Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

The Amazing Tree De-Duplicator
Zake  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 12:00pm 
Hi folks, I'm still here but won't promise any support of the mod since I didn't write it and its only purpose is a bandaid fix of a relatively rare edge-case. Glad to see it's somehow still working for most of you though, seven years later.
Stxners Music 30 Mar, 2023 @ 5:17pm 
Anyways good luck with these weight of life's problems
RubyRobbins 26 Sep, 2021 @ 9:42am 
This is truly, honestly amazing. Thank you <3
Kuban 3 Dec, 2020 @ 8:57pm 
It looks like is breaking my game...
got debugged window with tons of problem when I clicked clear I gat never-ending loop of problem, no electricity no water no bus connections and so on.

anyone same problem... or how can I fix this?
Is there any mod that doesn't go along this one?
NoirMoutton 24 Dec, 2019 @ 8:35am 
This is an excellent practical mod that should be near the top of workshop rankings!
FortyCS 11 Oct, 2019 @ 5:33pm 
Could it be that you get duplicate trees when the brush is on full intensity? I figure there are no duplicate trees when I put the brush strenght to zero,
100 houndmaster bucks 4 Mar, 2019 @ 5:19am 
Any ways to hide the button after you've done with trees? Or at least make it more compact
notDONEyet 6 Nov, 2018 @ 2:21am 
this mod should have more stars
Slick Gamble 4 Jan, 2018 @ 12:14am 
Still works. Got a map that starts with 900k trees, eliminated almost 10k duplicate trees.
Manuel 1 Oct, 2017 @ 3:19am 
ok i worked it out , my problem has something to do with the combination of "extra landscaping tools" and "prop and tree anarchy" . deactivating the ELT while gardening is the solution

Manuel 30 Sep, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
i just found out that it only has this issue when i click very fast , when i wait a second between placing trees its all fine so i think the problem is my laptop.

prop and tree anarch has no influence on it in my game
Zake  [author] 30 Sep, 2017 @ 12:21pm 
Idk as far as removing the duplicated trees. But through my gameplay it seems like stacks of trees get placed if you have anarchy on.
Manuel 30 Sep, 2017 @ 12:09pm 
it didnt work with my game , it took like 5 seconds (im just starting filling parks etc. got like 1600 trees ) the mod told me it removed like 1000 duplicated trees . But when i bulldoze bushes then
there is still 5 in one

any suggestions ?
AquilaSol 18 May, 2017 @ 11:35am 
Works with 1.7.0 and Mass Transit DLC on my system. :) It does freeze for about +-30 seconds, but that makes perfect sense.
funchenstein 2 Apr, 2017 @ 9:06pm 
Thank you for a lifesaving mod! Just discovered it. 36395 duplicated trees removed :D
Baleur 16 Jan, 2017 @ 9:34pm 
Please please make a draggable button. Its overlapping everything =(
I AM BORG 9 May, 2016 @ 12:01am 
It didn't work .... trees are still there after pressing De-Duplicate button.
knighthawkGP 8 May, 2016 @ 11:32am 
@I AM Borg
Run it with it enabled (if the map uses it).
I AM BORG 7 May, 2016 @ 11:32pm 

Should I run this mod and apply it with or without the Unlimited Trees mod subscribed to.
Zake  [author] 20 Apr, 2016 @ 3:51pm 
I can try to do that by adapting code from the traffic report tool button, but I won't be able to do that for at least the next couple weeks, as I'm finishing my last semester at college.

