

Hydra's More Galaxy Shapes
Mulldrifter 1 Mar @ 11:51am 
Hi there, I am not sure if this is a bug, but every time I start a save on one of the new galaxy types, I seem to spawn on the innermost part of the galaxy in a system with one hyperlane connecting it to the rest of the galaxy. Playing on medium size if that matters. This happened on Archipelago, Outline, and Core with multiple tries for each. I can't seem to spawn 'normally' with several different hyperlanes.
kroun  [author] 25 Feb @ 10:21am 
@Silent Zephyrs
That was the same as Two Crescents, but further away from each other.
Silent Zephyrs 25 Feb @ 9:08am 
just noticed theres a hashed out galaxy shape called Distant Neighbours, whats that about?
SUMatt 22 Feb @ 10:23am 
can you make it so you can add more i empires since the mods i use arent able to change the ai on these galaxy shapes for some reason
Demognomicon 16 Feb @ 4:48pm 
Taw was kind enough to make a version of No Clustered Starts for this mod.
TrueWolves 3 Feb @ 8:25pm 
@archerkitty123 Making a galaxy spawn mostly or only black holes would be relatively easy. However, that involves changing files entirely different from those in this mod. What shape a galaxy spawns systems in, and what spawns in those systems, are too completely different sets of files.

A "dead galaxy" mod would be all or nothing, so it be best as it's own mod, since it wouldn't be something you can turn on/off in the galaxy creation menu.
TrueWolves 3 Feb @ 8:22pm 
@Tal'Razid This mod would not be compatible with no clustered starts because they both change the map files. However, a compatibility patch would be possible.
alfharobby 2 Feb @ 9:24pm 
@Excel.exe my Frame World with 2000 Pops lag so much, i don't need other stars anyway, already use trade lag mitigation mod and disable L Star, Caravaneer and Xeno Compatibiliy.
卡尔文迪斯梅特 31 Jan @ 5:24am 
I made a new Chinese localization translation is here.Could you please add a link?
Excel.exe 30 Jan @ 2:46pm 
brother what kind of 1940's prototype analog computer are you running that lags in a 200 star galaxy with no other empires
alfharobby 20 Jan @ 12:35pm 
could you make Smaller Galaxy Size like 50 or 100 Star please, anyway even with 200 stars the end game year mostly still lagging so might as well make the map smaller with none other AI Empire.
Mika 18 Jan @ 9:05am 
Maybe add pictures of how the galaxies look in game? With so many mods that change galaxies I have no time to check them all just to see how bad they are
Tal'Raziid 14 Jan @ 10:17am 
does this work with No Clustered Starts?
MaDJaMeS 12 Jan @ 8:44pm 
Mod conflicts with something. Works fine if put at bottom of load order. Not sure may want to add a special Character on the front.
xenonprime 12 Jan @ 8:34am 
This is very cool, good job and thank you for making this!
archerkitty123 9 Jan @ 12:13pm 
this is much less of a easy thing, but a "dead" galaxy with mostly black holes would be cool
MYSTERIO 4 Jan @ 5:40pm 
Can you create a earth style map, like this , I think that would be cool.
[PRINCE] AaRrii 31 Dec, 2024 @ 6:56am 
do amogus
kroun  [author] 30 Dec, 2024 @ 12:35am 
@just a person ?
Only through a patch mod I am afraid.
just a person ? 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:37pm 
hello dev, there is a mod I love to play but your mod overwrite it, here is the link: is there any way to compatible
kroun  [author] 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:28am 
@N a n a c h i
You shouldn't need to use anything other than default UI to see them, though some shapes are locked behind large enough galaxy sizes.
Officer-Flint 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:25am 
What ui do you use to see all the variety>?
ELLIOTTCABLE on Discord 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:40pm 
When you have a second, maybe mention in the description whether this prevents achievements/ironman? <3
tony_sm 28 Dec, 2024 @ 3:01am 
It works perfectly with Gigastructures and everything else in my crazy set :)

@kroun thanks for posting Galaxy Pack on your page, and especially all of your work!!!!! :)
CaNaDiaN TWiN 27 Dec, 2024 @ 3:34pm 
Gigastructure generates a center of the Galaxy which could look weird on some Galaxy shapes but I don't think it would be unplayable
Pvt. Parts 27 Dec, 2024 @ 9:50am 
nigga structures
kroun  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 8:25am 
I don't see why not. Gigastructures does not change galaxy shapes as far as I know.
TheWeixKaiser 27 Dec, 2024 @ 7:56am 
does it work with gigga structures
blazeknave 25 Dec, 2024 @ 8:27pm 
Patch to use with Flogi's Galaxy Sizes here:
Target Practice 24 Dec, 2024 @ 11:30am 
Finally, a galaxy gen mod that isn't three years out of date.
TomokoZerra 23 Dec, 2024 @ 1:18pm 
Unique and interesting. Will certainly try it out in the future. If i remember too. Liked and favorited it regardless if i get to it or not. Never been fond of going outside of anything besides the default standard layout. But this time I choose something different. So after my current match if i remember i 100% will try one of the layouts this mod presents.
kroun  [author] 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
@CaNaDiaN TWiN
I'll reduce the required distance for empires for the shapes you mentioned.
If that doesn't help, I'll try to change some of the other values, such as the thickness of the outline, or the number of stars in the core of corebound, or restrict them to larger sizes of galaxies.
CaNaDiaN TWiN 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:52pm 
I’m not very familiar with Stellaris’ galaxy generation mechanics, so I can’t explain why this happens. I really like the Galaxy shapes, but the way the empires are spawning makes many of them feel difficult to enjoy playing.
CaNaDiaN TWiN 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:51pm 
Sorry for the vagueness earlier. I tested with default settings, using your Galaxy shapes:

Corebound: Few, if any, Empires spawn in the middle; most are on the edges, making it unplayable with many Empires.

Pulsar: Empires, especially Marauders and Fallen Empires, often spawn on outstretched arms at the edges but remain mostly playable.

Fragment: Empires usually spawn at fragment connection points and rarely in the interior. This issue lessens with more fragments.

Outline: Most Empires spawn in the interior of the thin galaxy, often blocking others. It feels unplayable.

Other shapes either don’t have these issues or aren’t significantly impacted. I like the Corebound concept, but it generates in a way that feels unplayable.
kroun  [author] 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
Thanks, definitely means a lot to me.
Just don't put too much weight on the icons in the screenshots, their shapes might be more of a product of my nonexistent drawing skills than the actual shape of the galaxy it represents.
As for fragmented, that was actually one of the first I got to work. For many of the others, there indeed was a lot of trial and error.
Some older mods also added some insights into how the different values controlled the shape of the galaxy (Though I never copied any values.), as well as ideas for which shapes could be possible.
The hardest was definitely Archipelago, which is a shape I have never seen in any other mod. Took quite a while to get that one right.
kroun  [author] 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
@CaNaDiaN TWiN
Which shapes generates with empires mostly at the edges, and what size? I don't have enough time to playtest my mods beyond the most basic of testing to check if it doesn't crash the game, so any information on this would be very helpful. The shapes might have the wrong numbers for minimum distance between empires.
Styr 23 Dec, 2024 @ 11:33am 
Amazing job at manipulating the settings, this looks like you've put in some real work doing trial and error with the galaxy_shapes.txt file. Without even downloading the mod I can see some galaxies make clever use of num_stars_core_perc and core_radius_perc (amongst other modifiers) to produce unique shapes, although I am very curious how you managed to make fragmented work so I will definitely be downloading this when I get home!

Idea: Make slightly altered versions of already existing types, but with a twist. Like a barred spiral that also has tailward connections to the other half, or making the 2/3/4/6 spiral galaxies have as few as possible connections between each spiral, preferably none. Or an elliptical that has stars in the core or an elliptical with a super tiny core size, you get the idea. These should be quite easy for someone with your skills.

:steamhappy: :steamthis: :steamthumbsup:
CaNaDiaN TWiN 23 Dec, 2024 @ 5:44am 
Very cool Galaxys, it seems to have some weird generation and Empires almost always spawn on the very edge of the galaxies usually blocking each other off, some galaxies like Corebound Seems almost exclusively to spawn Empires on the very edge of the Galaxy
Tal'Raziid 23 Dec, 2024 @ 5:33am 
@kroun gotcha, thanks! That still works for me,p neat
Rui_MS 23 Dec, 2024 @ 3:27am 
sakamoto 23 Dec, 2024 @ 2:26am 
Amazing mod I have hoped for a long time. Thanks for uploading!
kroun  [author] 22 Dec, 2024 @ 11:18pm 
Unfortunately not. The game always tries to connect all stars to one hyperlane network, which results in a single, usually very long hyperlane between the fragments.
Tal'Raziid 22 Dec, 2024 @ 4:36pm 
are the Fragmented and Archipelago sections fully separated (not including wormholes and gates)?
Ravioli 22 Dec, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
Finally, Walmart galaxy.
Mice 21 Dec, 2024 @ 10:02pm 
your mods are great, thank you !
Anton Rabe 21 Dec, 2024 @ 5:39am 
Hydra gonna give all for stellaris
MaxiundMicky 21 Dec, 2024 @ 5:36am 
He does it again