Pavlov VR

Pavlov VR

Dunder Mifflin (New version on
Left4pillz  [author] 1 Nov, 2024 @ 7:33pm 
This was the first map I worked on for Pavlov back in 2021, so felt like the appropriate place to say this is likely the last time i'll be updating my Pavlov maps.

Cheers for all the support over the years from everyone playing them with us, and everyone who donated too. It was a lot of fun working on them and getting to play them with you guys, i'm glad people were able to have fun with what I worked on.

Will still be running events in other fun VR games though for anyone wanting to join us, you can join my Discord linked above, we usually run events on Saturday nights.

Thanks guys, hope to see you in other games going forward. Pavlov was a blast to play and work on maps for, and i'm glad to have met a lot of you. Thanks to Vankrupt for making such a memorable game, and especially Mottflyer for making the best mode IMO, Prophunt.

Also as a sort of mini gift for everything this community has done for me, i've made the skin changers in all my maps free for everyone, have fun!
Left4pillz  [author] 23 Feb, 2023 @ 6:08am 
@Egg the pinned discussion page above should have the song credits at the bottom, might be slightly out of date but think most of them are there at least
Egg. 23 Feb, 2023 @ 12:44am 
Is there a list for that rap that plays on the radio?
ZARROS 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:57am 
@Left4pillz: Thank you man! I'll check that.
Left4pillz  [author] 5 Feb, 2023 @ 5:55am 
Hey Zarros you can put this into your Player Proxy's event graph and it'll let you set a specific skin for a list of players:

When you paste that into your player proxy, just right click the pink "List of IDs" and hit Create Variable, and it'll create a list where you can add all the Steam IDs, like say your own and your mates if you wanted it that way.

For any more info, like if you don't know how custom player proxyies work or something like that, the Pavlov discord has some useful info via searching and the wiki pages linked there, plus can always ask for basic Pavlov related stuff to help out, little easier to post stuff there than here too.
ZARROS 5 Feb, 2023 @ 2:26am 
Hi! I really enjoy your map! I love the craziness of it! And i love crazy maps in general.

How did you managed to give a player a specific skin, which sticks to player? Can you tell me the secret? I'd love to have that in my maps too. I send you a friend request, if its ok. Thank you!
Magick 7 Feb, 2022 @ 5:38am 
Threat Level Midnight
Cosmic 28 Jan, 2022 @ 9:53am 
Left4pillz  [author] 27 Jan, 2022 @ 5:57pm 
@cosmicooper11 Here's all the songs in this map:

Among Us Drip Theme

Hotel Delfino Theme


Subway Harry

Kelpy G

The Office Theme

Ending - Mario 3 (Siivagunner)

Jeffery Bezos (Bo Burnham)
Cosmic 27 Jan, 2022 @ 3:58pm 
whats the music?
Left4pillz  [author] 25 Jan, 2022 @ 8:23pm 
Cheers lad, and yeah that's still a work in progress eventually plan on having some previews for each skin, then hopefully remove the mirror as it'll help increase performance.
Too Many Hounds 25 Jan, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
This is my top3 best maps for OitC for more than 5 people... its superb... especially the dressing room <3
Left4pillz  [author] 21 Jan, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
Cheers Iron, glad you lads enjoy it :steamthumbsup:
Zach 20 Jan, 2022 @ 6:17pm 
This map is hosted 24/7 on the "IronSkittles" dedicated server, if anyone wants to drop by. Great work again, Pillz. This map is a huge hit.
Left4pillz  [author] 10 Dec, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
This version is made for Prophunt, hence why there's so much stuff around to confuse the hunting team lol. There's a couple other versions of Dunder Mifflin out there that are more serious though if that's the kinda map you're looking for
Left4pillz  [author] 5 Nov, 2021 @ 1:31pm 
Should hopefully be back in beta next week from what i've heard. As soon as it's fixed and back out in beta, i'll be posting an event in the official Pavlov Discord, and we'll be playing various prophunt maps once it's confirmed working including this one.

And cheers glad you like it, it supports every gamemode in Pavlov too until prophunt comes back.
M4G1X 5 Nov, 2021 @ 1:24pm 
would you know when the prop hunt is going to be reenabled? btw its a very good map :)
Left4pillz  [author] 4 Nov, 2021 @ 7:51am 
@M4G1X What do you mean by get it to start? If you mean Prophunt or Push, they've both been removed from the game unfortunately, but will eventually be coming back.

If you mean just starting in any other Pavlov gamemode, just start a PVP lobby online and select the map from the selection screen.
M4G1X 3 Nov, 2021 @ 1:33pm 
could i know how to get it to start?
Left4pillz  [author] 29 Sep, 2021 @ 9:05am 
Yeah even though this map was originally made just for Prophunt, i've added support for every other gamemode too.

That includes all 3 of the upcoming gamemodes that aren't currently in the game, but will be back soon in beta (Prophunt, Hidden, and Push).
Knekbrod 29 Sep, 2021 @ 8:14am 
could i still play gamemodes like gun game then?:0
Left4pillz  [author] 28 Sep, 2021 @ 3:16pm 
Cheers lad, hopefully the mode it was originally made for (Prophunt) will be back soon
Knekbrod 28 Sep, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
currently my favourite map:):EvilBabyMS:
sillynoodle720 (Silver II) 6 Sep, 2021 @ 3:15pm 
I keep dying of laughter just thinking about the chair placement throughout the map. 10/10
TehGuard 6 Sep, 2021 @ 9:27am 
I could not find the PH mode in the beta branch. I saw hidden but not PH