Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Urban Elevated Metro Station
Кирилл Буданов 28 Mar, 2023 @ 8:45am 
Mod didn`t work. Pls don`t download
gordenw101010 6 Jul, 2020 @ 3:05am 
This mod appears to be faulty. I can only place stops on one side with MOM and MTSE
hugge41 11 Jun, 2020 @ 12:08pm 
can u use it with vanilla?
Centurion 30 May, 2020 @ 8:32am 
can this have the MOM dependency removed now that overground metros are a thing?
西楚忍者 31 Oct, 2018 @ 2:17am 
It seems that it couldn't be used since yesterday. So whether it was only my own question?
Beth2020 25 May, 2018 @ 8:58am 
Also got this error message, which might help you pinpoint where the problem is???

Broken assets:

Public Transport: Metro Entrance: NetInfo missing
Public Transport: Integrated Metro Station: NetInfo missing [BrokenAssetException]

No details
Beth2020 25 May, 2018 @ 8:57am 
getting this error message after the PARKS free update. Your station is mentioned in it, so thought you'd want a Heads-Up about this:
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 815435973.Classic Elevated Metro Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 815435234.Classic Ground Metro_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 882123643.Urban Elevated Metro Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 816325876.Metropolitan Depot_Data: NetInfo missing
Metro Entrance: Referenced net object is not loaded (Metro Station Track Tunnel)
Integrated Metro Station: Referenced net object is not loaded (Metro Station Track Tunnel) [BrokenAssetException]

No details
Beth2020 18 Apr, 2018 @ 8:07am 
NLX78 is right. You have to have the Metropolitan Depot he gave you the link for.

But you also have to have a metro tunnel connecting from it to any other metro tunnel that your line is running in. You can use two or three metro tunnels from different lines and make little connecting tunnels from one to another (like cross-road alleys in a city) but they have to be connecting in such a way that the trains are running into and out of them in the directions that the already-established lines are running, or the trains won't spawn from the Met Depot.

Hope this helps, PFU. :^)
NLX78 16 Apr, 2018 @ 3:37am 
@PinkFluffyUnicorns You will need to connect that depot if you use Metro Overhaul Mod, they will spawn from there:

Exxocraft 22 Mar, 2018 @ 2:04pm 
I try to make a line and i complete it, yet no metro's come?
Beth2020 22 Sep, 2017 @ 6:20am 
Q for CityOfTokyo
I absolutely LOVE your asset. It is soooo beautiful. And I can deal with the doors not looking real. I can even deal with the Cims disappearing before quite reaching the doors. The problem I have is that once the Cims get inside and up on the waiting pad of the Station, they are sinking into the cement almost up to their knees. I tried making a copy of your asset and changing the secondary height on it, but that didn't do anythng. So I can't tell you how to fix it as I'd hoped I could. However, if you can fix that, I'd LOVE to use your metro station in my game. I have 17 metro stations so far in it and have to use the Vanilla Metro because it is the only one I've found that has solid waiting pads and also costs a small enough maintenance fee to allow it in my game (yours DOES have the small maintenance fee - thanks sooo much for that).
Either way - GREAT ASSET.....
baronjutter 21 May, 2017 @ 3:38pm 
A really nice station but you gotta do something about those doors, they look painted on. A slight inset would make it look 100% better.
sagiluv1 12 Mar, 2017 @ 10:15am 
Awesome mods!
BrowncoatTrekky 12 Mar, 2017 @ 9:14am 
Thank you!