

Colorful 2 Floors Little Houses
Der Freischütz8 20 Apr, 2024 @ 9:08pm 
The one-story house is gone. Instead, you can take the road instead.
red-ketchup  [author] 13 May, 2022 @ 12:31am 
with "T" or "R"
Obsidian Gryphon 12 May, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
How do you change the colour of the roof?
HiFive 22 Mar, 2022 @ 2:54am 
Nice mod. These houses are very nice looking, and I also very much like the number of different colors for the roofs, since I'm looking at the roofs from high above more often than I'm looking at the houses from the lower views.
red-ketchup  [author] 3 Apr, 2021 @ 3:25pm 
yeah possible, dont remember. but i think i retouched them when i added to RKEC
Morningfrost 3 Apr, 2021 @ 12:03pm 
Is this coded differently than the one that's part of your big mod? It looks like these homes take up a 5x5 area instead of a 4x5 area (counting entrance).
dan5tr4n63r 23 Jun, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
Is this compatible with New Medieval Town 2.0.4?...i assume it is but just wanting to be sure...Thanks
mistikkal 14 Apr, 2020 @ 1:31am 
Oh yes! I could only use them before in Mega Mod which crashes all too often sadly. Thanks a bunch.
Sir.Knight90 28 Feb, 2020 @ 6:26am 
Ok for the first floor, but not even from the chimney on the second floor the smoke comes out!
So it seems that the houses are uninhabited!
Can it be solved?
Maybe adding the animation of the smoke that comes out only from the chimney of the second floor?
red-ketchup  [author] 27 Feb, 2020 @ 12:08am 
first floor doesnt have smoke animations because they are set to recieve a 2nd floor on top. if i would have let the first floor getting smoke, you would have the impression the house is in fire.
Sir.Knight90 26 Feb, 2020 @ 3:50am 
I do not know if it is only my problem, but there is no animation of "smoke" coming out of the chimney
red-ketchup  [author] 22 Jan, 2020 @ 2:09am 
no need new game, you can add anytime
Blaine 21 Jan, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
Looks great! Does this require a new game to use?
romanar16 11 Jan, 2020 @ 12:55am 
i love this mod the houses look way better. they look more medieval than the vanilla ones.
red-ketchup  [author] 16 Sep, 2019 @ 12:22am 
yup but it is meant to be placed honnestly on top of the first floor.
mythwitch 15 Sep, 2019 @ 6:32pm 
Well I didn't realize how close I put the house to the warehouse and ended up with part of the house in the warehouse. I was going to add a screenshot, but can't so just give it a try. If you add a house little house second floor close to another structure with the stairs on the other end the house will set with the portion furthest from the stairs inside of the other building..
red-ketchup  [author] 28 Nov, 2018 @ 1:05pm 
the bottom part doesnt have a chimney smoke because if you put a 2nd floor on top... the smoke of the first floor will look like if the house is in fire !!

you cannot ask the game if there is a 2nd floor, cancel the smoke of the first one :P
Sowce 28 Nov, 2018 @ 10:58am 
Love the design, and it's exactly what I wanted for now, just a simple higher density housing. my only critique is just the smoke animation is missing from the chimney.
red-ketchup  [author] 20 Oct, 2018 @ 4:31pm 
the bottom part is an house where 1 family live there. then the next row of tile, there is a stair way to go up to the 2nd floor with a graphic that match the bottom house and it adds a 2nd floor ontop of the first floor and there is another family that lives there !

so it is an house made of 2 part and there are 2 family of 5 living there.
red-ketchup  [author] 20 Oct, 2018 @ 4:30pm 
the bottom part is an house where 1 family live there. then the next row of tile, there is a stair way to go up to the 2nd floor with a graphic that match the bottom house and it adds a 2nd floor ontop of the forst floor and there is another family that lives there !

so it is an house made of 2 part and there are 2 family of 5 living there.
a man and his harem 20 Oct, 2018 @ 10:46am 
is this a 2 famly house? (im trying to find houses that can hold alot more ppl like2- 4 or more famlys (like how in some areas familys stay together and live in one house persay...)
red-ketchup  [author] 4 Feb, 2018 @ 9:31am 
yup, steam dont care. this is why i put all my mods on World of Banished instead

