

Creativerse Blueprint Workshop
Browse through thousands of player created blueprints and subscribe to your favorites to build them in game! Are you a master builder? Use the capture block to submit your own for others to try!
Coins and not Q-Bits?
Why is there no way to change ( that I find ) to change Blueprint Kits from Coins to Q-Bits?

800 Coin is a bit steep a price to pay to get a kit... especially when Night Creatures drop so few coin for so few times..

I see in "Advanced Setting" that the Coin "multiplier" for Blueprint Kits can be set to 0.05... can it be set lower? And if so can it be changed or is that a one time feature?
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
You can change the resource used to purchase such things clicking on the icons:

You can change those multipliers anytime you want and even set them to zero:

I don't remember ever trying setting them to zero, but you really can't do any harm - just try and see what happens, worst case if it's bugged we'll get it fixed.
Originally posted by entuland:
You can change the resource used to purchase such things clicking on the icons:

You can change those multipliers anytime you want and even set them to zero:

I don't remember ever trying setting them to zero, but you really can't do any harm - just try and see what happens, worst case if it's bugged we'll get it fixed.

lol as long as I can't do any harm... that's what I'm afraid of :winkkit:

Thanks once again Entuland
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:27pm 
You're welcome - you definitely can't do any harm, those settings are there to be changed at will by every owner, you are welcome to set everything as you please, but if you're worried about any potential consequences the correct approach is always having backups (this goes for any file / program / savegame / game: when in doubt, have backups).
Originally posted by entuland:
You're welcome - you definitely can't do any harm, those settings are there to be changed at will by every owner, you are welcome to set everything as you please, but if you're worried about any potential consequences the correct approach is always having backups (this goes for any file / program / savegame / game: when in doubt, have backups).

I understand from before that the "?" involved backups... but I have't been that brave to click "?"
Hmmm... Huston... we may have a problem...

So... I ( as I usually do to have something to put in a chest I use to have problems getting into the Workshop in the past ) got a Blueprint Cornerstone... set it down on the ground, clicked on it, and it said "Get Kit for 0/0 Coin" and clicked on that...

And nothing happened.

So... I went back into "Esc" clicked on Workshop, clicked on the Blueprint, clicked on "Get Kit for 0/0 Coin"...

And nothing happened.

Is it because I set it to "0"? ... should I set it to like "0.0001" and have to pay "something"?
Last edited by Your_White_Knight; 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:48pm
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
Not sure I follow - what's the "?" that involves backups?
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:49pm 
Originally posted by Your_White_Knight:
Hmmm... Huston... we may have a problem...

So... I ( as I usually do to have something to put in a chest ) got a Blueprint Cornerstone... set it down on the ground, clicked on it, and it said "Get Kit for 0/0 Coin" and clicked on that...

And nothing happened.

So... I went back into "Esc" clicked on Workshop, clicked on the Blueprint, clicked on "Get Kit for 0/0 Coin"...

And nothing happened.

Is it because I set it to "0"? ... should I set it to like "0.0001" and have to pay "something"?
Kits are currently broken, they can't be bought in the current version at all. Will be fixed in the next patch (it's reported at the beginning of the guide and in the first post under the announcement of version 4.0)
Originally posted by entuland:
Not sure I follow - what's the "?" that involves backups?

The "?" button on the main screen when one first clicks on "Play"... I was under the impression that's how one gets to the place the game saves itself on one's hard drive? No?...

Originally posted by entuland:
Kits are currently broken, they can't be bought in the current version at all. Will be fixed in the next patch (it's reported at the beginning of the guide and in the first post under the announcement of version 4.0)

Ahhh... o.k. then.

Well... I'll look forward to when the net patch comes along... hopefully it's not to far off.
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 1:59pm 
The "?" button only leads to this page:

Yes, hopefully we'll be able to release the patch soon.

For the time being you can achieve the same effect by just building the BP in Creator Mode, there you can aim at blocks / hints and hit C to get an infinite stack in your CM hotbar.

If you'd think that would defeat the purpose of spending coins to purchase kits, you are free to trash the needed coins as if you had bought the kit or something.
Originally posted by entuland:
The "?" button only leads to this page:

Then I am confused... I'll have to start another thread somewhere to find out where / how to "having backups (this goes for any file / program / savegame / game: when in doubt, have backups)" because I'll need both backups for my world and for my kids worlds as well...

Originally posted by entuland:
Yes, hopefully we'll be able to release the patch soon.

For the time being you can achieve the same effect by just building the BP in Creator Mode, there you can aim at blocks / hints and hit C to get an infinite stack in your CM hotbar.

If you'd think that would defeat the purpose of spending coins to purchase kits, you are free to trash the needed coins as if you had bought the kit or something.

Good to hear... I will just wait I think.. Creator Mode may be a bit much for me right now, lol
entuland  [developer] 106 26 Apr, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
Originally posted by Your_White_Knight:
Originally posted by entuland:
The "?" button only leads to this page:

Then I am confused... I'll have to start another thread somewhere to find out where / how to "having backups (this goes for any file / program / savegame / game: when in doubt, have backups)" because I'll need both backups for my world and for my kids worlds as well...
The help page links to the guide and the guide has all the details about where the world folders are.

If the guide isn't clear enough the best way to receive support about that is to contact me directly on Discord - entuland#7134 - but if you'd rather receive help here, you can ask here just fine.

This is your own thread and you can ask whatever you want here, you're free to "hijack" your own thread as you see more fitting, not a problem at all, no need to create a new thread about those backups.
Originally posted by entuland:
Originally posted by Your_White_Knight:

Then I am confused... I'll have to start another thread somewhere to find out where / how to "having backups (this goes for any file / program / savegame / game: when in doubt, have backups)" because I'll need both backups for my world and for my kids worlds as well...
The help page links to the guide and the guide has all the details about where the world folders are.

If the guide isn't clear enough the best way to receive support about that is to contact me directly on Discord - entuland#7134 - but if you'd rather receive help here, you can ask here just fine.

This is your own thread and you can ask whatever you want here, you're free to "hijack" your own thread as you see more fitting, not a problem at all, no need to create a new thread about those backups.

O.k. thank you...

I'm going to look into it and get back if I have any more ( and I probably will lol ) questions...

Thanks again. :steamthumbsup:
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