher Knife - just another alternate melee option for more modern playthroughs, since they aren't real weapons they would work best if they had low durability (but likewise used few resources). Could also serve as a weapon that boosts butchering or cooking speeds if you wanna do that, good for chefs.

5. Chainsaw - truly considered the greatest melee weapon of our modern, industrial era, in truth there are ALOT of issues that make chainsaws less ideal as melee weapons then swords nevermind its dangerous....you KNOW you want to charge balrogs and orcs with one though.

6. Crowbar - weapon of choice for the one free man, just another modern club choice

7. Entrenching Tool - better suited for those of us who want more of a world war theme in our games, nasty people serrate the edges for fighting just to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s.

8. Fire Axe - Fire Axes are a favorite of games in the modern era where melee combat is a possibility and they're much easier to come by then alot of other weapon types, if a weapon could be set to be better or worse against buildings then others, the fire axe would be a great fit considering thats what it was designed for, also great for splitting regular lumber if thats your thing, the Fire Axe is really slow to swing though.

9. Giant Bone - literally just a giant bone, crafted at the butchering table, a possibility for neolithic playthroughs, i don't know if its possible to have the quality be dependent on the animal you got it from though.

10. Halberd - one of the original classic polearms for a reason, its an axe, a spear and either a pick or a hammer all in one package, still used as a ceremonial piece long after most melee weapons fell out of favor.

11. Hatchet - basic hatchets are used for camping more often then anything else, they would make a great low-weight sidearm option for people who want a sharp weapon heavier then a knife but lighter then any kind of sword.

12. Jumonji Yari - The Jumonji Yari is a type of japanese spear so we get more eastern showings, its basically just their take on the Ranseur, still very stylish.

13. Ka-Bar - the vanilla knife is kind of crap and has little detail, a modern fighting knife like the Ka-Bar would be really nice, i'd like to see more detail then the vanilla knife too.

14. Lead Pipe - the idea is, if you are insanely ♥♥♥♥ing desperate (dudes ALREADY on the map) a lead (or any metal) pipe is as good as any basic club, the idea is you could craft them in like 5 seconds for 2-5 of any metal but be worse then almost every other option, just only better then using your fists. Also good for post apoc playthroughs.

15. Mace (Spray) - Mace actually refers to a specific brand of pepper spray as opposed to a model, they tend to be sold in pretty big cans and the cops love them, they could be a great nonlethal option for mid game that requires chemfuel, i don't know how the hediffs for nonlethal weapons work though.

16. Mark VI Laser Rapier - i literally stole this from system shock, the idea is it would be a late game (spacer tech) melee weapon that does bonus damage to mechanoids, you can always change the name and graphics, afterall, laser swords are hardly unique to any one sci-fi.

17. Messer Sword - The Messer was about as big as a sword could get before you HAD to be two handed exclusively, and they often WERE used two-handed anyways, a really expensive option with a long crafting time.

18. Military Fork - just another spear option, military forks were basically just spears with two tines similar to a trident.

19. Pepper Spray - Pepper Spray is basically just Mace but weaker and cheaper, they're so small you can fit them on a keychain, it'd be a good industrial era option for people who really need to budget their carry weight, or maybe as exports if you have alot of chemfuel.

20. Pocket Shot - The Pocket shot is a new concept that you should look up, basically its like a special rubber cup you can fire arrows and other projectiles out of, like a modern sling that doesn't require as much training with greater accuracy, something to consider if you want sling options or need low-weight ranged weapons.

21. Potato Masher - The classic german stick grenade was used as a melee weapon all the time apparently, that sounds REALLY dangerous but what do i know.

22. Rapier - Rapiers are excellent sidearm choices for people who focus on speed over the raw power of other swords, a favorite of foppish aristocrats and nobles, another great low-weight option.

