Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

AWP | Valkyrie
Lucky 4 Jul, 2016 @ 11:47pm 
арийский зигамет 4 Jul, 2016 @ 8:31am 
Good job!Please Rate the map my friend))))
_fish_ 4 Jul, 2016 @ 8:13am 
it's cool, but i would like to see some more workshop pictures with different perspectives, i like it though

would you check out mine too?
REALER 4 Jul, 2016 @ 1:58am 
finaly a good looking awp that is not color spamed and submitted into a workshop.This awp looks amazing.I love it needs to be added right now!
Dzeem 4 Jul, 2016 @ 1:17am 
Please evoluate this work its my first job.:csgoglobe: