Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

More CitizenUnits 1.1.3
501 件のコメント
BillPaxtonInAliens 7月5日 12時58分 

drop the seagulls mod and get Hide it! (its all in one) has alot of things you can hide!.
algernon  [作成者] 7月5日 7時19分 
@Tsukimatsu | 暁松 I can't speak for RealTime 2.0; you'll need to ask its maintainer if they've added compatibility for this mod (it's not something I can do from this end).
Tsukimatsu | 暁松 7月4日 12時43分 
@algernon ty , but i think its collide with realtime 2.0 mod because in realtime have simulation citizen to
algernon  [作成者] 7月3日 23時53分 
@Tsukimatsu | 暁松 81 Tiles 2, this mod, and More Vehicles all work fine together.
Tsukimatsu | 暁松 7月3日 13時08分 
this work with realtime mod? idk this because more vehicle crash with 81 tiles or this mod because fire station or school always closed
1942ertan 6月29日 1時29分 
Is there any mod to hide citizen like hide seaguls mod?
algernon  [作成者] 5月9日 16時21分 
@scania It sounds as though you're just flat out of CitizenUnits generally, even with the expanded limit. Try using the cleanup options of this mod, and make sure that you're not subscribed to any 'cheat' assets.
scania 5月9日 10時02分 
i always get 0/0 residents in every building. do you know how i can fix that?
Fan 3月13日 21時28分 
Can more citizen instances be added
Qing 3月5日 10時55分 
Is it possible to increase the maximum limits for nodes and segments as well? really need it
Marfario 2月15日 6時08分 
ya descubri el problema , el mod funciona bien, era un asset personalizado que me entraba en conflicto con el mod por lo visto , me rompio la partida , quitando el asset se soluciono el problema , gracias ;)
algernon  [作成者] 2月14日 17時06分 
@Marfario You will need to provide your output log .
Marfario 2月13日 13時34分 
problemas de carga infinita por este mod de un dia para otro sin mas, deshabilito mod y funciona
la carga como siempre , alguien mas ? solucion para no perder progeso guardado?
algernon  [作成者] 2月8日 13時50分 
@kunred No, that's not what I mean.
kunred 2月6日 21時41分 
No. I tried making one, and almost worked out how to do it. I don't believe anybody else ever got as far as I did.
This is what you said. You mean you have figured out how to achieve it。:steamhappy:
TheKillerChicken 2月6日 14時50分 
I see. I guess I will just play CS:II then.
algernon  [作成者] 2月6日 14時23分 
@TheKillerChicken Not to the max 32-bit integer limit, no. You'd need to rewrite the entire game.
algernon  [作成者] 2月6日 14時22分 
@kunred Unknown, possibly never.
TheKillerChicken 2月6日 4時09分 
Since CS:I is at the end of service life, will there, or is there any possiblities to increase the limits to the max 32-bit integer in the mid to distant future? If not possible, I understand that totally and will just keep playing CS:II.
kunred 2月5日 5時06分 

When will the MOD for adding citizen instances be available?
ZombieSlayer 2月4日 10時15分 
I hope it get dont sometime, or maybe on CS2
kunred 1月25日 1時46分 
It would be great if it could be done. I look forward to that day and worship my great god @Algernon
algernon  [作成者] 1月21日 4時26分 
@kunred No. I tried making one, and almost worked out how to do it. I don't believe anybody else ever got as far as I did.
kunred 1月20日 16時45分 

When my city reaches a population of 500000, there are hardly any people visible on the map. Is there a MOD that can increase the citizen instances?
Cheng 1月15日 0時02分 
I just checked again and activated the mod and it works now.Thank you so much!!
algernon  [作成者] 1月14日 22時31分 
@Cheng Also, just to make sure - you have definitely activated the mod's option to expand the CitizenUnit limit in the options panel?
algernon  [作成者] 1月14日 22時30分 
@Cheng You need to post your output log on a temporary filesharing website, like or, and then put the link here.
Cheng 1月14日 19時11分 
Here's my screenshot of Watch it. I tried to put the output log here, but it was failed. How should I upload my output logs to you? I also applied to add you as a friend.Please accept it, thank you.
algernon  [作成者] 1月14日 14時13分 
@Cheng There is no mod to double the citizen limit, so I think you might be misreading the screen (or Watch It is buggy). Can you share your output log and a screenshot of your Wach It screen?
Cheng 1月14日 8時54分 
I checked the limits for watch it , but it only shows that the citizen limit has been doubled. The CitizenUnits remain at 524,288. I also tried turning off the FPS Boosters font manager, but unfortunately it didn't work. How can I solve this problem?
algernon  [作成者] 1月13日 22時18分 
@Dyplorus The mod is still working properly. I have no idea what is going on for you as you haven't provided an output log, therefore I can't see what's happening on your system or what other mods you are using, and nor have you outlined exactly why you think the default limit still applies.
Dyplorus 1月13日 20時39分 
I seem to be checking the little box that says to double the citizenunit limit. I check the CSL Show More Limits counter and I see that the maximum limit was indeed doubled, but the default limit of 500k still seems to apply. I still had to demolish parks just to free up space. Is the mod working properly? And if not, any idea what I'm not doing correctly to get the mod to work properly?
algernon  [作成者] 2023年11月27日 2時10分 
@KONGV0 No; the population hard limit is just over 1 million. At that point the game is well and truly breaking down and you've hit multiple other limits, so there's no point in expanding it further.
KONGV0 2023年11月27日 1時01分 
@algernon Do u know how to double the limitation of population? I'm about to build a city with 5M population (hope my computer can be fine)
StayHungryStayFoolish 2023年7月8日 11時42分 
@AusCatDad use Realistic Population mod
AusCatDad 2023年7月8日 6時22分 
@StayHungryStayFoolish Well it appears to be breaking my current city, no one is moving in,I can't get past 130k pop no matter how much I zone (and yes, there is res demand) and the budget is all over the place because the growth is limited. I have read that this 'graphical entertainment' will eventually cause problems with a save game, I just don't get why at 130k it would be doing it. I don't know if it's a mod combination that's causing this but never had this problem before.
StayHungryStayFoolish 2023年7月5日 1時21分 
@AusCatDad you do not need more citizen instances which is just a graphical entertainment eating FPS and ruining your processor. 65k citizen instances are enough. CS2 will have unlimited citizen instances.
AusCatDad 2023年7月5日 0時11分 
Hi there, is there any plan to add a higher citizen instance figure to this mod? I have a city currently which is only 130k however I am reaching the 65k limit. I feel the city is bugged somehow because of this as I am very aware 130k isn't at all that large in the scheme of things.
algernon  [作成者] 2023年6月18日 1時12分 
@melliott476 Have you set the appropriate option in the mod's options panel?
melliott476 2023年6月18日 0時16分 
Hi, It seems this mod is not working on my game. Limit is still the 500k limit. Any advice?
algernon  [作成者] 2023年6月14日 16時49分 
@kieronng129 There's no point, as the other game mechanisms can't properly support 1M, let alone more.
kieronng129 2023年6月14日 8時56分 
ohh is there a possibility a mod like this can just be 2M citizens instead of 1.04M?
algernon  [作成者] 2023年6月10日 14時52分 
@404notfound The mod increases the Citizen Unit limit. Either the mod is not active, or you haven't set the option to increase the limit.
404notfound 2023年6月10日 14時03分 
Object Type [#maxsize] | [#defaultLimit]: #In Use []
Citizens [1048576] | [1048575]: 393011
Citizen Units [524288] | [524287]: 524286
Citizen Instances [65536] | [65535]: 59281
The citizen unit limit is not lifted, but citizens limit is. I thought the mod is for uplifting the unit limit.
buda atum 2023年5月28日 10時58分 
@ultrabuizel10, Yes I had that problem, but I do not think it has anything to do with this mod. My population dropped thrice from 800k+ to sub 400k while I was trying to gauge the impact of not Filling the Houses. Filled the Houses at last decline and have now recovered.
t4w1m 2023年5月25日 20時07分 
Was just wondering if anyone else has come across this issue. I had a city at the default CU cap, so I downloaded and enabled this mod. It fixed it for some new development but not all, so I then reset the citizen units. However, my previous city of 650 000 is now stuck at around 220 000, and people are only moving back in with new development, leading the older parts (with services and high property values still) empty and with a high number of empty offices
algernon  [作成者] 2023年5月24日 18時56分 
Updated to version 1.1.3:
- Include hotels when rebuilding CitizenUnit arrays
- Update AlgernonCommons
- Update bundled CitiesHarmony
algernon  [作成者] 2023年5月24日 18時52分 
@neilpearson I'm about to push a minor update to this mod; if you still get that error after updating this mod, please post your output log for me to look at.
neilpearson 2023年5月24日 17時26分 
@StayHungryStayFoolish I don't have FPS Booster
StayHungryStayFoolish 2023年5月24日 16時57分 
@neilpearson make sure that you switch on and off the font manager of FPS Booster + check again the list content manager, there should be a mod, which is blocking your successful loading.