Cities: Skylines
Japanese Suburban Styled Houses
Комментариев: 75
HackedByARussian 19 авг. 2019 г. в 14:43 
beautiful assets

thank you for making these, i have used them many times!

unfortunately without a custom LOD they look like a scrambled mess from a distance, but works great with a toggler
stockjr97  [создатель] 10 фев. 2019 г. в 4:20 
Glad you like them!
ludi1989 10 фев. 2019 г. в 4:05 
@stockjr97 Works pretty damn GOOD! :D thanks for these beautiful buildings! :D
ludi1989 27 янв. 2019 г. в 5:30 
@stockjr97 Ok, thank you, I will try it now and send feedback after :)
stockjr97  [создатель] 26 янв. 2019 г. в 21:21 
I would suggest using the Building Themes mod and create a theme using these houses. It works way better than the vanilla district styles.
ludi1989 26 янв. 2019 г. в 16:02 
I have a little problem, I added all of the houses to the district style and put it in the map, but despite high demand of housing, houses don't spawn unless i make zone like 1 square wide alongside the road. That is a shame, because even when there is 2 squares of width, houses stop spawning and rarely (but VERY RARELY) the 2 square hose will show... can you help me in any way?
stockjr97  [создатель] 14 авг. 2018 г. в 9:43 
Sure! Just be sure to credit me.

But beware. The UV mapping might be a little less than stellar.
Inkedubus 14 авг. 2018 г. в 5:42 
Awesome! If you dont think you will be able to get around to it, could I have your permission to retexture them?
stockjr97  [создатель] 6 авг. 2018 г. в 9:14 
I'm thinking about redoing these houses if I can get around to it.
Inkedubus 6 авг. 2018 г. в 7:30 
Is there anyway you could darken the textures on the houses? It appears to bright/unnatural compared to all the other assets Im using and vanilla assets. Might have to do with texturing but other than that these houses are amazing and Im using them in my CyberPunk City :)
stockjr97  [создатель] 24 июн. 2018 г. в 18:03 
They should spawn alongside the original houses. Due to their small size, you might want to zone smaller.
NordWes 24 июн. 2018 г. в 2:56 
It will spawn with the original houses
NordWes 24 июн. 2018 г. в 2:55 
How do I build these houses? Do you have any tutorial?
屎味柏 17 фев. 2018 г. в 1:06 
how come mine arent showimnng in the beginning of the game
stockjr97  [создатель] 1 дек. 2017 г. в 5:04 
@Mr. Someguy

More of a reason for me to do a complete redo and reupload of these houses. Updating them will be a complete pain.
Mr. Someguy 23 ноя. 2017 г. в 17:39 
I like these assets, but unfortunately the LOD's are severely broken.

A shame, since I was able to get them working by making a district style by myself (Homes 8 and 9 were still broken, so I left them out), but the broken LOD (and another unsolved issue regarding mod buildings appearing alongside defaults) prevents me from using the pack.
KuggyWuggy 23 сен. 2017 г. в 10:58 
Great collection, thanks!
DemonWolfSprite 26 авг. 2017 г. в 3:59 
i keep getting missing assets even though im subscribed to all of them particluar 1x1 houses
stockjr97  [создатель] 1 июн. 2017 г. в 15:43 
You don't have to, it's just for organizational purposes. The problem I was describing seems to affect old subscribers, not new ones.
sagiluv1 1 июн. 2017 г. в 9:47 
Should I removed this set and download the others?
stockjr97  [создатель] 29 апр. 2017 г. в 17:18 
I deeply apologize for any trouble I have caused. My only solution now is to eventually re-upload these assets as several packages (1 workshop item will contain all 6 variations of each house), preferably with an organized naming convention and appropriate props, and no miscellaneous errors (duplicate asset, private asset, etc.). Given that updating assets can be a real pain, I'll have to be very careful when uploading those.

Although I've been losing interest in the game lately, I will still continue to make assets (though maybe not as often). This is also why it has taken a while for me to get back to you all on this issue. Again, I deeply apologize for how mismanaged this project has been. I will try to do better next time.

stockjr97  [создатель] 29 апр. 2017 г. в 17:18 
I think I'm seeing the issue here.

I don't seem to get the same errors as everyone else here, since I test my assets on a new game rather than on a save that has these assets. Apparently, there is a difference between doing the two, something I guess I was too inept to figure out.