23. Sawblade Axe - its an axe made out of saw blades and other junk, a favorite of the post apocalypse.

24. Shovel - I've never seen a zombie game without a shovel, it could probably also give bonuses to farming or building, a decent blunt choice for the modern era but they swing slow, believe me.

25. Stop Sign - exactly what it sounds like, a stop sign complete with the pole its attached to, potentially with serrated edges, strong guys just rip them out of the ground to wield as impromptu weapons, ever notice how if you ever see them used as weapons in fiction, the dude with the sign is always the strongest one on the field? madness flashbacks...

26. Stun Baton - Stun Batons are basically nightsticks with built in Stun Guns, Electric Cattle Prods are basically the same thing, they would make great nonlethal options when you need prisoners but they would probably be expensive and need components

27. Stun Gun - Also referred to as a taser, despite the name they actually aren't guns, Stun Guns are electric weapons intended for nonlethal takedowns, they have two or more electrodes which create an arc of electrical energy that can cause muscle spasms, great low-weight options for modern playthroughs, these days they're built into damn near everything.

28. Su Yari - a "Straight Spear", the Su Yari is a japanese spear with a straight double edged blade, though really fancy you would wield it essentially the same as the european ones, another "Eastern" option.

29. Throwing Hatchets - A ranged weapon for people who dont want/cant get guns and just don't like bows for some weird reason, the middle ground between the Pila and Throwing Knives, also great if you have next to no wood to craft weapons with since they can be made entirely of metal or stone.

30. Throwing Knives - The idea is that throwing knives are extremely low-weight ranged weapons for the early game with a very high rate of attack that you can make entirely out of metal for people who just dont like bows, damage is basically♥♥♥♥♥♥but you can throw them so fast it adds up quick and you have more chances to hit something nasty like an eye.

31. Training Sword - Training Swords are basically weapons made out of wood you can make quickly and cheaply, they can be used as nonlethal weapons that strike really fast but the REAL reason to request them is to use mods which let you train your melee by having your pawns fight each other, or maybe you managed to build a sweet arena of some sort.

32. Trench Knife - All the benefits of a knife and brass knuckles in a single package, they're prettymuch worthless for anything outside of combat and for some reason cops always flip♥♥♥♥♥♥if they see you carrying one but you could do a hell of alot worse in a trench.

33. Trench Mace - Trench Maces were seemingly like wooden clubs with spikes attached to the top and sides, they'd be cheaper on your metal to make then a traditional mace but wouldn't have the same armor penetration, then again they didn't have much armor in the trenches.

34. Wrench - I can't name a single first person survival game that doesn't give you a wrench, would also be a good option to increase construction speeds.

35. Xiphos - The Combat Shields mod gives us the Aspis, all we need now is the armor and a xiphos to turn our soldiers greek themed

36. Yumi - the Japanese Bow, i gotta be honest, i just wanted more variety in bows and the pictures of the japanese one has these really fancy red and black bands on the body, would like to get more color or later game bows, especially for bow specialists (more common now that Rimworld of Magic has a bow specific class).

i tried to avoid modern ranged options such as tasers, net launchers and pepper spray guns because, they ARE just different takes on guns, and as you said we have ALOT of that kind of thing anyways, i don't know if any of these suggestions are particularly any good but i figured i'd just throw stuff out there, maybe you thought of it, maybe not, either way lets see what sticks.
Laatst bewerkt door Mycroft; 4 feb 2019 om 2:07
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Kyrrisayo  [ontwikkelaar] 5 jan 2019 om 10:15 
Out of that list, I've already got yumi, halberd, and the rapier on the list of things I definitely want to add at some point. I like a lot of the ideas you've suggested as well. Specifically, I like the Xiphos and the baseball bat. About the throwing weapons, I already have the Kunai, but was thinking about throwing hatchets or knives as well.

Any weapons that would have to have special effects of any sort, (i.e. anything that requires C# coding), I probably won't do, as I don't know much about modding Rimworld with C#. I know C#, just not enough to use that with Rimworld yet. It's hard to find a lot of good information on it.

For now, I'm trying to stick to more iconic weapons, instead of a bunch of more basic improvised weapons or weapons with very limited use-cases (pepper-spray, wrenches, shovels, crowbars, etc), but will definitely consider adding more of those types once I've fluffed the total amount of weapons some more.

And since this is a full suggestions thread. I'll post what I already have as well. (For myself and others' reference.)

Meteor Hammer?^
Bastard Sword
Sword Breaker
Haladie Dagger*
War Hammer
Bladed Gauntlet
Double Axe
Battle Axe
Arming Sword
I would love to see a single-bladed axe introduced, perhaps one of the more common smaller single-handed ones that were produced to be used with a shield.

A tomahawk would be pretty cool too, admittedly.
Kyrrisayo  [ontwikkelaar] 7 feb 2019 om 6:26 
Origineel geplaatst door K0R:
I would love to see a single-bladed axe introduced, perhaps one of the more common smaller single-handed ones that were produced to be used with a shield.

A tomahawk would be pretty cool too, admittedly.

The traditional Battle Axe then, would probably be what you're looking for. It's a one-handed, single-bladed axe used a lot during the medieval times, often with a shield.
Yep, that's what I was thinking. I didn't want to say "Battle Axe" though, because it actually covers everything from single handed shorter axes, all the way up to two-handed dane axes.
M-1905 Springfield bayonet or Arisaka Type 30 bayonet, which ever you think looks best. a ninjato, kinda like a straightened katana. neck knife, its small.
Medieval Weaponry:

I noticed warhammers don't make a showing just yet. The Medieval Times mod has them, but I don't really like the way they are balanced. Give them outstanding armor penetration, low damage and above average attack rate. Most warhammers had the hammer end and the "crow's beak" end, but some later versions included a spike on the top, much like a bec de corbin. If you plan on adding both I would opt not to include a spike on the warhammer's sprite.

Rapiers and estocs don't show up on your mod, but I see that you have small swords on your to-do list so I'm sure you're atleast aware of these thrust oriented swords. I really don't know how to balance these if you do include them.

Seax or Scramseax. The seax is an anglo-saxon short sword popular around the time of the Viking invasion of England in the 800s. It has a very peculiar look to it where it has a very pronounced clipped point and a long straight cutting edge to it. It can stab but is more of a chopper. It's a very simple design. I don't think it would perform all that great but it could be an economical choice in that it is simple/quick to make and the lack of a hand guard should cut down on supplies.

Tribal Weaponry (tribal raids can carry these):

Tomahawk would be cool to see as it would fit in with the tribal aesthetic. Its like a weaker version of a battle axe and could be made out of wood. It would be a quick, low damage, decent penetration weapon.

The gunstock club also fits in with the tribal thematic. You can see a good variant of it in the movie "The last of the Mohicans." It's similar to a club but its lighter, longer version and has a rock or piece of metal jammed into the "elbow" of the club allowing it to puncture through armor. Maybe gate it behind an advanced neolithic weaponry tech. And make it so that you need X amount of wood to make it no matter what but you can choose whether to jam slate into the elbow or a piece of metal. Slate would do less damage and be slower but would penetrate better, steel would be higher raw damage and attack rate.

Asian Weaponry:

The ginunting is a a Philipino machete length blade that is known for its speed.. It weighs just over a pound and the forward curve and light weight make this a very nimble and slicey bolo. Even a grazing "tip cut" can leave a very deep gash. As far as balancing goes, I would ramp up the attack speed on this to be very high, about on par with a knife, but with significantly more damage. It's light weight really doesn't lend itself well against armor, so I would probably tank that part of its stats.

The Moro Kris is iconic. Much like the flameberge great sword of Europe, this short sword is easily identified by the wavy ripple of its blade. The amount of curves in the blade denote status, the more waves in the blade, the higher rank that warrior held in their community. It should perform close to what a ginunting can do, but a bit slower and with better chopping power. It should have a slightly higher armor penetration rating.

