Victoria 3
Prevent Subject Civil Wars
Komentarzy: 43
SchpaiceMarine 3 lutego o 4:16 
Thank you for this mod, I really like it!
It was a real pain before, having to put down the 30th farmer-uprising in Croatia (among other states...)
mewpet3  [autor] 24 listopada 2024 o 8:11 
@Ghaross. How so? I did a playthrough as Britain with it to test it and seemed to work. Only civil war I got in my subjects was the East India Company one but I assume that is scripted to always happen. Though I suppose it is possible I just got super lucky.
Okabig 22 listopada 2024 o 13:18 
Well all I know is when I played the US yesterday I had a constant mexican uprising problem that never resulted in a civil war that never went away plus a few rebellions that I had to put down and today on a new playthrough as the US I have had 0 rebellions to speak of outside the american civil war because I did not want to wait that one out. Either way I doubt anyone will mind not having to put down rebellions in your own territory just because you conquered the land.
mewpet3  [autor] 22 listopada 2024 o 12:38 
@Okabig I think it is just much easier to keep your people happy now. Nothing I did should affect your own country unless I am missing something somehow.
Okabig 22 listopada 2024 o 11:03 
Well your changes worked but it appears to have not only stopped subject culture based civil wars but the ones in my own nation as well. Either that or I am somehow keeping everyone happy this run despite changing nothing.
mewpet3  [autor] 22 listopada 2024 o 6:24 
Mod updated
Should now work properly on 1.8.

Radicalism and civil wars work slightly different now but this should work if I understand the new system correctly.
mewpet3  [autor] 21 listopada 2024 o 22:06 
@Okabig I'm not sure. I've not played the new update yet, so I haven't seen the changes they've made to civil wars. Will play soon and see if this still works completely.
Okabig 21 listopada 2024 o 19:39 
Seems like with the new update there is a new form of a subject civil war that appears to be culture based. Will this mod be updated to fix that?
茶锈 26 sierpnia 2024 o 23:18 
im wrong lel. And umm I think AI should be prohibited from taking effect on the affiliated countries played by players.
mewpet3  [autor] 1 sierpnia 2024 o 18:34 
@FG_Remastered I thought about doing that after 1.7 and tried it to see what it would look like.
It didn't end up being as convenient as having it as a diplomatic action as overlord actions don't appear in the diplomatic lens.

As it is now you can use it in the diplo lens to quickly apply it to all vassals and see which ones have it and which ones don't at a glance which wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Really they should put the overlord actions into their own tab on the diplo lens rather than just being accessible through the subjects menu or by right clicking the subjects.
FG_Remastered 1 sierpnia 2024 o 16:35 
Suggestion: Move the interaction into the "Overlord Actions" group, since that's what it is.
mewpet3  [autor] 29 lipca 2024 o 11:58 
Small update and fix
- Made it so if you set "AI will use" to false you can now apply the action to the vassals of your vassals as they won't do it themselves in this case.
- Buffed the suppression on secession if enabled in game rules as it would still very rarely happen, still technically can but far less likely now.
- Fixed a bug where the AI wouldn't use it.
Kipsta 28 lipca 2024 o 13:35 
If you want a new idea for a good game rule: When two countries are at 0 - 0 war score and one side is occupied and additionaly falls into a revolution/civil war make them lose the war. To describe the reason why I want this. I was fighting France for a long time, they had two million casualties and I occupied half of France, but since I didn't have their colony our score was 0-0. Then french capitalists rose up, reset my frontline (lol), my armies teleported back around the world, they quickly won the war and proceeded to invade my uncovered country. :laughing_yeti: Shit like this is why the game deserves every negative review it gets.
Kipsta 28 lipca 2024 o 13:19 
I was looking for this after my experiences with my recent game. I play with high AI aggression, so much of the world is owned by GPs which is great, but holy moly the amount of civil war spam in countries that are basically NOT independant. It doesn't even make sense. :angry_seagull:

It's time to put an end to the endless civil war spam.
MarshallSK 26 lipca 2024 o 17:39 
ill see but played today without this one on and no crashes \0/
mewpet3  [autor] 26 lipca 2024 o 9:05 
@MarshallSK ah ignore my previous message then, I was typing it when you sent that new one.
I'm not sure how this mod could do that. It doesn't touch those tabs and I use this mod pretty much every time I play and I've never encountered that issue.
Only thing I can think of is maybe something went wrong with your download/installation, which in that case you may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling the mod.
mewpet3  [autor] 26 lipca 2024 o 8:57 
@MarshallSK Seems unlikely this mod has anything to do with that. This mod only touches the diplomatic actions and game rules which don't impact either of those tabs.
Do you have any other mods on?
MarshallSK 26 lipca 2024 o 8:56 
hi i can now confirm this mod is the issue for my game crashing over and over, i tested all mods 1 by 1 and with this one off game runs fine. please see if you can resolve it. game crashes even if i play only your mod
MarshallSK 26 lipca 2024 o 7:14 
something is crashing my game when ever i am in reaserch or political tabs
MasterOfGrey 21 lipca 2024 o 17:32 
Awesome, thank you! (And good to know! ^_^)
mewpet3  [autor] 21 lipca 2024 o 17:29 
@MasterOfGrey Sure go ahead. I actually use your subject interaction suite most times I play, its very useful so thanks for making it.
MasterOfGrey 21 lipca 2024 o 16:26 
Do you mind if I add a less cheaty version of this to my Subject Interaction Suite?
Kaiser AVH 13 lipca 2024 o 11:29 
thanks man!
mewpet3  [autor] 26 czerwca 2024 o 7:42 
Mod updated to 1.7.
Also added a game rule to make the diplomatic action prevent secessions and uprisings in the subject in addition to civil wars.
Drop a comment if any problems are found.
Kaiser AVH 24 kwietnia 2024 o 10:38 
@mewpet3 thanks for the answer man, i'll let you know :)
mewpet3  [autor] 17 kwietnia 2024 o 4:36 
@Kaiser AVH Yep, should be, that was what the last update I did was for. Let me know if it has any problems.
Kaiser AVH 16 kwietnia 2024 o 14:16 
is it updated for 1.6? And now if a subject get independence will lose the "pact"?
theanswerisme 9 kwietnia 2024 o 10:40 
Good idea.
mewpet3  [autor] 31 marca 2024 o 13:09 
@FG_Remastered Okay that should be fixed now.
Pact will now end if the subject becomes independent, they expel their overlord's diplomats or they go to war against their overlord.
mewpet3  [autor] 31 marca 2024 o 12:41 
@FG_Remastered Just checked and you are correct that is a problem though it is a different problem to the one I fixed earlier, guess that last update changed more than I thought. I'll work on getting a fix out for that soon, thanks for letting me know.
FG_Remastered 31 marca 2024 o 12:24 
Unless Steam messed up my download, it is not fixed. Becoming independent does not remove the pact or the modifier. (I'll test whether it's just Steam being weird again.)
mewpet3  [autor] 31 marca 2024 o 2:20 
@Lena Ballod Okay that should be fixed now :steamthumbsup:
mewpet3  [autor] 31 marca 2024 o 2:01 
@Lena Ballod Ah yes I'm seeing it, thanks for the report. Seems it broke slightly from the 1.6 update preventing the modifier from being removed when the pact is cancelled. I'll try to get it fixed later today.
Lena Ballod 31 marca 2024 o 1:49 
Bug report: cancelling this action does not remove the modifier properly, and re-applying it can results in multiple modifiers.
mewpet3  [autor] 19 marca 2024 o 20:32 
@Yay! I've not tested it in multiplayer but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work
Yay! 19 marca 2024 o 17:26 
is this available in mp?
FG_Remastered 29 lutego 2024 o 13:37 
mewpet3  [autor] 29 lutego 2024 o 7:25 
@FG_Remastered This should be fixed now. I've also added a game rule for whether you want the AI to always use it or never use it with them never using it by default which will be the case on any games that you already have going.
mewpet3  [autor] 28 lutego 2024 o 15:45 
@FG_Remastered Ah, yes I see what you mean. I'll try to have that fixed for tomorrow.
FG_Remastered 28 lutego 2024 o 14:32 
You forgot to set a rule for when the AI is allowed to use this. They keep enabling and disabling it, at least when you play as a puppet.
Average Ligurian 25 lutego 2024 o 10:19 
Soviet style
greenie009 24 lutego 2024 o 16:24 
Best! This is a never-ending frustration. Thanks for sharing the mod :)
saltisaspice 24 lutego 2024 o 13:17 
Cool thanks :crunchychick: