

Creativerse Blueprint Workshop
Browse through thousands of player created blueprints and subscribe to your favorites to build them in game! Are you a master builder? Use the capture block to submit your own for others to try!
C4PC4VEM4N 248 22 Dec, 2022 @ 4:15pm
For all Fallout Fans
Made a Fallout style vault 63x 63x 63, called "Fell Out"

Designed to be built underground using a cavern as main entrance to the vault door with a seperate emergency exit on top of build

It is primarily unfurnished and has a lot of rooms / spaces available for customisation

Using the "/cuboid dig 63 63 63" (dig from point of cursor upwards) OR using "cuboid dig -63 -63 -63" (dig from point of cursor downwards) code in chat is a quick easy way to clear the space needed to build it
Be careful is using dig code, especially if using it close to other builds it sometimes digs in a direction you never expected it, I use revert claim if that happens and change where the cursor is pointing and trying again
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
entuland  [developer] 106 22 Dec, 2022 @ 4:36pm 
There's also "/cube" to avoid having to specify the three dimensions, and "/cubetest" to get a preview of what the area of effect will be, before actually running "/cube dig" (the same goes for the "/cuboid" variants, one can always issue "/cuboidtest" with the values to see the effect beforehand)
C4PC4VEM4N 248 22 Dec, 2022 @ 4:37pm 
Originally posted by entuland:
There's also "/cube" to avoid having to specify the three dimensions, and "/cubetest" to get a preview of what the area of effect will be, before actually running "/cube dig" (the same goes for the "/cuboid" variants, one can always issue "/cuboidtest" with the values to see the effect beforehand)

Thanks for the info Entuland will come in handy
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