The karambit would be a neat little addition. Many people categorize the karambit as a knife but in more technical terms it is more of a knuckle duster/talon hybrid. The karambit was carried into battle as a "last ditch" option. While not very long, the karambit is fast and great at maiming and disabling foes before slashing out their neck for the final blow. It sees some use as a concealed self defense weapon in today's day and age. It's very quick but rarely is it lethal. Fast attack rate, lowish damage, almost no armor penetration.

The moro barong is the philipino version of a heavy chopper. It's short, has a stout blade and punches above its weight limit. In performance it acts very much like a khukuri, but a khukuri is still far more devastating. I would probably keep its raw damage similar to that of a khukuri, but slightly raise the attack rate and lower the penetration values.

The Panabas is another a Philipinno blade and is essentially the asian version of the executioner's sword. The overall look varies extremely from localities with some having a short forward swept blade and others sporting a long sweeping saber like blade. It would be interesting to see which sprite you opt for if you look to include this blade. Either way, it is notable for having a long handle allowing the user to make full use of leverage on their cuts. And while it looks like a sword, it functions like an axe. It is powerful, it cuts through tough materials with ease but unlike an axe its much quicker at recovering in between strikes.
I got a few more asian weapons to add to the list:

The wakizashi is a shortened version of the katana and in performance it reflects that. It is slightly faster, uses less materials and hits with less force. I don't think the armor penetration value between the two should differ but the attack rate should be higher, the material and work costs lowered and the damage per hit reduced. The katana is more efficient as a damage dealer, but the wakizashi should still keep fairly close.

The tanto is the last ditch weapon of a Samurai. Known more for its use in Seppuku, where a defeated Samurai disembowels himself, the tanto blade is a small and light weight knife that is intended to be used for stabbing but is adequate at cuts too. I would front end most of the damage onto the stab attack, give a decent amount to slashing and then tank the armor penetration down. It works great on soft targets but unless it stabs it shouldn't be able to bypass armor.

And if you want a more exotic version of a tanto from the Phillippines region you can always include the Hagibis. The Hagibis is translated to mean "rapidity" and much like the tanto is a quick stabbing knife. The tip is triangular on this dagger but isn't quite as streamlined as a rondel dagger. It would be a crappy cutter but excel in terms of stabbing and it would stab quickly. I think it would be more extreme in terms of stab versus slash damage. Drop the slash down, make the stab a bit higher and then leave the armor penetration at a respectable amount for a small knife.

And because it hasn't been mentioned yet, the Sai. These are those strange three pronged daggers one of the ninja turtles used to use. I think it was the red one? They are all about catching an opponents blade one sai, manipulating it out of the way and then stabbing them with the other sai after exposing them. I do not think they are capable of slashed since the outer prongs are rounded. I never held a real one. But if you do, make it only deal blunt and stab damage types.

Lastly, you need an axe. The battle axe you included so far is the only one I see. Maybe a short bearded axe would fill the role. Its the one handed kind the vikings made famous. Axes fill this middle ground between a sword and a mace. They generate enough force to break bones but are also sharp enough to slice flesh at the same time. Their drawback was that they were short and not as nimble as a sword in close combat. I would give put them in a middle ground between a mace and a sword. It really shines in how it can cleave through armor instead of having to find gaps like a sword would have to. But unlike a mace it is just as useful on soft targets as on hard ones. The axe is a reliable weapon to have on hand where you're ready no matter what enemy you end up facing.
Kyrrisayo  [ontwikkelaar] 27 jun 2019 om 15:32 
Origineel geplaatst door KalkiKrosah:
I got a few more asian weapons to add to the list:

The wakizashi is a shortened version of the katana and in performance it reflects that. It is slightly faster, uses less materials and hits with less force. I don't think the armor penetration value between the two should differ but the attack rate should be higher, the material and work costs lowered and the damage per hit reduced. The katana is more efficient as a damage dealer, but the wakizashi should still keep fairly close.

The tanto is the last ditch weapon of a Samurai. Known more for its use in Seppuku, where a defeated Samurai disembowels himself, the tanto blade is a small and light weight knife that is intended to be used for stabbing but is adequate at cuts too. I would front end most of the damage onto the stab attack, give a decent amount to slashing and then tank the armor penetration down. It works great on soft targets but unless it stabs it shouldn't be able to bypass armor.

And if you want a more exotic version of a tanto from the Phillippines region you can always include the Hagibis. The Hagibis is translated to mean "rapidity" and much like the tanto is a quick stabbing knife. The tip is triangular on this dagger but isn't quite as streamlined as a rondel dagger. It would be a crappy cutter but excel in terms of stabbing and it would stab quickly. I think it would be more extreme in terms of stab versus slash damage. Drop the slash down, make the stab a bit higher and then leave the armor penetration at a respectable amount for a small knife.

And because it hasn't been mentioned yet, the Sai. These are those strange three pronged daggers one of the ninja turtles used to use. I think it was the red one? They are all about catching an opponents blade one sai, manipulating it out of the way and then stabbing them with the other sai after exposing them. I do not think they are capable of slashed since the outer prongs are rounded. I never held a real one. But if you do, make it only deal blunt and stab damage types.

Lastly, you need an axe. The battle axe you included so far is the only one I see. Maybe a short bearded axe would fill the role. Its the one handed kind the vikings made famous. Axes fill this middle ground between a sword and a mace. They generate enough force to break bones but are also sharp enough to slice flesh at the same time. Their drawback was that they were short and not as nimble as a sword in close combat. I would give put them in a middle ground between a mace and a sword. It really shines in how it can cleave through armor instead of having to find gaps like a sword would have to. But unlike a mace it is just as useful on soft targets as on hard ones. The axe is a reliable weapon to have on hand where you're ready no matter what enemy you end up facing.

Definitely some great suggestions here. I'll keep them in mind.
zanbatou or hellebard
I have a bunch I can add. I'll try to categorize them based on genre.

Tribal/Native American weapons:

Atlatl - Its an Aztec throwing implement that makes throwing spears travel further and faster. It would function like a better pila.

Gunstock Club - Last of the Mohicans has a good depiction of it. It looks like the back end of a rifle with a chunk of steel imbedded in the crux of the haft.

Macuahuitl - This was the Aztec version of a "sword" where they would make a long wooden paddle and stick shards of obsidian into it. We could use slate as the Rimworld alternative as a cutting weappon that does not use steel. They were pretty powerful at breaking bones too, but weren't all that lethal. Aztec's prided themselves on capturing prisoners alive to be sacrificed later and this was the weapon they would use to accomplish that goal. It would cripple an enemy severely but not kill them.

Bolo - Its the Australian throwing rocks that you aim at someone's legs and it slows them down. Not very damaging but more of a support style weapon. Would be interesting to use to gimp a charging enemy or slow down a fleeing one.

Khopesh - Technically Egyptian but it kind of works on a tribal warrior. Typically made of bronze these were those Egyptian swords with the crescent blades. They chopped more like an axe than a sword and performed similar to a khukuri.

Asian weapons:

Meteor Hammer/Rope Dart - Technically two different weapons but deal damage differently. Meteor hammer has two weighted balls on a chain and crushes an opponent. Rope dart has a weighted ball on one end and a steel dart on the other. Its one of the most conplicated and technical weapons to use in asian martial arts but had a long reach to it. Its just really inaccurate in untrained hands and can cause self harm.

Kama - A small version of a farming sickle. Sometimes used in pairs. Could block, trap and slice opponents.