people lately are testing the new RK Editor Choice mod which contain all New Medieval Town 3.0 items.
I am playing it today and i have so much fun!
g_tucker 3 Feb, 2018 @ 12:02am 
I have reported the stolen versions of this, steam doesn't seem to care ;-/
sag032 21 Aug, 2017 @ 5:54am 
i have reported all dubble uploads. Might help...
Rax Savvage 10 Jun, 2017 @ 7:49am 
ah red, had wondered what was going on when mods started to drop all over the place... kinda why i stopped playing, wanted mods to help with some game issues but... damn that was spam
SNAKE 13 Jan, 2017 @ 8:04am 
i feel bad for you red-ketchup. and i wish their was a multiplayer in this game.
red-ketchup  [author] 7 Oct, 2016 @ 10:40am 
yeah it was at the begining. the first version of the kit for making mods didnt had any protection against stealing. tons of bad people stole tons of mods from me and some other people.
The Last With Pagan Blood 5 Oct, 2016 @ 7:07pm 
Hey Red-Ketchup, someone by the steam name of Lweon has uploaded this mod as though it was his own. Just wanted to let you know.
Lady Briar 21 Aug, 2016 @ 11:32am 
Thank you!
red-ketchup  [author] 20 Aug, 2016 @ 11:40pm 
midway, between both in efficacity
Lady Briar 20 Aug, 2016 @ 6:45pm 
Do these houses use firewood like a wooden or a stone house?
Bossy81521 5 Aug, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Can't seem to get this mod to work while using more raw materials mod. :( I am new to Steam and how to use these mods. Any help or tips to get it to work would be much appreciated. TIA
Darth Vedda 20 Jul, 2016 @ 7:19pm 
A red-ketchup original! It's easy to tell which mod is the real McCoy and which one is the cheap knockoff. If it says "red-ketchup", it's the real deal. Thank you for your cool work, BTW.
Vinolik 16 Jul, 2016 @ 8:20am 
Its sad no one is deleting the 10 other "illegal" versions of this item. This workshop doesn't seem to have any moderators at all
home910219 14 Jul, 2016 @ 7:14pm 
thanks! :)
red-ketchup  [author] 14 Jul, 2016 @ 5:46am 
just rotate among the colors by pressing " F " key
home910219 14 Jul, 2016 @ 5:37am 
really great mods. but the colour of house is random, so fitting colour of 1st floor and 2nd floor is little hard. anyway, great mod! thx!
red-ketchup  [author] 10 Jun, 2016 @ 1:22pm 
Thanks you for the AWESOME description :)


And yeah, this is the ORIGINAL version. Never accept stolen mods from stealers.
endymionshepherd 10 Jun, 2016 @ 10:18am 
The ORIGINAL two-story housing: accept no substitutions or imitations. Stacked housing is an amazing thing Red-Ketchup does. These houses are built in two parts; together cost more than two wooden but less than two stone houses. Colors (use F key to cylce) are blue, teal (blue-green), brown, grey, red, and the terra cotta red-orange pictured above. The first floor is 3x5 and the second 2x5, to make a 5x5 house (wood and stone houses are 4x5 each)
solospn 27 May, 2016 @ 5:51am 
Пользую его как основной дом для жителей! СпасибО!
Prostagma 23 Apr, 2016 @ 1:50pm 
red-ketchup  [author] 23 Apr, 2016 @ 12:01pm 
one family of 6 at 1st floor, one family of 6 at the 2nd floor.
yes it use more fuel than stone house, but use less fuel than wood house
Prostagma 22 Apr, 2016 @ 11:46pm 
Hello, thanx a lot for this cool mod!!
I have two questions, how many people can live in this house ? is it like a wooden/stone house ?
You said its between wooden and stones houses, do it use more fuel than stones houses ?
red-ketchup  [author] 20 Apr, 2016 @ 1:22pm 
i am, Red Ketchup, the original author of this mod.
Toneloc 20 Apr, 2016 @ 6:41am 
Who is the original author for this house model?
This model has been spammed by too many.
I want to sub to the original author.
Morietti 4 Mar, 2016 @ 11:15am 
is a sweet home ... ;)
red-ketchup  [author] 24 Feb, 2016 @ 2:49am 
it is between the wood and the stone. it is better than wood, but need more heat than a stone one.
there is not a stone version of this house.
WyldWish 23 Feb, 2016 @ 5:23pm 
Seconding the request for more info on the description. Perhaps a picture of all the houses or pictures of each house as well so we know what we're getting.
Ssenkrad_II 16 Feb, 2016 @ 12:49pm 
Can you add in the decription more about the house?

1. Is this a wood or stone house
2. Is there a stone/wood version of the house
3. Does this house "function" as a wood or stone house
4. Cost

Dwaib 1 Feb, 2016 @ 10:02pm 
is this mod compatible with CC : New Frontier ?