As far as I know, this mod wasn't really intended to be a permanent addition to the game, just a quick install-run-uninstall sort of utility. That said, there's no reason it should be hard to use.
GordonDry 20 Apr, 2016 @ 3:50am 
You could make it a round button with an icon and draggable by right-click and saving the position.
Zake  [author] 19 Apr, 2016 @ 6:17pm 
Should I move it again? Maybe I should put it in the upper right to make conflicts less likely?
GordonDry 19 Apr, 2016 @ 7:57am 
The button position really starts going on my nerves.
Zake  [author] 28 Mar, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
@eighthsin, I have the same problem on one of my maps, haven't found a solution yet.
eighthsin 28 Mar, 2016 @ 6:29am 
Mod deduplicates trees, but after saving, trees rededuplicate. Not sure why the reoccurrence but it improves frame rate at least.
Baleur 24 Feb, 2016 @ 2:29pm 
Great mod, already have it from the reddit though :)
knighthawkGP 22 Feb, 2016 @ 10:14pm 
@Warchief why don't you upload\pubish the map you have that has the problem along with the output_log.txt and full* list of all mods used on the map, I'll take a look, I'd like to have a sample of one of these saves.
Warchief 22 Feb, 2016 @ 7:33pm 
yeh, hope they fix it soon, should not have to have a mod for a dam bug =(
Zake  [author] 22 Feb, 2016 @ 6:12pm 
Yeah idk sorry :( Best I can say is post an output_log.txt in that reddit thread so the guy who wrote this can see it. I can look at it too and see what I can find but I don't have the time to delve into debugging.
Warchief 22 Feb, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
sorry for all the fuss, just want to get this sorted, my trees glich and flicker all the time, i started to do myself it was peeeing my off so much lol, but takes for ever, theres like 20+ trees ontop of allmost every tree lol.
Warchief 22 Feb, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
Amd Phenom 2 (6cores) 16gb ram and 4g gtx 960 G-card, and yes it crash as soon as i pree botton. i left it crashed for about 10mins while i went to make a sandwich and tea, nothing happen, i restarted the game and it did the same =(
Zake  [author] 22 Feb, 2016 @ 12:19pm 
hmm. hard to say. Where does it crash, is it right after pressing the button? Have you tried letting it sit for a little while? Sometimes when a program works really hard it stops responding and then comes back; mine does that just loading the game.

What are your specs, do you have a good CPU?
Warchief 22 Feb, 2016 @ 12:25am 
i have done what you said Zake, but the game just crash, says program not responding and my screen goes white?
knighthawkGP 21 Feb, 2016 @ 11:16am 
Thanks for that update. As for the draggble button I've not done one all by itself (but as part of window) I think you could just create a UIDragHandle and assign it's target as the button object in question. UIDragHandle m_DragHandler; m_DragHandler = ui.AddUIComponent<UIDragHandle>(); = button;
Zake  [author] 21 Feb, 2016 @ 10:32am 
Zake  [author] 21 Feb, 2016 @ 10:09am 
Whoops! Current version crashes the game. I think I messed up the folder hierarchy. Working on fixing it.
Zake  [author] 21 Feb, 2016 @ 9:58am 
@knighthawkGP I actually just found that on my own as well. Moved the button just slightly down, to (-1.8, 0.9). Now teaching myself how to update a workshop file.

As for support, I'll merge any changes, and if you want I'll even upload to Github if there's a desire. I have a basic programming background but I've never worked with C#, and I'm using Notepad++ to update this :)

I haven't the slightest clue how to get the draggable button but I assume it would be a matter of copying another mod's code.
knighthawkGP 21 Feb, 2016 @ 9:33am 
Glad to see someone added this to the workshop for those that run into the problem.
Also a related thread on reddit.

If anyone has a problem with gui's overlaping, adjusting the button position offset will probably help. Just tweak the button.transformPosition = new Vector3(-1.65f, 0.97f); line.
Zake  [author] 21 Feb, 2016 @ 9:07am 
Sorry to be totally unhelpful but you'll likely get more help at the posted reddit thread.

@Warchief Load the save with the mod enabled, then click the button on the top left when you're ready. Probably best to pause your game so it's not doing too many things at once.
@GordonDry I had the same trouble. I'll mention it but as this is meant to be a quick one-time use, it should only get in the way for the short time you need it. That is... I hope duplicating trees isn't a recurring issue...
GordonDry 21 Feb, 2016 @ 2:44am 
Could you please change the button to a draggable round icon?
Or at least change the position, now it overlaps the TM:PE button.
Warchief 21 Feb, 2016 @ 2:16am 
it gets rid of them instantly when i load a game? or it deletes them over time untill all are gone?
Warchief 21 Feb, 2016 @ 2:09am 
This mod has not worked for me ? i still have the same problem. can i use it on an old saved city? still have loads of glitching flickering trees with 10s-100s of trees in the same spot. seems to be random how many are there.
xt1014 20 Feb, 2016 @ 10:58pm 
thx, finally