Jian - The Chinese double edged straight sword. It was a highly technical sword usually favored by Chinese nobles. They look pretty but really don't bring anything new to the table in terms of what Rimworld already has in the gladius.

Dadao - The Chinese single edged sword. Not a pretty as the Jian but much simpler to pick up and had more heft behind the blade to chop through a target. It is similiar to a falchion in many ways.

Ginunting - The Phillipines version of the war knife that still gets carried today by the modern Phillipines soldiers. More of a short sword than a knife, it is slightly longer that the khukuri in length but much lighter and faster. It has a concave edge that makes a steep curve inward towards the point. These things are sharp, nimble and fast.

Balisong/Butterfly Knife - Originally designed as a concealable dagger, most of today's users see it more as a toy than a weapon. Its not very damaging but if a weapon could be used as a joy activity, this would be an obvious choice. May cause self injury based on melee skill level.

Karambit - Another Filipino weapon. This is a small curved blade that is technically a talon but many miscategorize it as being a knife. Its a last ditch weapon that specializes in compliance attacks to disable a foe and keep the wielder safe from harm.

Kris - The ornate wavy bladed sword from Indonesia that resembles a flame. The number of waves in the blade denotes the rank of the user. More waves meant the wielder was more important to their people. Most of them were straight bladed but that's not the type of Kris most people recognize. They were about the length of a short sword most of the time.

Kampilan - The Filipino version of a longsword. It has a pronged blade tip, a broad blade and a wooden hilt where the pommel resembles an alligator's open mouth. The owners of these blades were typically chiefs or the highest status in their tribe. This was both a fighting weapon and an executioner's sword.

European weapons:

Seax/Langseax - Its the Viking version of a short sword. Unlike the gladius it is one sided and designed for chopping. Their overall design was not very consistent except for the fact that the handle was usually a basic wooden or bone handle with no hand guard.

Falchion - The war cleaver as some refer to it, was a long and heavy single edged blade capable of dealing devastating damage. It had a long handle and short blade, but plenty of heft behind the edge.

Warhammer - Arguably the best type of weapon for dealing with armor in the Medieval ages. The hammer was used to batter and immobilize the knight in his armor while the spiked "beak" was used to deal the decisive blow. Some had spikes on the top or side but not all.

Gothic Mace - Its a very fancy mace. The kind that is all metal, with a leather wrapped handle and an ornately designed flanged mace head. While not a major in improvement in performance over a stereotypical Iberian mace it is much more appealing to look at.

Modern Weapons:

Flamethrower - If you make any weapon, please let this be it. Nobody makes a flamethrower that functions the way I want it to. Where its a stream of flame that reaches maybe 6 tiles away and then spreads out. Maybe even allow it to explode on the user to make it more of a risk/reward scenario.

Smoke grenade - A support weapon that functions like a throwable version of the smoke belt. Can be used to conceal a shooter's position to give some of your shooters a defensive advantage.

Gas grenade - Functions kind of like an incendiary grenade but doesn't spread around like fire would. Stays in place and causes chemical burns on a target to force them to move from their cover. It would probably be overpowered if it was like a normal grenade and kept replenishing so making it a one use item would make it more balanced.

Baton/Billy Club - The kind of club that modern day police carry. I think its a synthetic plastic material nowadays or a rubber polymer. But they were made out of wood back in the Victorian era. It could be a non-lethal club to be used on prisoners during a jail break.

Claw Hammer - Like a modern day version of a warhammer. Its modern day use as a craftsman tool makes it less effective as a weapon, but still has enough clout to cause some damage.
Didn't realize I had already commented on this many months ago. Didn't load for me earlier. Some of what I suggested in post 2 were in post 1. Too late to change it now. Hope you like more suggestions.
I'm very intent on seeing Plasma/Mono/Zeus variants on at least some of the weapons. In fact, maybe this mod could make it's own Ultratech variants!
thomahawk, machete
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