Portal 2

Portal 2

History Of Aperture #Part 5
drive car  [author] 27 May, 2015 @ 12:18pm 
This map was a huge fuck up, i had previously created a far better map however it had a bug which stopped it from working, after being unable to fix the bug i had to create a new map from scratch, this map was greatly delayed and by the time of it's release this series lost its following.
Petutski 27 May, 2015 @ 12:15pm 
Very tricky! I finally figured out how to momentum jump to the upper pedestal button which opens the exit. Previously I had arranged the laser beam to bounce around and turn off the fizzler. But correct me if I am wrong, it seemed like all that was unnecessary once the exit was open.
Slordar 1 Nov, 2013 @ 4:37pm