Frackin' Job Offers MKII
75 comentarios
星河舟 30 AGO 2024 a las 1:14 a. m. 
Can I translate it into Chinese and upload it to Steam?
Andy Mil 7 ENE 2024 a las 1:05 a. m. 
This one working fine. Thx tho i saw there is 2 arctic contract on sale..guess i avoid those and crew u recruit got no weapon. I recruit metal brand guy and they suppose to wield guitar but none currently
ErickD 21 DIC 2023 a las 7:56 a. m. 
@Mayonnaise Farmer Are you still in good around ? after all these tough year ,hope this mod still on working
Doodlinka 1 MAY 2022 a las 9:13 a. m. 
btw, i seem to get the on-ship benefits, but the guy isn't there
Doodlinka 28 ABR 2022 a las 6:07 a. m. 
yes, i have a crew bed, it's the only crewmember and the modde SAIL crew menu saya "loading crew" forever
Doodlinka 28 ABR 2022 a las 6:05 a. m. 
jobOfferRadien has the same display name as jobOfferArctic; crew member hired with an arctic contract beamed off to ship and didn't appear, shows up only in vanilla SAIL (i use FU BYOS)
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 19 JUL 2021 a las 12:42 p. m. 
I am still working on this, among other things. Although if people would love to be helpful and save me some time on this one mod in particular, I'd *love* a list of what job offers don't work, which ones are missing from FU currently, things like that. Basically anything you guys as a whole think this needs to be 2021-ready
Lucky 19 JUL 2021 a las 12:25 p. m. 
feel like we will be waiting a while to get that update.
znp4nemmcrmccbrsndpn 8 DIC 2020 a las 8:48 a. m. 
Thank you and look forward to it
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 7 DIC 2020 a las 11:31 a. m. 
I plan on updating / checking / bugfixing my mods when I get the time, but 2020 for "obvious" reasons has been very rough on everyone, and I'm not immune to that sadly as much as I wish I was. I'll try to get around to getting everything up to date once the plague stuff dies down a bit and life returns to almost-normal.
znp4nemmcrmccbrsndpn 7 DIC 2020 a las 8:57 a. m. 
New professions such as oceanographers, counselors and collectors can now be hired by legitimate means.
If possible, I would like to use this mod to hire them from my favorite characters, but are there any plans to update?
RedEyedJay 2 JUL 2020 a las 12:22 p. m. 
I looked at the Frackin' Universe fandom wiki under "crew" section to find the full list of crew. I don't know if any of these were outdated or deleted from FU, but this is what I've seen so far. These are the crew types I do not see available in the mod:

Apprentice Counselor
Head Counselor
Radien Explorer
Drug Scientist
Gas Scientist
Skilled Counselor

Many of these are available as regular contracts at Military Battlestations, but I would like to choose the exact npc. Same for the counselor contracts, which are normally found on Science Outpost. I do see some naming differences, though. For example, I think the Biohazard contract at SO hires the Radiologist.

Oh! I almost forgot about the Red Shirt. (Why isn't that one on the wiki?) It would be hilarious to come across an npc and conscript them to be a Red Shirt.
Starblast16 19 ENE 2020 a las 2:21 p. m. 
Alright then.
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 19 ENE 2020 a las 8:59 a. m. 
I can take a look but I have a feeling that's an issue with the Avali + FU, since I've seen other custom races that sometimes don't work with FU's added jobs, but I'll get to looking around here soonish
Starblast16 18 ENE 2020 a las 8:53 p. m. 
I was going to use this on the Avali, but it looks like its incompatible with them for some reason.
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 29 OCT 2019 a las 7:11 a. m. 
I'd almost say this might as well be obsolete since job offers is "essentially" part of FU itself now, but gated so you can't get the best crew instantly, which imo works better. Not much reason to update or work on it when it has a personally better implementation in the main mod.

I'll come back and make sure this still works here soon-ish but it isn't a real priority unless things are actually broken o.o
ZippoMoon 28 OCT 2019 a las 2:16 a. m. 
You don't craft them, you buy them from the frog at the outpost.
The_Final_SAMIrai 27 AGO 2019 a las 2:34 p. m. 
Does this curently work for 1.4? I ask because I cant find any of the jobs for crafting anywhere.
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 24 JUL 2019 a las 2:46 a. m. 
It's probably a bug, I can imagine FU's prob changed some stuff since I made this. It'll get updated "eventually", but I've got no real ETA on when
Kaen 23 JUL 2019 a las 8:05 p. m. 
mh many peoples ( NPC) say everytime the same : this is not capable to understand the offer.
so i cant recruit it and had never ah quest its a bug or normal?
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 3 JUL 2019 a las 1:39 a. m. 
There was a comment down below about this already, long story short computer drives died and I lost everything and I've had more important stuff to work on and get back before working on this.
Hurminal 1 JUL 2019 a las 7:31 p. m. 
hey is there a reason you haven't added the counselor jobs in? just asking
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 28 MAY 2019 a las 10:23 a. m. 
As far as I know, that's not something I can fix as I just extend the base Job Offers functionality, instead of rewriting it and fixing it (which is something I could do given enough time, but why touch it if it isn't broken)

So yeah, sadly, that's working as intended lol.
Egress 28 MAY 2019 a las 5:13 a. m. 
is it intentional for the NPCs in the opening mission to be unrecruitable? if so that's a real shame because i loved being able to save at least a *few* people before the ruin attacked, if it isn't intentional could you please find a way to fix it? i am able to use the contracts on the NPCs, they get a weapon as if they're ready to be recruited but then sail notifies me on them "not understanding" the contract like the fenerox in the original job offers mod. hopefully this helps you find the problem
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 10 MAY 2019 a las 2:57 a. m. 
This was made before Councilor was added, and I recently had a complete hard drive failure (all of my drives in my machine died the same damn day, what are the odds) so it'll get added eventually.
Algester 10 MAY 2019 a las 1:25 a. m. 
where's the councelor offer if in anycase your character goes to the deep end and starts hearing things? from the way I see it there's no councelor job offer :X
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 2 NOV 2018 a las 6:39 p. m. 
If I did, it would be an entirely new mod, as this mod is based around the original Job Offers pricing for the most part, although I've put a bit of effort into making prices semi consistent. Now if you wanted it implemented into FU directly, I've been working on a mod that does exactly that and does not require Job Offers. However, I wouldn't say that that mod is quite ready just yet as I've been working on my Manufacturer's Touch mod at the moment, adding a TON of content as well as a custom random-gen shield lua script that hopefully will make shields much more closer to weapons in terms of generation
Mendez 2 NOV 2018 a las 3:22 p. m. 
Hello, would it be possible to add version that has proper prices according to FU prices, and if possible unlocks in same way?
Kaen 17 OCT 2018 a las 4:30 p. m. 
so when comes the release of sobff ore partner offer? =)
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 17 OCT 2018 a las 3:01 p. m. 
He's a Drug Specialist because he specializes in taking drugs obviously :^) At least that was my understanding of it. He does give incredibly powerful but short-lived buffs though, so he's not entirely useless (he just stays on my ship though tbh)
Pepper Krillwright 17 OCT 2018 a las 2:59 p. m. 
what a strange name for a scientist
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 17 OCT 2018 a las 2:57 p. m. 
Although they do also add 0.25 Fuel Efficiency, which is quite a bit with FU's changed fuel system in place, one of the better fuel upgrades in that mod iirc
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 17 OCT 2018 a las 2:57 p. m. 
The Drug Specialist should just be a normal scientist that gives you Run Boost 10 and Jump Boost 15 at times and they carry "The Sauce" from FU making them *vastly* stronger in combat vs most other crew types every now and then. All this mod does is summons the crew from FU, I don't change what they do in this one sadly, so it's working as intended :P
Pepper Krillwright 17 OCT 2018 a las 2:50 p. m. 
I appreciate this mod very much. I would like to make a report that the "Drug Specialist" card that you can buy from froggs furnishings does not work, all it does is recruit them as a scientist. I was expecting an npc that actually sells red yellow green and blue stim paks but instead they are just a combat type follower that carries random medicine in their hands
Kaen 26 JUL 2018 a las 1:52 p. m. 
still waiting of the sobff to work you much to do? =D
so im still waiting your on work? =)
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 19 JUL 2018 a las 10:20 a. m. 
Alright yeah, that's an easy enough fix, but I feel like it will probably be a part of a second "Job Offer" mod that adds offers for Non-FU stuff since I've got one that I've been working on anyway. Shouldn't be too hard to do tonigh though ^^
Kaen 19 JUL 2018 a las 5:45 a. m. 
Hello probably the version so obff isnt inside yet ^^ so call sobff its the mode from datebound an job you can add it?^^
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 13 JUL 2018 a las 3:59 a. m. 
Just pushed an update that should fix that issue. No idea why only a few job title strings for NPCs changed, but it's all fixed now (hopefully)
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 13 JUL 2018 a las 3:36 a. m. 
I'll have to reinstall starbound and take a look in a bit, it's highly possible that things and NPC Job strings might have been changed again
SinisterPoem 13 JUL 2018 a las 3:07 a. m. 
The frackin jobs don't work properly (I think).
Namely, just now I've bought a drug specialist job offer from frogg, but when I used it, npc defaulted (?) to an arctic explorer.
Kaen 6 JUL 2018 a las 4:49 p. m. 
Just looking for the Friend system or Partner system to contract that can you add that? =)
Vanicko 6 OCT 2017 a las 6:28 p. m. 
Woomy. x2
BlitzkriegOmega 8 SEP 2017 a las 12:22 p. m. 
Does this include the other job mods like Chef and Hunter? or do I still need their respective compatability patches?
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 17 JUL 2017 a las 6:56 p. m. 
I need to add teh new jobs to this at some point, it's not a priority however sicne I've got some issues with my other mod that are taking all of my time currently, considering this mod's functions do exist in FU essentially. They'll get added, but my other mod comes first sadly :L
MattisticStatistic 17 JUL 2017 a las 2:22 p. m. 
Mad Catter 16 JUL 2017 a las 10:01 p. m. 
I can't find a few Jobs like Mechanic/Engineer II and Geologist
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 13 JUL 2017 a las 1:25 a. m. 
This requires the original Job Offers mod, as seen on the side bar under Required Items, so disabling it is probably a bad idea :P

You do not want the original FU Job Offers mod with this one though, may or may not cause issues and/or catastrophic world enslavement by squid people
Hoakin Blackforge 12 JUL 2017 a las 3:26 p. m. 
Its the original job offers mod still usefull? or should i disable it?
Mayonnaise Farmer  [autor] 5 JUL 2017 a las 4:43 a. m. 
Will hopefully have an update out in a day or two that adds the new crew FU just added, including the Pokemon Train----er, I mean "Collector". After that comes price balancing.

You all knew it was going to happen eventually >.> Totally not being held captive by squid people and being forced to balance for the greater good (their greater good)
Bucketsmith 5 JUL 2017 a las 3:59 a. m. 
I see, thanks.