Arma 3
Operation TREBUCHET First Contact
Sling Blade 27. okt. 2023 kl. 22.11
Grunts in transport aircraft (Spirit) breaks AI
Load up a Spirit with Elites and Jackals, give it a transport unload waypoint, and it drops the troops off no problem.

Put a Grunt in the group and the AI totally breaks, the Spirit will just fly straight up into the air and never stop.
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Nightovizard  [utvikler] 29. okt. 2023 kl. 12.02 
Webknight units don't work with vehicles for the most part. The issue is unrelated to optre.
kremss_jr 29. nov. 2023 kl. 18.45 
I found this to. Webknights ai and normal arma ai are very different. Placing them together in squads will cause webknights stuff to work just normally. But normal ai in the same squad become practically brain dead. I would just not put grunts and hunters in vehicles or same squad as elites and jackals (unless it is the webknight elites in a separate mod). Nothing the optre team or webknight can do about without insane work. and the mod works just fine either way.
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