I will admit, most of it is my fault. The naming of these assets were all over the place (some of them had their number first, others were last, etc.). So while trying to organize the names, that seem to have messed up the assets for the old subscribers loading their saves with these assets. That was a mistake. Now I can't fix that issue without harming the new subscribers.
Relent26 27 мар. 2017 г. в 5:27 
In 'styles' it says assets are missing even though they are installed, I think it is because they are named differently. eg. In 'Styles' 'MISSING - Narrow Suburban House 4 1x1 lvl1' but the workshop name/asset name is '4 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1'
Vicloco-mago 7 фев. 2017 г. в 23:26 
hello, its working now thanks! :D
stockjr97  [создатель] 7 фев. 2017 г. в 1:30 
Make sure they are activated in the content manager. Or use the loading screen mod to see what the problem is.
Vicloco-mago 6 фев. 2017 г. в 8:12 
Hello, I installed all the houses and the theme, and when i plopped some residential, it did not load, what should i do?
alborzka 21 янв. 2017 г. в 4:22 
Thanks for the updates! There were some initial problems with the newly updated houses for some reason but all is good now, no errors :)
stockjr97  [создатель] 20 янв. 2017 г. в 14:09 
@in4noo @alborzka
I just fixed the private content error. You should not be getting any error messages now.
stockjr97  [создатель] 11 янв. 2017 г. в 3:22 
I see the issue now. I was expecting an actual error message to show up. I wasn't looking at report the mod sent. This is caused by the asset having a prop that is not released to the workshop. Because I made the prop, I had two (one that is released to the workshop, and one that the game copies). The copied one is available in the workshop, even though its exactly the same as the one that is released.

In this case, I must've used the copied version of the prop for some houses, instead of the released version. This will be fixed.
alborzka 8 янв. 2017 г. в 10:15 
The exact error is: Workshop asset requires private content, seems like asset bug?
Also, I'm using Loading Screen Mod [Test] if that makes a difference. But yeah maybe its a typo, like just upper/lower-case letters don't match or something?
alborzka 8 янв. 2017 г. в 10:14 
Yes I'm sure, just unsubbed and resubbed to see if that would fix it which it didn't :/ Maybe it's just a typo that needs to be fixed?
moff Tarkin 7 янв. 2017 г. в 21:31 
i not use it like prop - more simple create area with some style
stockjr97  [создатель] 7 янв. 2017 г. в 15:26 
@in4noo @alborzka
That's weird. I'm not getting that error with the Loading Screen Mod. Are you sure the stoop prop is enabled?
alborzka 7 янв. 2017 г. в 5:58 
Same error for me as @in4noo :(
moff Tarkin 4 янв. 2017 г. в 0:16 
Stoop.Stoop_Data Assets that were not found this is report from Loading Screen Mod for all houses
stockjr97  [создатель] 2 дек. 2016 г. в 12:04 
@YellowAppleYeah, I accidentally gave two houses the same asset name. A rename should fix the problem.
YellowApple 2 дек. 2016 г. в 11:51 
I'm getting a "Broken assets" error:

Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 794002677.8 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 794008393.9 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3_Data: Duplicate prefab name

Hard to tell exactly which Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3 is causing the issue. I'm taking a shot in the dark and guessing the "8 Narrow Suburban House 1x1" and "9 Narrow Suburban House 1x1", since this same error was apparently reported by someone else to both those assets.
stockjr97  [создатель] 5 окт. 2016 г. в 21:13 
Error should be fixed, now.
stockjr97  [создатель] 2 окт. 2016 г. в 7:22 
I must've used my private one rather than the one accessible through the workshop. I'll fix this soon.
SenritsuSora 2 окт. 2016 г. в 7:03 
The loading screen mod reports that the "Stoop.Stoop_Data" is not found, telling that "Required in: 601631763.2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3_Data 639019979.2 Narrow Suburban House lvl3_Data 639019679.2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3_ ... etc"

"Workshop asset requires private content, seems like asset bug?"

Is the Stoop asset accessible to public (or are you using the right one)?
延平门太郎 18 сен. 2016 г. в 12:13 
what about lvl 4? It will turn into somethingelse?
shnorbles 14 сен. 2016 г. в 20:25 
Is it normal that the roofs disappear if you're not really close to them? Maybe there's a way to change draw distance or something?
slincoln_wx 22 авг. 2016 г. в 13:43 
When using these structures, how does one get around the weird quick with Cities Skylines where it does not build narrow buildings? There is no zone in between low and high density residential, so you either get [mostly] 4x4 lots of single family houses, or you get apartment towers. There is no middle density where the lot sizes are set to 1x4 or 2x4 maximum and the houses are close together (as we see in the near urban core of most U.S. cities).
I even tried getting around this with the new theme manager, built a few assets that were 1 wide by 4 deep, and set a district to only use the theme that included those buildings; nothing happened, not a single building developed. But if you pain a zone that is only 1 wide by 4 deep, then the game will construct a house of that size.

It's almost like the game will seek the largest lot size possible first, then looks for a building that fits that size, and if none are available, it doesn't grow.
stockjr97  [создатель] 16 авг. 2016 г. в 23:37 
@Mariska Hargitaylor Swift

Are you subscribed to this asset?
Mariska Hargitaylor Swift 16 авг. 2016 г. в 17:12 
Loading screen mod reports missing Stoop.Stoop_Data
Felix Hana 11 авг. 2016 г. в 4:40 
@stockjr97 worked ^^ thx ^^
stockjr97  [создатель] 10 авг. 2016 г. в 16:21 
@Hana Tendou

Yes. I would use it.
Felix Hana 10 авг. 2016 г. в 14:46 
@stockjr97 nope. is it needed?
stockjr97  [создатель] 10 авг. 2016 г. в 12:27 
Felix Hana 10 авг. 2016 г. в 11:52 
removed the assets causing the error and now i dont get any errors but my town still looks like that: