Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

The Dreamer
Moll Dubh 25 Jan @ 7:33pm 
Also, the boss is well balanced, even easy for a begginer party. Interesting combat mechanics, and it actually saved my expedition, since put the strees of my already aflicted dreamer to 0 after beating it, wich was actually easy enough for a level 0 team resolve. The dreamer alone quicked his ass badly.
Moll Dubh 25 Jan @ 6:48pm 
I like those nightmare bosses. More content to beat, more challange to overcome, more darkness and bodies to feed the darkest dungon.
mmmihkel 25 Jan @ 12:36pm 
What is the point of 'Sleepwalking' if it wont prevent the ambush?
Hark 11 Jan @ 1:54am 
I just gotta say this works way better than the original mod, aside from some icons i dont like, thats juts nitpicking, peak mod 10/10
Caesar 🐌🐛 25 Dec, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
I find this to be a really good mod overall. The only problem I have with it is that the Lucid transformation penalty stays between fights and can accumulate if you get a lot of consecutive encounters; ending the debuff at the end of the fight or transforming it into a DMG penalty for lucid upon changing back to Dreamer could be a better way to balance it.
乌鸦又叫了 7 Dec, 2024 @ 1:00am 
Vintage  [author] 6 Nov, 2024 @ 9:24am 

Yes it is. It’s a nightmare ambush instead of a roamer like in the original mod, and is much less game breaking.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 6 Nov, 2024 @ 8:09am 
does the boss also rebalanced? I fail multiple expedition due to fighting the boss. It's stupidly over powered.
Megasboys 29 Jul, 2024 @ 12:08am 
If anyone can make a skin of 2B for the dreamer, that would be amazing, 2B looks the same as the dreamer, I pray for someone to do it please
beaglemaster 8 Jul, 2024 @ 8:22pm 
i saw the original version and it looked amazing, but that boss made it seem unusable. Cool to see a version that fixes that
xKilroyx 2 Jun, 2024 @ 10:57pm 
This looks pretty cool subbed
Fenragon 25 May, 2024 @ 3:58am 
Fun class. I forgot about the night encounter so I was very surprised when it happened. It caused me to almost fail an apprentice dungeon with lvl 2s.
Peak Darkest Dungeon :D
Mykie004 24 May, 2024 @ 8:49am 
Cool mod ,been having a great time with the class.The self dmg from lucid i think is pretty justified a 12+ bleed stack would be too op without it. Btw is there like a list of the dreamers trinkets? I wanted to see her other trinkets since the once i've got have all been pretty cool.
Vintage  [author] 15 May, 2024 @ 8:36pm 
Huh, she's missing kill_pill? Could've sworn I added that. Death's Door doesn't need a hero specific. I'll look into adding the barks.
LA MUERTE 15 May, 2024 @ 7:52pm 
Question, will you update this mod's barks? She lacks a death's door and kill_pill (when chosen for the Heart of Darkness' sacrifice) lines.
Chimeric 6 May, 2024 @ 9:48pm 
cool class idea but as others have said lucid is on par with hellion dmg wise but you die after two fights due to the stacking debuff. I end up doing more dmg in other stance with riposte. Any plans for an optional mod that addresses the debuff?

Would be cool if maybe those same stacks in lucid can be used in dreaming to do extra stress heal with shifting slash and use them up, you know something to encourage more back and forth between the two.
Asura (Capone) 30 Apr, 2024 @ 11:28pm 
i love the concept but i think the penalty of the switch mode is excessive, If you could fix that aspect it would be great.
zecrayz 13 Apr, 2024 @ 9:39am 
It's definitely a well sprited and animated class, and just good design overall, but it's ultimately incredibly weak and just not fun to play. The penalty for switching modes is completely crippling, to the point where you just instantly kill yourself being in swapped Lucid mode for 2-3 turns, and cannot swap back into Lucid mode for 12 rounds due to the penalty. It's just poorly executed and gets in the way of actually using the class and having fun with it.
Schraxt 22 Feb, 2024 @ 4:44am 
It's a cool class, but the damage stacking is a terrible mechanic if you actually play the hero :(
Soul 18 Jan, 2024 @ 7:56pm 
Man its fun but Just 3 lucid skills in 3 different fights in a row and bam 99% dmg taken for 12 rounds,and damage every time I use one, is too much of an annoyance to work with,gonna reduce a tad(not the length of it,but at least the damage taken,and nerf lucid a tad)

On a long dungeon its really feeling ridiculous how much self damage inflicted get with the damage taken % stack so hard. Prob cause I'm on stygian too it ain't helping Ik.

Also stress on transfo but no real advantage on use like say abomination heal or anything,feel a bit heh. I get risk reward but here it doesn't feel that good to go Lucid.

I get its basically a "Don't use Lucid too much" cause it is strong,but I feel like it'd be better to balance that part a bit rather than straight up just make the player feel like not using it at all unless its like,the final 2 fights/boss room.

Just my 2 cents on it,but overall its a cool class,don't get that wrong,Also the hp steal stuff would've been cool to implement
AndyYagami 22 Dec, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
This is the most fun I've had with a modded class in a LONG while. I really love your vision for the class and am incredibly thankful you shared it with us.
LT_K4T 1 Dec, 2023 @ 3:48am 
K thnx
Vintage  [author] 30 Nov, 2023 @ 2:46pm 
Nope. Any lost trinkets (and by any I mean any except trophy, which cannot ever be lost anyway) will just be added to the shrieker pool, which eventually spawns after enough trinkets are lost.
LT_K4T 30 Nov, 2023 @ 1:52am 
Do i have to fight the flashback boss to get one of its trinkets again if i lose/sold one?
dethmcbeth 28 Nov, 2023 @ 9:52am 
Ohhh and sure enough it's mentioned on the page.... I used the "cntrl+f" command to try to mention of "stinging" or "extension" because I didn't feel like reading lol. Thanks for responding to me though.
Vintage  [author] 27 Nov, 2023 @ 3:23pm 
You have to select a hero to be targetted by the skill
dethmcbeth 27 Nov, 2023 @ 10:15am 
The nightmare boss is stuck using "stinging extension" and won't actually use the move, just stuck at a point where it's trying to. I tried closing and opening the game but it didn't fix the issue so now I'm hard locked in to an animation that isn't going off. Any chance this has an easy fix?
Vintage  [author] 21 Nov, 2023 @ 5:48am 
Yes, 17 rounds is intended. On release it was 25 rounds
Soulfire72 20 Nov, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
Testing the debuff, the first use of a Lucid form skill is +33% dmg from lucid skills (17 rounds). Is this the intended length? I feel like it's a little too long, even without the stacking the tooltip implies. Using even one Lucid skill per 2 combats will most likely keep her debuffed throughout an entire dungeon unless it's the Crimson Court Epic dungeons. I might just fiddle with the file myself though.
Asriel Goddard 14 Nov, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
Love the rework! Thank you for your work.

Do you happen to have a list of the dreamer specific trinkets this mod adds?
Soulfire72 9 Nov, 2023 @ 10:57pm 
Thanks for the info, I'll test the debuff a bit more.
As a suggestion, would it be possible to add some kind of mark synergy to her dreamer kit? I find the lucid form an excellent rank 1 damage/stun user for mark teams, but her dreamer kit doesn't benefit or contribute to marks at all. Even something small, like +5 accuracy vs marked with her Shifting Slash, and/or +Move chance vs. Marked with her Force of Will, would fix this.
Love the mod though.
Vintage  [author] 9 Nov, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
The first time the debuff is applied, you will see the duration it lasts. DD has poor round duration notation in that if a buff is stacked, only the instance with the longest duration is shown in the tooltip, even though older instances may exist. Stacking the debuff does NOT extend the duration of older instances.
Soulfire72 9 Nov, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
Is there any detailed information on the length of these debuffs? In my last quest I ended up with 10-19 round debuff which meant I could (maybe) use Lucid every 2 combat encounters, so I'm wondering if this is the intended amount for balance
Vintage  [author] 9 Nov, 2023 @ 5:09am 
Nope, you are expected to wait them out. This is an important balancing factor to prevent people from always using Lucid.
Soulfire72 9 Nov, 2023 @ 12:58am 
Is there an effective way to combat the lucid debuffs apart from Medicinal Herbs?
Grifo 2 Nov, 2023 @ 8:28am 
feels like Equinox from Warframe, pretty cool
Vintage  [author] 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:03am 
Hmm, that's odd. Could've sworn I patched that. I'll see what I can do.
Furious Canadian, Roy Gaming 31 Aug, 2023 @ 1:55am 
Moment of solace didnt crash my game even with His courage

Which if all 3 of the trinkets are as badass as thirsting blade Dreamer will become a very good combo with the rest of my modded characters
born 2 carry,4ced 2 last hit 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
Yeah. But just "His Courage" since I don't have the other trinket.
Vintage  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
were you using the dreamer's crimson court set by any chance?
born 2 carry,4ced 2 last hit 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
Had to rewind my save to a previous week. That crash needs to be investigated
Vintage  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
That is indeed intended. It's healing also scales with level, making it a bit tougher to kill than its initial HP may show.
soup 30 Aug, 2023 @ 12:49pm 
Is the nightmare boss health intended to scale so little with quest difficulty? From what I have seen, the champion version only gets 10 more health than the veteran version.
born 2 carry,4ced 2 last hit 30 Aug, 2023 @ 11:59am 
Already tried that. It crashed 3 times.
Vintage  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 11:36am 
reload the game, it should only crash once
born 2 carry,4ced 2 last hit 30 Aug, 2023 @ 11:34am 
moment of solace crashed my game in the ambush encounter. what do i do?
Furious Canadian, Roy Gaming 30 Aug, 2023 @ 7:49am 
Gotcha i dont know why my brain completely overlooked the word camping nor why i thought that it'd replace a boss as though that'd be a normal thing to do but still havent seen dream beast after camping more than a handful of times ill see about doing a Long length to see if i cant get it this time
Vintage  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 5:41am 
It doesn't replace any bosses. Rather, when you are camping you have a 50/50 chance of being ambushed by the nightmare beast (which replaces the normal camping ambush encounter). This can happen only 3 times per save file.
Furious Canadian, Roy Gaming 29 Aug, 2023 @ 8:35pm 
I was about to say i've never seen nor heard about the Nightmare beast but i also havent taken dreamers into a boss fight so thats on me
but kinda cool Does it completely replace the boss aswell or do you still need to fight the original boss
Vintage  [author] 29 Aug, 2023 @ 7:31am 
no, since the shrieker takes trinkets from dead heroes so you'll eventually get it back