Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Ultimate Marvel Champions [Scripted]
SwedeRacer  [author] 24 Feb @ 9:33am 
Hey, everyone. Small update today. I realized that there had been a change to Marvel CDB's api that broke the deck import in the new hero setup UI, so that's been fixed. I also fixed Crossbones' default encounter sets (thank you manx) and the error when loading Sp//dr's deck (thanks Unisus).
Unisus 7 Jan @ 12:18pm 
Thanks for this mod, it's great for testing my decks without pulling all the cards from the collection. And for playing with my son while he is not at home.

One thing I just found: when trying to load a deck for Sp//dr, i get the error "Hero not found for deck: 31001a". I'm not sure if this is because the card for Peni Parker is not listed on .
SwedeRacer  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 6:16am 
Thank, manx, I hadn't been aware of that. I'll get that fixed in the next update (hopefully coming within a week), and I'll read through the errata to see if there's anything else that needs changed.
manx 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
great mod, thanks for making this.

minor suggestion,

The Crossbones default modular sets should be Hydra Assault, Legions of Hydra, and Weapon Master. (Remove Hydra Patrol and replace with Hydra Assault.) The original main scheme for Crossbones is misprinted and says Hydra Patrol. You can find this change in the current rules reference.
Stark Maximum 12 Dec, 2024 @ 1:44am 
Once again, as always, I appreciate it. Your reasoning is sound (you literally only have so much space on the board for all the different sets), but I am glad to hear that there's a solution in-bound. I don't care if the current solution (spawning in cards based on ID) is a hassle, because so long as there's a way to do it, I'm happy. I remember you suggested this as a fix to someone else previously and explained how to find their IDs, so now I can do that for any card I need rather than asking you about it every time, which is a big help any time I need a specific card but physically cannot find it in the mod. Once again, it makes things so much easier and so much more flexible when I sit down to play how I want. Thanks a ton for taking my questions.
SwedeRacer  [author] 11 Dec, 2024 @ 10:48am 

Here are the IDs for Mr. Sinister's superpower sets:

Flight: 40151, 40152, 40153, 40154 (x2)
Super Strength: 40155, 40156, 40157, 40158 (x2)
Telepathy: 40159, 40160, 40161, 40162 (x2)

That's a hassle, I know, but I'll make it easier as soon as I can.
SwedeRacer  [author] 11 Dec, 2024 @ 10:48am 
Stark Maximum: Currently, I do filter out certain encounter sets from the scenario setup UI. These are ones that seem very specific to a particular scenario, like Mr. Sinister's superpowers, or Mojo's genres. I do this mainly because there are already so many encounter sets, and I'm just trying to save space. However, in the new scenario UI that I'm working on, space won't be a problem, so I will be adding those encounter sets back into the mix.

In the meantime, you can manually bring those cards into the mod using the Spawn Card feature (right-click anywhere on the table, choose "Spawn Card," and then enter the ID of the card you want. Once you've spawned all the cards you want, put them into a deck, and use the Gizmo tool to set the X and Z scales to 2.12.
Stark Maximum 10 Dec, 2024 @ 7:31pm 
Quick question about the mod: In NeXt Evolution, Mr. Sinister introduces some modular encounter sets representing superpowers (Super Strength, Flight, and Telepathy). They're generic, so they can go with any hero (some of the Weekly Challenges on FFG's Twitter uses them with other villains). I don't see them in the modular set menu, so I'm not sure if they're available to be added to an encounter. Is there a way to do that that I'm missing, or are they unavailable?
SwedeRacer  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 5:53am 
Thanks, Stark Maximum, that means a lot! I'm glad that you're enjoying the recent improvements, and I also really appreciate your feedback. Your observations have been very helpful; I'm so glad that you pointed out the performance issues you were having, because I'm sure you weren't the only one. I want using this mod to be the best experience possible for everyone, but that requires feedback from a wide range of users.

I still have a lot of ideas for improvements. Hopefully, together, we can make this the best Marvel Champions mod around!
Stark Maximum 3 Dec, 2024 @ 1:20am 
Just wanted to pop in again just to say I really appreciate this mod. I've always enjoyed it, but ever since I started actually posting on the page and pointing out things to fix, it feels like it's just gotten better and better. It's nice to know that the things people point out on will get attention pretty quickly, and you're pretty generous when the answer to the problem is "actually you messed up". I always feel pretty safe making some sort of inquiry because it'll either get on the list to be fixed or there's already a solution I didn't think about. And the game has only gotten smoother and smoother for me to play, which is great, because I love to do some solo games when I have the free time!
SwedeRacer  [author] 29 Nov, 2024 @ 4:12pm 
Huge update today!

First, I've fixed a bug I introduced that had broken several scenarios. Let me know if you run into any more problems when either setting up a scenario, or advancing the villain or main scheme.

Second, the Magneto hero set has been added to the mod! (A play mat wasn't available, so I created a crude placeholder. Hopefully, I'll be able to replace it with a better image soon.)

I've also revamped and updated the campaign system. This is still a bit rough, but I've added missing campaigns, and some cards that had been missing from other campaigns. Let me know if you find anything that I've missed.

Finally, any cards that have alternate artwork for mutants will now display that version when you select or import a mutant's deck.

Now that Magneto has finally been added, I'm going back to work on replacing the scenario setup UI to memory usage down to a manageable level.
Stark Maximum 29 Nov, 2024 @ 12:38am 
Oh, that makes sense too. I was just working off of what I remembered. I'm trying to be more forthcoming when I find bugs and errors because I'm so used to just working around them and accepting that some stuff won't work, but sharing issues with you has been so easy and efficient that now I feel more confident that if I bring up a problem here, it will be fixed. I really appreciate all your hard work updating us and keeping the mod running and hope to never put you on a time limit for a casual game I play in my free time!
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, btw, if you celebrate.
SwedeRacer  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 6:28pm 
Stark Maximum: I don't think that the Temporal encounter set was the culprit. The Dark Beast scenario is broken in the same way that the Kang scenario is. I had hoped to have these fixed yesterday, but just ran out of time. But I should have an update on Friday, with these fixes plus a few more surprises.
Stark Maximum 28 Nov, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
I noticed a similar problem with the Temporal encounter set from Once and Future Kang. The Weekly One Shot challenge involves using it with Dark Beast, and when I tried it in the mod, the "travel through time" button simply didn't work.
Local Hallway Ghost 26 Nov, 2024 @ 11:23pm 
No problem, I'm happy to bug-test! Thanks for the speedy reply!
SwedeRacer  [author] 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:31pm 
Local Hallway Ghost: Forgot the link:
SwedeRacer  [author] 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:30pm 
Local Hallway Ghost: I'm really sorry about that! It turns out that I introduced a bug that affects several scenarios. I have a fix on the way, but I won't be able to get it published until tomorrow (Wednesday).

In the meantime, you can spawn the missing cards, but it's a bit of a hassle, I'm afraid. If you right-click anywhere on the table and click "Spawn Card," you'll get a little dialogue box where you can enter a card Id to spawn. You can find card Ids for that scenario at the link below (each card's Id is the six-digit number at the end of that card page's url). The cards won't be the right size, but you can scale them up using the "Gizmo" tool. For villain cards, change the X and Z dimensions to 3.64; for schemes, use 2.93.

Again, I'm sorry for the game-spoiling bug. With so many heroes and scenarios, it's practically impossible to test the mod as thoroughly as I'd like. I'll have a fix in place as soon as possible.
Local Hallway Ghost 26 Nov, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
Hi again! Playing against Kang I found an issue, upon pressing the Time Warp button to go forward to the next stage an error message pops up, attempting to index a nil value. Kang (1) is removed but nothing new is added. I'm guessing the mod can't locate the alternate Kangs. In the wait of a fix, is there a possibility to manually add the new Kangs and their side schemes? Cheers for your work!
Stark Maximum 25 Nov, 2024 @ 12:11pm 
OHHH I didn't even look at the individual cards. I just deliberately didn't pick a deck that USED Magneto as the hero, I did not even think about people using the cards from the Magneto pack in a different hero deck. Obvious, in retrospect. Now I understand, thank you! I'll just patiently wait for those and use different decks in the meantime.
SwedeRacer  [author] 25 Nov, 2024 @ 7:32am 
Stark Maximum: The good news is that the problem definitely isn't on your end. You're doing everything right. The bad news is that the two decks that are failing to load have cards from the Magneto set, which I haven't added to the mod yet. Sometime soon, I'll implement a more informative error message when that happens.

