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IAR 93 "Vultur" [Naval Cas Loadout-Laser]
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IAR 93 "Vultur" [Naval Cas Loadout-Laser]

En 1 colección creada por Secret176
Romanian Vehicles [ROAF]
191 artículos
IAR 93 "Vultur"

[Battlerating 12.7]

Thank you for buying the blueprint, for IAR 93 "Vultur", a low level interceptor that can act as a bomber if needed, it can guide laser rockets due to having a internal semi radar guided laser indicator. It can reach 700kph and can be fuel efficient or very fast, it has aam and 2 internal autocannons. 1:1 Recreation

-Version 1.0 image

Ballistic Hud
Max speed:700kph [more at altitude]
Stall speed:150-170kph
Difficulty: Medium
Armament: 5 pylons and 2 internal guns
Fuel: 5400l
Chaffs: 30
Compatible with laser guided rockets
Ejection seat

[Both Hardpoints from both sides can be selected and they fire missiles individually, made for easier cas]
-6 AAM (RAV-LS) Laser-Radar missiles guided via the laser designator (guided by mouse aim / radar)
-2 Autocannons {100rounds each}
-30 chaffs

Plane Guide Book

Taking off
1. APU
2. System
3. Taxi [Works without engine but uses electric motors and a lot of electricity]
4. Nav lights
5. Brakes off
6. Jet engine
7. Transmit IFF
8. Flaps
9. Max throttle
10. Turn off Taxi
11. Afterburner

After Takeoff:
1.Landing gear
2.Deactivate flaps
3.The plane has an automatic stabilization system for pitch for both inverted and normal mode, if you want you can use autopilot systems

Laser guidance
1. Laser Designator
2. Laser Designator radar if wanted

1.Throttle to 30%
2. Flaps
3. Airbrakes
4. Landing gear
5. Use mouse aim


The Avioane Craiova IAR-93 Vultur (Eagle) is a twinjet, subsonic, close support, ground attack and tactical reconnaissance aircraft with secondary capability as low level interceptor. Built as single-seat main attack version or combat capable two-seat version for advanced flying and weapon training, it was developed as a joint Yugoslav-Romanian project in the 1970s for the air forces of both nations. The Romanian aircraft were built by I.R.Av. Craiova as IAR-93, and its Yugoslav counterpart by Soko as the Soko J-22 Orao. For Romania, the IAR-93 was intended to replace MiG-15s and MiG-17s in the fighter-bomber role.


On May 20, 1971, Romania and Yugoslavia signed the governmental agreements for the YuRom R&D programme. The program managers were Dipl. Dr. Engineer Teodor Zamfirescu for the Romanian party and Colonel Vidoje Knežević for the Yugoslav party.

The requirements called for a light subsonic aircraft for ground attack and tactical reconnaissance missions and with low level air combat as a secondary capability. It was to be built on a simple structure, using locally produced equipment and avionics (but compatible with Western components), tough (able to operate on grass or damaged runways), easy to maintain, and reliable. The aircraft was of conventional twin-engine, high mounted wing monoplane configuration with all flying surfaces swept. The Rolls-Royce Viper was chosen as the powerplant, as SOKO had experience with licence-building this engine. It was originally intended that an afterburner would be developed for the Viper engines, but there were prolonged difficulties with this project, meaning that none of the pre-production aircraft featured it, and neither did early production examples. During the 1980s, both countries developed slightly different versions to take advantage of the afterburning engines that had since become available.

Following the outbreak of the war in Yugoslavia and the UN embargo, the IAR-93 program ended in Romania in 1992, with several airframes in different stages of construction. Around 75 aircraft were still in service, a few of them being used for testing and research (#200 – first B model with afterburners, #600 (DC) – the only one fitted with canards).

The last IAR-93s were withdrawn and mothballed from the Romanian Air Force in 1998. Surviving airframes are stored at Deveselu (IAR-93A #116), Timișoara (IAR-93MB #214), and Craiova (about 60 aircraft), not flight worthy (engines and other equipment removed) and most of them are up for sale. Apparently 20 of them were scrapped until 2006, with the rest awaiting the same fate in 2007.

The J-22 Orao are still in service with the air force of Serbia. The last Yugoslav aircraft was delivered in February 1992, and the plant in Mostar was destroyed shortly after.


Fuel estimator:
Jet engine controller:
Taijin Ap
Pylon selector:
Artificial Horizon:

Do not repost

Tags:IAR93,Vultur,Secret176,ROAF,Moth,Red-Herring 1-1,Subsonic,JetFighter,Romanian,Romania,J22,Yugoslavia,Serbia,CAS,AAM,Interceptor,Trash,Maneuvrable,Realistic,Cool,Bomber.
5 comentarios
Secret176  [autor] 25 MAR 2023 a las 2:40 
New huds x2 and better mouse aim
Gilbert 24 MAR 2023 a las 14:42 
Real good
Secret176  [autor] 26 DIC 2022 a las 10:14 
-When using hardpoints activate both sides because there is a system that alternates firing.
Secret176  [autor] 5 NOV 2022 a las 8:06 
there are only emergency flares in the game not actual usable flares so it has only chaffs
Avocado46 4 NOV 2022 a las 21:18 
how do you use the flares?