Portal 2

Portal 2

Free fall
glenmcd[AUS] 25 Dec, 2023 @ 3:39am 
Simple yet fun factor is exceedingly high. Very well designed chamber, highly recommended.
F1n1sher 23 Nov, 2021 @ 7:09am 
fun map
bruhinb 23 Mar, 2021 @ 9:58am 
Took me a bit.....
co3pE 25 Aug, 2020 @ 1:46am 
really love that aerial faith plate :)))))
Sophronius 3 Jul, 2019 @ 1:33pm 
I think you did a fine job, fun map, not that easy which is a good thing.
2B 2 Oct, 2018 @ 6:55am 
Nice test chamber. Thanks!
d'Artagnan 25 Jan, 2018 @ 7:58pm 
Fairly easy test, and mostly faithful to the original Portal ideas.
shaggath 25 Jun, 2017 @ 10:33am 
Easy, but fun map, thxs !
Petutski 25 Feb, 2017 @ 5:33am 
Nice map. The free fall is not too bad since I did not have to be in the free fall. Only the cube needed to fall once. Portal bobbing is widely used and I disagree that it is an accidental mechanic. Fun map... thanks!
dmuk 13 Oct, 2015 @ 3:48pm 
Lots of ways to solve - all "valid" - I like that! I didn't think it was too easy; sometimes these are nice too, as "palate cleansers" between the ballbusters...
PortalFan 29 May, 2015 @ 5:14am 
Easy but fun, Good job !
wildgoosespeeder 5 Feb, 2015 @ 8:08pm 
I agree with Dream Custody. Too easy.
Dream Custody 18 Oct, 2014 @ 1:21pm 
So-So :p2aperture:
joe 30 May, 2014 @ 7:54am 
Definitely different. I used the faith plate to jump up and then dropped the cube into a portal besides me.
Sinkira 14 Jan, 2014 @ 12:33am 
Why is this top rated?
rune simpa 29 Oct, 2013 @ 6:16pm 
Nicely done! Keep up the good work.
76561198050811374 28 Oct, 2013 @ 10:47pm 
Hey guys, just finished making my very first Test Map, and would love some feedback.
xiaosha 16 Sep, 2013 @ 10:08pm 
Shitty test. Portal bobbing is an accidental mechanic, and forcing its use to solve the puzzle is shameful.
Second chamber was *slightly* better than the first, though some wall surfaces would have done much better toward grabbing the ball as opposed to floor surfaces.
Xeaver 24 Jun, 2013 @ 10:49pm 
Easy, but fun!
If you have a moment, can you try some of my tests?
The Book of Moosepants, Chapter 1: The Journey
Kexx 13 Jun, 2013 @ 9:44pm 
Interesting. First room was more fun than second. I don't like infinite loops. Especially when cubes aren't reliable. They sometimes just don't do it, and bounce away, and you paced yours next to a fizzler, which made it irritating. I would suggest moving the endless infinite loop away from the fizzler, to account for cube unreliability. Otherwise, good map.
Hakos Baelz Mating Press 13 Apr, 2013 @ 2:52pm 
Difficulty: 1/10 (VERY EASY)
At the start of the map, I was thinking, WTF? Then I fall and all I can think is OH SHI- 'lands' -t.
Also, was I supposed to be able to solve the second area without using the faith plate?
=LooSe-CannoN= 7 Apr, 2013 @ 12:14pm 
That is bad that, when you die, you have to do puzzle from begging, a view save points would be great.
Psychotic Loner 4 Mar, 2013 @ 12:14am 
The puzzle itself was great, but what was the point of that drop at the start?
John Simons 19 Feb, 2013 @ 1:33pm 
Wonderfull, loved it
EvilHeavy™ 9 Jan, 2013 @ 11:10pm 
Very smart. I love it.
76561198035247285 9 Dec, 2012 @ 11:57am 
Good map. Some interesting use of test elements.
PsychoBR 22 Nov, 2012 @ 3:00pm 
Nice map! Very fun! Thumbs up!
I recorded my gameplay (valve DEM file format): Download [dl.dropbox.com]

Turrets highly explosive. Handle with care
Torchiest 17 Nov, 2012 @ 6:05pm 
Very nice. I always like when a single device can get used in multiple ways.
Mathey2009 14 Oct, 2012 @ 11:00pm 
Hey loved the map. Thank you fpr this map!
I've got a map of my own I'm trying to get out there a bit, try it and leave a comment :)

Strategy 4: Knockoff
Metzger Ben | GER 13 Oct, 2012 @ 11:46am 
Thanks for the chamber. My solution: http://youtu.be/7Ahy-vAdsO0
Yavie 3 Oct, 2012 @ 12:20pm 
Good job! I liked it, although it was easy (: I did have to ponder and think for a bit though!
StIg 21 Sep, 2012 @ 4:03am 
Only took a couple of minutes, but some interesting concepts, keep it up.
Fetandrey 24 Aug, 2012 @ 12:21pm 
Good map. +1 from me.
Rewas 21 Aug, 2012 @ 5:02am 
Nicely done
Alex Leonard 18 Aug, 2012 @ 9:09am 
Enjoyable map - not too tough but had to think it through :)
Penassa 17 Aug, 2012 @ 5:36am 
good chamber good fun good use of puzzle elements all around! http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68631398
MachManX 13 Aug, 2012 @ 1:03pm 
Got through this easily.
YUKI_67 12 Aug, 2012 @ 9:17am 
I like your puzzle ! Good job Mr Romb ! ^_^
Please look at my map ! http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=85813336
Infinite_Data 5 Aug, 2012 @ 7:59am 
Nice though easy. Good job, anyway.
Quarks123 5 Aug, 2012 @ 5:39am 
its ok i think :)
DamCrit 1 Aug, 2012 @ 1:36pm 
fun! fun! fun!
mikemoody 23 Jul, 2012 @ 6:06pm 
Thanks again for a Great Map. I like em when they are hard but I am able to get through to the end. Hey I'm getting a lot better tho. Keep it up.
Bober RS 14 Jul, 2012 @ 6:32am 
Nice new idea
toncica 14 Jul, 2012 @ 5:02am 
I really liked your card :) Keep it up!
Please look at my map! I want to know your opinion :)
toncica 12 Jul, 2012 @ 9:40am 
Voting down all your maps for your impertinent way of spamming other peoples workshops. Continuing... :)
Memetic 7 Jul, 2012 @ 1:43pm 
Excellent job, not only as a chamber but as a callback to the original Portal (the description is 100% accurate).
Fister Medister 7 Jul, 2012 @ 3:04am 
nice :)
Portalized 4 Jul, 2012 @ 10:17am 
Nicely done - puzzles were fun and loved the look as well!
Jeff 4 Jul, 2012 @ 9:22am 
Great map. Good challenge, but not frustrating. Well done.
Jay 3 Jul, 2012 @ 1:37pm 
This was a pretty challenging map. I would give it a 6/10 for difficulty.