I'm still waiting on the scans for those cards. If they aren't available by Saturday, I'll have to do my own scans so that I can get the mod up to date.

The first error you described, with the message about the deck not being shared, was most likely caused by a temporary performance issue on the MarvelCDB site. I've seen it happen before, and unfortunately, there's not much I can do about that. At some point, I'll re-implement the in-mod deck building functionality, so that we're not quite as reliant on MCDB.
Stark Maximum 24 Nov, 2024 @ 11:14pm 
These are the three I was testing. Remember, these are not mine, these are all copied from the MCDB userbase.
Of the three, the Wolverine one (Fluid Adamantium) is the only one that brought up the deck. The rest brought up the playmat and all assorted accessories and then error'd on the deck itself. However I think it's certainly very possible that I am doing something wrong.
Stark Maximum 24 Nov, 2024 @ 11:14pm 
Okay, so I did some testing. First of all, I wasn't using it to use "my decks", I was using other players' decks from MCDB by taking what I was pretty sure was the ID from their URL.
I did just now go into my profile and check "share your decks", and I decided to try using the copy feature so the deck I want to use is in my profile as a copy and use that instead.
That worked a little better. All three of the decks I tested did bring up the playmat and the character card, however for some reason only one of them actually brought up the deck. The other two gave me another "nil value" error. That said, this is certainly a better way to do it.
SwedeRacer  [author] 24 Nov, 2024 @ 8:35pm 
Stark Maximum: First, let's make sure that your MarvelCDB profile is set up correctly. Go to this page, and make sure that "Share your decks" is checked:

If that doesn't fix your issue, please give me the url to one of your decks so I can troubleshoot.
Stark Maximum 24 Nov, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
That said, I am having another issue now. It's about importing decks from MarvelCDB. From what I've found out, the ID I have to copy is the number in the URL. That's been working fine, but now I'm having some issues both with New Cerebro (under the Suit Up button) and Old Cerebro (on the side of the board). With New Cerebro, it's simply telling me "Deck [Number] is not shared", despite it being a public deck (and I have unchecked the "Private" box). When I use Old Cerebro, sometimes it will work, but sometimes it spits out this red error:

Error in Script (Cerebro - c7ece0) function <call/createDeck>:
chunk_4:(1004, 12-32): attempt to index a nil value
Error in Script (Global) function <call/spawnDeck>:
chunk_4:(84,2-39): attempt to index a nil value

I've gotten this error with a couple different decks, and they seem to be consistent errors. I do not know if this is something on my end, or the mod's end.
Stark Maximum 24 Nov, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
"When you draw cards by placing your pointer over a card or deck and typing a number, the cards will now be dealt to the color of the playmat's position, rather than to the player who typed the number. This means that if you are playing multiple heroes, you don't need to keep switching between seats to draw cards."

Oh my god, it's like you watched me playing and fixed a problem specifically for me. How blessed of you!
SwedeRacer  [author] 24 Nov, 2024 @ 2:15pm 
Glad to hear it, Tyranox! Let me know if you run into any issues.
Tyranox 24 Nov, 2024 @ 1:11pm 
Thank you for all your work . Im excited about todays update.
SwedeRacer  [author] 23 Nov, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
Today's update may not be a big deal to a lot of people, but I have a feeling that people who tend to play multi-handed will really like it.

When you draw cards by placing your pointer over a card or deck and typing a number, the cards will now be dealt to the color of the playmat's position, rather than to the player who typed the number. This means that if you are playing multiple heroes, you don't need to keep switching between seats to draw cards. You don't even need to take a seat at all. I've also automated refreshing the deck and drawing an encounter card when you cycle your deck this way as well.

Note that this only applies to cards that are on a playmat. Cards elsewhere on the table will still be drawn into the hand of the player's color.

(I also increased the size of the threat counters on side schemes.)
Darkichigo 23 Nov, 2024 @ 10:33am 
ow sorry didn't see the button :'D thanks!
SwedeRacer  [author] 21 Nov, 2024 @ 7:29am 
@Darkichigo: I'm in the process of removing the hero and scenario selection buttons because they require a lot of memory, and it's causing the mod to run poorly on some people's computers. To select a hero, use the "Suit Up!" button on the near edge of the table. You can import a deck, select a hero's starter deck, or even get a randomly-selected hero this way.

I put a note card in the middle of the table to alert people of these changes. When you start up a game, check that card for any important changes, and then you can delete it.
Darkichigo 21 Nov, 2024 @ 7:15am 
hey, just wanted to play but the hero selection is gone?! cannot select any hero
Local Hallway Ghost 19 Nov, 2024 @ 11:34pm 
You are fantastic man! Cheers again for all the hard work and dedication!
SwedeRacer  [author] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
Another small update today. I've removed the linked cards for Specialized Training from the back of the table. All linked cards are now spawned dynamically with your deck. If you import a deck using the old Cerebro, the cards will just be added to your deck, and a message will be displayed to let you know they're there. If you use the new hero UI, the cards will be moved to the lower-right of the playmat after the deck is spawned.
SwedeRacer  [author] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 11:42am 
@Local Hallway Ghost: I'm glad you like the new hero UI! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

The issue with the Android Efficiency cards is definitely not on your end. I'm not sure how that fix was undone, but I've re-fixed it, so the cards should have the right backs now.
Local Hallway Ghost 19 Nov, 2024 @ 6:28am 
The new hero UI is great! I personally love the return of the random hero button :D
I have run into an old issue that was fixed but seems to have returned, at least for me.
Playing against my most frustrating enemy ever, Ultron, his Android Efficiency cards are once again double-sided for me! Would love to know if this is just an issue on my end! Also a huge thank you for updating and upgrading this mod!
SwedeRacer  [author] 18 Nov, 2024 @ 1:27pm 
A fairly minor update today. I didn't get any bug reports about the new hero setup UI, so I've removed the old hero selector buttons. This reduced the mode's memory usage by almost half a gigabyte!

I'm just waiting on card scans for the new Magneto pack, but I should have that out by the end of the week. And then I'll set to work on finishing the memory reduction project by replacing the scenario and modular set selector buttons with a more efficient UI.
SwedeRacer  [author] 14 Nov, 2024 @ 10:08am 
Thank you, ericet!
ericet 13 Nov, 2024 @ 8:41pm 
best mod!
SwedeRacer  [author] 9 Nov, 2024 @ 4:06pm 
We have a major update today!

As I mentioned recently, this mod is a memory hog, and doesn't run well on computers that don't have a lot of RAM. This is due to the setup buttons on the right side of the table. I'm working to replace them with a less memory-intensive solution.

First, the hero buttons. Clicking on the new "Suit Up!" buttons will display a new UI, which will allow you to import a deck, select a hero and use their starter deck, or get a random hero. The import feature will place your play mat as well, so this new interface really streamlines the process of setting up your hero.

I've left the old hero buttons for now, in case someone runs into a problem with the new interface that they can't work around. Let me know if you have any problems or questions. Once we've shaken out any bugs in the new UI, I'll remove the hero buttons, which should reduce memory usage a fair amount. Then I'll get to work on a new interface to set up the scenario.
SwedeRacer  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 7:21am 
@Stark Maximum: Thanks for the update! I'm glad there's been an improvement.

I do have a plan for how to replace the current setup UI with a more elegant solution. This will probably be a phased approach, with two or three releases, but each one should come with a reduction in memory usage.

I'll have to learn some new skills to pull this off, so it may be a couple of weeks before the first update, especially with Magneto being released in a few days. But I'll get it done as soon as I can.
Stark Maximum 29 Oct, 2024 @ 11:35pm 
Would just like to update you that I ran a test game with the new update, and I managed to get through an entire game smoothly! Had some super minor hitches but nothing game-ending like previously. I hope your continued work on the mod makes it even smoother and even more memory-saving!

I lost, in case you're curious. I sort of neglected the main scheme, and then Juggernaut and Mystique jumped me at once while three different side schemes spawned and I just couldn't handle it. That said I was just playing with basic starter decks and my team wasn't as balanced as I'd like so I'll get 'em next time.
SwedeRacer  [author] 29 Oct, 2024 @ 1:41pm 
A new update today!

Five more scenarios have been fully scripted: Absorbing Man, Mutagen Formula, Risky Business, Taskmaster, and Wrecking Crew. (I'd thought these would be some simple ones I could knock out real quick, but the two Green Goblin scenarios required some fairly complicated logic to discard cards from the encounter deck, and do something when certain cards are found; but now that I have a good solution for that kind of thing, the next scenario that needs that will be a breeze.)

It was also brought to my attention (thanks Stark Maximum!) that this mod is a memory hog. If you have 8GB of RAM, it'll run really poorly. (I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bit rough with 16GB.) This update includes a minor tweak that shaves off about .8GB of memory use, and that could make a significant difference on a low-RAM machine. But there's still more that can be done, and that will be my priority for the next release.

As always, let me know if you run into any problems!
Stark Maximum 27 Oct, 2024 @ 2:59pm 
Hey, that's really encouraging to hear! I'm actually relieved that it's not just me doing something wrong, as it usually is. I'm really glad it all seems to be working out and I look forward to trying it out with the forthcoming update. And maybe someday in the future I can upgrade my PC to have a little more RAM myself, now that I think about it I think that would help solve some other issues I've been having!
SwedeRacer  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 11:44am 
@Stark Maximum: Thanks to the info you provided, I've figured out what's going on.

I loaded up the Marvel United mod, and saw that it's consuming a lot less memory than this mod, even though it's fairly complex. I have 32GB of RAM, so I never really noticed what a memory hog this mod is.

It looks like it's due to all the setup buttons that are created when the mod loads. If I prevent those from being created, I'm using about the same amount of memory as the MU mod. I did figure out one small tweak that reduced memory usage by about .8GB, but it's still pretty bloated, and I'll figure out a more efficient way to display the setup options.

My next update, which should be published in the next day or so, will include this little tweak, and that could potentially make a big difference for you. But then my next priority will be to really bring the memory usage down, so that Champions can run as smoothly as Marvel United on machines that don't have a ton of RAM.
Stark Maximum 26 Oct, 2024 @ 8:19pm 
Maybe it's not a problem with this mod and is a problem with TTS itself? Can being subscribed to a lot of mods affect your memory usage? Do I need to go through and unsubscribe from a lot of the mods I'm not regularly playing? I often have Firefox running while I have Champions active, and Firefox seems like it can take up a significant portion of my memory as well, so maybe it's related to that in some way. There's got to be a solution, because this is a wonderful mod for a great game and I'd really like to play it more often but it feels like such a hassle to get it running, and I need to figure out what the cause is.
Stark Maximum 26 Oct, 2024 @ 8:19pm 
I ran Task Manager while running TTS and I've noticed it skyrockets my memory usage, especially when I open up this mod; it goes up to using 2.5-3 gigs of RAM in a moment, and the power usage column becomes "Very high". It'll start taking up almost half of my RAM allotment. Similarly large mods can hit 2 gigs, but I just feel like this mod in particular sends it into the stratosphere. I've never had my computer run as poorly as it does when I have Champions running (or, in some cases, trying to run).
Stark Maximum 26 Oct, 2024 @ 8:19pm 
Hello, sorry, I hadn't noticed you responded because I forgot to subscribe to the thread. Thanks so much for the suggestions.

It looks like my PC has 8 gigs of RAM, if I'm looking in the right place.
I'm usually either playing with two heroes or a full team of four. I play solo most often. I do, in fact, have Nightcrawler available.
Most other mods work fine, in fact I've finished multiple games of Marvel United but usually halfway through a Marvel Champions game, TTS crashes.
SwedeRacer  [author] 17 Oct, 2024 @ 7:41am 
@Stark Maximum: Also, this is a long shot, but you're not using an old save file, are you? Is Nightcrawler available to play for you?
SwedeRacer  [author] 17 Oct, 2024 @ 5:14am 
@Stark Maximum: Hmm. When I first started working on this mod, the file size was nearly 60MB, and we've been able to get it down to only a couple of MB. It *shouldn't* be putting a ton of strain on your computer, compared to other mods. A few questions:

Do you know how much memory you have?
How many heroes are you playing with, and are you playing solo or with other players?
Can you give me the name of another mod that works well?
Stark Maximum 16 Oct, 2024 @ 11:56pm 
Hi, when I run this game it's one of the only TTS mods that makes my computer run really bad, the game is sluggish to run at times, and oftentimes while I'm playing it just crashes TTS. I imagine it's struggling because of the sheer number of cards this mod has access to. Is there anything I can do to solve this issue? it doesn't seem to happen with other, smaller games.