

150 ratings
All These Worlds 2.0
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2.648 GB
22 Dec, 2023 @ 12:53pm
18 Dec, 2024 @ 5:46am
41 Change Notes ( view )

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All These Worlds 2.0

All these worlds ... are yours!
This is a stand-alone mod for Stellaris 3.14.
I started this as an update to my Lite version, but was so satisfied with the progress that I expanded it to include almost all the content I had on the larger mod, in a way that works better with vanilla content and probably other mods as well.

This does bring some bigger changes to vanilla than my Lite version, so Lite will remain as a separate mod, I may even make an update to it soon to make some improvements without changing it too much.

Please remember, this is not a Planetary Diversity alternate, you only get 9 homeworld options like in vanilla, plus a few more in new Origins. I also recommend using Planetary Diversity's Planet View sub-mod for the enlarged planet portraits OR UI Overhaul Dynamic.

The main purpose of this mod is to add variety to the galaxy, while also changing a few vanilla features, like the planet class names and descriptions and new random star systems which includes unary, binary and trinary systems, as well as empire and pre-FTL home systems.

Habitable worlds, like in my Lite mod, have a Biosphere modifier representing the average level of the planet's vegetation density, from Barren to Dense and also Aquatic for submerged environments. Each of these modifiers increase or reduce some worker production types.

Habitability is more dynamic, because it is now linked to the Biosphere. When you pick a homeworld class, your species will have a preference for your homeworld's biosphere, and you will get a 15% bonus to habitability on any world with the same Bio, which is reduced to 5% if its close but not the same, or negative 10% if its too different. Species with the Aquatic trait will get a negative 20% on a world with a surface Bio, but they can colonize underwater even in Terrestrial worlds (Sub-terrestrials will come soon) at the cost of a district reduction. Base habitability has been adjusted, primary is 65%, secondary is 45, tertiary 30, Nuked is 20%. Gaias are no longer ideal, but start at 80% for everyone except Nuked (45) and Life seeded (100). This will be tweaked if necessary.

The 9 main vanilla habitable classes have been renamed, you will find Terrestrial planets, Sub-terrestrial, Oceanic, and Sub-oceanic, Gaias are now Super-terrestrial. The uninhabitables have also been renamed, you will find Telluric planets, Cratered, Magma, Toxic, Panthalassic and Gaseous.

Each of these types of planets may result in more than one planet class, converted at game-start semi-randomly, Tellurics may result in the Mars-like Dusty class, or Io-like Volcanic, or Europa-like Frozen. Gaseous may give you one of several Gas-giants, Hot-giants or Ice-giants, etc. During the conversion process the planet receives an Atmosphere modifier which is also responsible for changing the color of the entity's atmosphere, as well as another modifier that identifies the class name and description.

As for the habitables, the 3 climate tags remain, although slightly renamed, so there are Temperate Terrestrials, Sub-terrestrials and Oceanics, Dry Terrestrials, Sub-terrestrials and Sub-oceanics, and Frigid Terrestrials, Sub-terrestrials and Sub-oceanics. Each of this planet types may give you one or more possible classes, and many classes have 2 or 3 possible Biospheres.

Uncolonized worlds will show an orbital render in the planet view screen, but once colonized this render is changed to the surface art (in most cases artwork from Planetary Diversity kindly authorized by Gatekeeper) reflecting both the planet class and the biosphere present. Terraforming is mostly unchanged from vanilla, a new script has been added which picks a resulting planet class based on your species biosphere preference, so if you terraform a Dry Terrestrial into a Temperate Terrestrial, you will get one of the Temperate Terrestrial classes with the same Biosphere level as your homeworld if possible, or one close to it.

The Tomb world has also been renamed to Marginal, however any nuked planet generated at game start or after will default to the Tomb class, while the mod's script will convert a number of uninhabitable worlds during galaxy generation into Marginal worlds of different classes. These are meant to be planets with lower habitability, as low as the Tomb world, however they may have a biosphere that may or may not give habitability bonus.

All these world classes, both habitable and uninhabitable, each with their own art and textures, are included without adding a single new planet class to the code, they are just scripts which spawn different modifiers and modify the textures linked to those modifiers. This is a big improvement over my previous mods because it should keep a high level of compatibility with vanilla events and even other mods.

I should keep making updates to ATW 2.0, and have plans for sub-mods that will introduce further changes to vanilla mechanics. These sub-mods will be identified as 2.1 if they only require 2.0, or 2.2 if they require 2.0 and all 2.1 sub-mods as well. But I don't want to make this a promise, the game is getting old and so am I.

I invite you to visit my Patreon[] page where I post info about what I'm up to, most of the content is open and not behind a pay-wall.

All surface environment portraits are from Gatekeeper's Planetary Diversity and used with permission.

All planet textures (including the uninhabitable orbital renders) except vanilla and the Martian variants from PD are original works by Chris Adamek, author of the Starlight Universe book series which you can find on Amazon and his own website here:

This project would not be possible without either of them.


Simple Chinese by 卡尔文迪斯梅特.
Italian by Rahl81.

Clear Textures
ATW Extended

Please rate this mod if you like it.

FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions):

Is this compatible with Planetary Diversity? No, both mods change planets
Is this compatible with Realspace? No, both mods change star systems
Is this compatible with Gigastructures? Probably yes, but I don't use it so I did not test for any unwanted effects
Lex Peregrine  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:01pm 
Most worlds respect the vanilla deposit spawn on galaxy generation, only a few cases and especially the marginal worlds have a script that replaces specific deposits. Also each planet class has a modifier that gives a different bonus to wet/dry/cold worlds.
Peanutcat 27 Dec, 2024 @ 10:01am 
In vanilla, Dry planets are biased towards energy production, Wet towards food, and Cold towards minerals. Is that still the case in this mod? Does it change this distribution in any way?
Lex Peregrine  [author] 18 Dec, 2024 @ 6:15am 
I've updated the mod with the machine empire tweak, for now I have increased primary climate's base habitability to 80%, since they do not get bonuses from Biospheres the previous 60% was likely too low, and secondary climates to 55% which is enough to colonize and build some generator districts, 2 of them give a 10% bonus, 5 a 25%.

I've also updated the changelog including the big update a couple of weeks ago. I'll make a post in the patreon page with some screenshots of the new planets soon. I may have to tweak their spawning chances as I haven't found one in my current game yet lol
LegoMaster80 17 Dec, 2024 @ 9:27pm 
Thank you so much lmao
Lex Peregrine  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:57am 
I did remove their 50% minimum habitability trait so they don't have the ability to colonize every marginal world from the start, but I will check how this affects colonizing standard worlds of different climates and tweak it. Thanks
On the other hand, my neighbor machine empire on my current game seems to be doing fine lol
LegoMaster80 15 Dec, 2024 @ 5:53pm 
sorry meant species as a machine is of water world preference
LegoMaster80 15 Dec, 2024 @ 5:52pm 
not really, it adds a lot of extreme difficulty in early game usually but is sorted out midgame. Marginal worlds should be low habitability but normal worlds ie dry terrestial world are low habitability at the start if your world is of a water preference
Lex Peregrine  [author] 14 Dec, 2024 @ 2:21am 
Does not being 100% break machine empires? This is a honest question, I never played as machine empire so I could use the feedback.
I had to change machine habitability because otherwise they could colonize every marginal world they encounter. If this is not a good solution I will tweak something.
LegoMaster80 13 Dec, 2024 @ 7:50pm 
why does this break machine empires? i go to colonize a world and its not 100% habitability despite me being a machine
Lex Peregrine  [author] 8 Dec, 2024 @ 9:19am 
I will write the changelog when I have more time. The major changes were described a few comments below anyway.
New game is advised.